20 Compliance Tests For Picking Up Girls

Compliance tests are how you know if a girl likes you
When you break it down to its simplest form, pickup is really just telling girls what to do—and if they’re down—they go with it. You can even use it to keep your girlfriend happy.
What is compliance? Basically, it’s the act or fact of complying with a wish or command. It is when your woman worships you, and will do anything to keep you happy.
Compliance tests are great for gauging attraction levels. Will she jump into your bed and suck your weenie if she won’t even give you a hug? Will she come to your house for a drink if she won’t even tell you her name? Maybe, but doubtful.
In this sense, compliance tests are a useful, un-intrusive way of gauging where you’re at romantically, in a less obvious way than just asking directly… which is lazy game.
Making Mistakes is Okay
But most guys are too timid, worried of making a critical error and having to face that they might not be good enough. That if they’re rejected, they’ll be ousted from the tribe and have to fend for themselves against the beasts of the wild.
We haven’t evolved a whole lot.
Most men really suck with compliance. They hover around women, going blah, blah, blah, trying to talk themselves attractive, when if they’d just make a move and ask for something, they’d likely pull her. Women respond to assertiveness—but to be assertive risks rejection.
Not all of these gambits mean she’s super into you and ready to be pulled. Especially not if you just approach her. They’re not magic tricks. But knowing how to pass the time with a girl you like is a skill, and it’s better to have a game like thumb wars in your pocket than just standing around like a dolt because you “don’t know what to say.”
“But how to I use compliance with girls Tony!?”
Great question imaginary literary persona.
Let me teach you 20 ways you can use compliance to pickup girls.
1. “Come here.”
This is a simple request. You ask a girl to, “Come here”.
You might add something, like a reason: “Come here so I can see that nipple piercing.”
There’s a million reasons you could ask a girl to “Come here” and countless ways to say it. You could be overtly polite, like a real gentleman: “Hello. I’m having a hard time hearing you. Would you mind moving a little closer?” Or you could be a boss man, and order her like Scorpion in Mortal Combat: “Get over here!”
If a girl isn’t willing to walk a few feet closer, chances are she’s not attracted enough, or she doesn’t trust you. So it’s an obvious compliance test to just ask her to move a little bit closer.
2. On your lap
Ask her to sit on your lap. Do it with a little pat on your leg, or lead her by the hand, and pull her down onto it. You usually won’t need to say anything, but you could be corny and say “Sit here and tell Santa what you want for Christmas.” Personally I prefer the hand pull combined with the leg pat.
Note, she has to already be very comfortable being close to you.
If she’s willing to sit on your lap, you have a high level of compliance. If she refuses, don’t make a big deal. Act like it never happened.
3. High five
If you’re in a bar, or a mall, and looking for a basic opener there’s little better than a high five. It gives value, it’s silly, it involves touch, and compliance. If she’s not even willing to give you a playful high five, don’t count on getting to know her on a more intimate level; not without some trust and comfort building.
You can gauge her comfort by how long she leaves her hand lingering in yours. So don’t wind up and power slap the poor girl. Passive is better here. Just raise your hand, and let her slap your hand. If she’s more into you, she’ll just lightly press her hand into yours.
4. Thumb wars
1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war. Now bow, and battle.
Bonus points if you make fun of her tiny (or huge) thumbs.
Should you let her win? Or what if she’s amazing at thumb wars and just kicks your ass? Personally I’m not going to let a girl defeat me. But if she does, I’ll pretend I let her.
5. Spin
Take her hand, and ask her to spin.
I’m always surprised by how terribly most men do this, dragging her hand into her face, or just being awkwardly unable to communicate what exactly they want her to do. It takes a little practice.
You don’t need to be in a club to spin a girl. They seem to love spinning as much as we love to spin them. Maybe it’s in our genetic code; eat, drink, sleep, spin.
6. Hip Check
Usually the hip check is best for parties, but can be used any time. It’s a silly way to get compliance. Just tap your hip with your hand, put your arms over your head and gesture with your hips.
If she’s into you at all she’ll give you a hip bump.
7. Massage
A massage doesn’t have to be erotic.
It’s only Westerners who are super uncomfortable about touching strangers. In Asia it’s not uncommon to get a massage from your barber, or someone you just met. If a girl is willing to let you give her a massage, or even better, willing to give you one, it’s a great sign of compliance.
To initiate a massage just bring the subject up. “You look tense. I give great massages. Here, let me help you.” If she’s not into it, she’ll tell you.
Of course, you have to risk coming off as creepy. But no risk, no reward.
Massages in the bedroom are one step away from sex. If you can get her half naked and accepting of your aromatic oils, you’re pretty much in there.
8. Palm read
Palm reads are really just an excuse to hold hands, rub fingers, and cold read (make perceptive guesses about her personality). It’s flirtation, so don’t act like you’re Rasputin.
Google “how to palm read” for basics. But I swear, it’s like chick crack. Notice how all of her palm-lines tell you she’s going to fall hard for a guy just like you. She’s also going to die a lonely cat lady if she doesn’t take romantic risks, like… today.
9. “Google that for me.”
If you can get a girl to, “Google that,” for you, then you’ve got compliance. Examples? Where’s the nearest McDonalds? What was Abraham Lincolns dick size? How many midgets were extras in The Wizard of Oz?
If she’ll take the time to Google things for you, then there’s hope. Or you’ll just seem to cheap to use your data.
10. The Yes Ladder
The yes ladder is a sales technique.
You string together a series of questions, statements, or requests in which she says “Yes.” It puts her into a mindset of saying “Yes” to other things, like going for a drink, or calling you Daddy while you pound her doggy style.
“Don’t you just love good chocolate?”
“Do you like to travel? I had great chocolate in Denmark.”
“Yes, I love travel.”
“Sit a little closer so I can here you.”
(She moves closer)
11. Height check
Say, “Hey, how tall are you?” Then press your back against hers. Hopefully you’re taller than her.
If you’re a short guy don’t act insecure about it. I’ve dated plenty of women who were taller than me.
12. Hand size check
She might have tiny baby hands. Use this as an excuse to hold her hand. It’s a rather intimate maneuver. If you have tiny hands, look into her eyes and say “It’s true,” then shed a single tear.
13. Hug
Throw open your arms and have her come to you. I prefer that to the “lean in and grab” technique. Because if she comes to you, then it’s compliance, rather than hug rape.
Hugging can be a bit lame. It’s not really that masculine. Use sparingly. It’s better when the girl initiates it.
14. Point-n-Pull
This one takes balls. It relies heavily on body language. A girl walks by you in the bar. You point at her, and hold your hand palm up in a “come hither” motion. If she places her hand in your palm, you pull. Now you have a girl pressed up against you. Good times.
15. “What are you listening to?”
She’s listening to music on her phone. You ask what she’s listening to, and get her to put her earbuds, or headphones onto your head. Then you bang your noggin and go “This is good!” Even if you hate it.
16. “Listen to this.”
You’re listening to something amazing on your Spotify. You take your headphones and force your music into her head.
17. Jewellery
Say, “Cool necklace.” Project that you’d like to touch it by reaching out slowly. She should lean it to allow you to touch her. She’ll say it was her dead Grandmothers, or she got it at HnM.
But use it as an excuse to lightly touch her neck, her fingers, her ears, etc.
18. Window shopping
You stop a girl on the street with a compliment, or some indirect comment. Now take her window shopping. Say, “Hey, do you like these shoes?” If she follows you around the street to window shop, it’s a great sign of compliance. Next go for the instant date.
19. Instant Date
You just met a girl on the street or in a bar. You take her from the place you met her, to somewhere new, in order to get to know each other. That’s an instant date. You could go for coffee, or a slice of cake, or a walk in the park, or the couches in the back of the bar.
It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as you share an experience and build rapport with each other.
20. Move 5 feet
Move a girl you just met 5 feet in any direction. It doesn’t matter if you say “Hey, let’s move over here,” or if you just walk somewhere else and beckon her to follow. What you’re looking for is to see if she comes with you, or finds an excuse to bail. If she’ll move five feet, maybe she’ll move all the way to your place.
A Compliance Test For You
There you go… twenty compliance tests. That should keep you busy with the next girl you’re stoked on.
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