Try a Little Harder–Be a Little Needy
She may have a boyfriend.
She may have several.
She may not want a boyfriend, and you’re too nice.
She probably has a dirty bedroom.
She may be a virgin.
She may be a lesbian.
She may not like you……………
She may want you to try…just a little bit harder.
Instead of saying, “Ok…later then.” Try saying, “Hey, come for pizza.” If she say’s “no thanks,” say, “I’ll pay!”
Why do you chase? You shouldn’t chase should you? You chase because YOU PROBABLY WON”T EVER SEE HER AGAIN.
That is reason enough to try a little harder–to be just a little needy. Women expect you to be just the slightest bit available. It’s ok to try hard.
Needy is not a bad word when you understand your self worth. Do you know your self worth—at least in the eyes of women? If not. You don’t have enough experience.