Thailand Trip Update

I’m still in Thailand. The trip was a great success, coaching and holiday wise.
My student, the 21 year old with crippling social anxiety, who’s only sexual experience was a drunken hookup with an obese Pakistani girl, has in the one week following my coaching gone on to sleep with four women, and now has a girlfriend. What a success story he is. I’m planning to do an interview with him in the near future.
I literally had to physically push him until he bumped into girls, and forced him out of embarrassment to say “Hi.” He didn’t get that women on vacation are almost 100% of the time open to meeting strangers. It was one of the most frustrating and difficult coaching assignments of my career. I’ve never had a guy with worse social anxiety, who made such great progress.
I’ve had a few romantic trysts myself ;).
One of the reasons I love vacation spots is the traveller’s mind. Everyone is friendly and open to meeting new people. I don’t think one day has gone by that I haven’t spent with a beautiful woman. If you have even a base level of confidence and can open, you can at least spend the day swimming with Euro babe, or having dinner and drinks with a pack of them.
Personally I’m just not into Thai girls. I wish I was, because I’d move here.
The problem with tourists is they never stick around for more than two days. So you’re either wasting a day building rapport with someone you’ll never see again except on Instagram, or you’re getting drunk until 4 am and trying to pull to your hostel…and then never seeing them again.
Sure, this is primarily a blog about “picking up” girls, but personally I’m not a big fan of one night stands. I don’t like going out all night, investing hours trying to get some girl into bed so that she can hop on a bus to her elephant trek in the morning. But that’s tourist life. It’s why most long term travellers give up on backpackers pretty early on. Plus the conversations get boring: “Where you from? How long you travel? Where you go next?”
I’m currently in one of my favourite places in the world: Pai Thailand. A cute little mountain town with some of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen. They’re everywhere. It is a tad too touristy to be actual travel, but it’s a fun place with great night life.
It’s going to be a culture shock to return to Canada again, where everyone see’s strange conversation as adversarial until you pass 27 shit tests.
***My novel is done but I’m just polishing it. It’s my first try at fiction. It’s not perfect by any means, but for my first try I’m pretty proud of it.***