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Why is My Wife Yelling at Me? 

Angry woman yelling

If you’re Googling, “Why is my wife yelling at me?” then you’re already in a bad spot with your old lady.

Most advice will be blue pill, mainstream slop, telling you to be a better listener, empathetic, and more present to her needs, wishes and desires. 

They’ll say she’s stressed from work, taking care of kids, financial problems, and so on. 

However, these bloggers aren’t good with women. 

Most articles are written by women, over-educated psychologists or college kids with little to no dating experience. 

While the above blogger laid out an interesting listicle that hits some of the same talking points as mine, like most mainstream relationship writers, they almost completely detour  why the vast majority of women yell at their husbands or boyfriends: 

They’ve lost respect for their man 

Is it My Fault if She’s Yelling at Me?

Woman kneeing a man in the testicles

Your woman is screaming bloody hell. It’s not a good situation and I feel for you. 

First, if your wife yells at you, this isn’t acceptable behaviour. It’s immature and disrespectful. As her friend and husband, you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. 

I’m assuming that you do the same for her and have control of your own emotions, and you aren’t instigating or fueling the fire by also yelling at her. 

I don’t know you personally, but I can only hope you’re a sane, calm, and rational man. 

A real man should always be in control of his emotions. 

Because if you’re acting as nuts as your wife, your marriage is doomed. 

The Dog Whisperer

When dog owners reach a crisis point with their pets, they call Ceasar Milan. “Please fix my broken dog,” they plead, “He pisses on the furniture, chews up our shoes, and lunges at guests.”

Like a seasoned mechanic, Ceaser diagnoses the problem. Without fail The Dog Whisperer comes to the same conclusion: It’s not the dog, it’s the human. 

Inexperienced dog owners all make this mistake: they communicate with the animal as if its human. The dog speaks dog, only knows one thing: strength. 

And when the human is weak, they feel compelled to assume dominance. So they become territorial and mark, damage and protect. Because if the human can’t take care of it, they have no choice. 

Many animals don’t want to be pack leader. But because of their human’s insecurity, lack of leadership, and weakness, they’re forced to assume the alpha role. 

And while the dog misbehaves, the owner strokes its head delivering aphorisms: “It’s okay girl. Good girl. It’s okay.” Their outpouring of empathy while well-intentioned, only reinforces the dog’s behaviour. It hears, “I act dominant, I get rewarded.” It knows no boundaries or limits. 

The dog does not respect the human; the human has no idea how to speak dog. 

Most Men Can’t Speak Woman

Most husbands have no idea how to speak to women, have no respect from their women, and so the women lash out in protest for being forced to assume the leadership role. 

Is Tony saying my wife is a dog? 

I’m saying that most men project femininity and act out their version of the ideal lover rather than being her ideal lover. 

when a husband fails numerous respect tests in the hope that his niceness will appease her temper she only becomes more enraged, fueled on by her frustration with his weakness. She feels because he cannot establish the dominant masculine role that should come naturally, she either takes that position or acts out in defiance as a sort of protest of his weakness 

Why is She Yelling at You? 

Woman turning away from husband angry

If she’s yelling at you, then you probably have a lot of questions like: 

  • What happened? 
  • What did I do to make her yell at me? 
  • Is it okay for her to yell at me? 
  • Why is she acting like this? 
  • Is she crazy, or is it my fault? 
  • What can I do to make her happy? 
  • How can I avoid future conflicts? 
  • What do I do when she yells at me? 
  • Should I yell back? 
  • Should I just take the abuse? 
  • Is it okay for her to yell at me? 

In this article, I’ll answer all of these questions and help you smooth things over with your wife. 

The Source of Her Yelling

So what is causing her yelling? It’s probably one of these two factors: 

  1. She’s crazy
  2. You’re a weak man 

Assuming you’re a rational, strong man who understands female psychology, then maybe she’s just crazy and you may be better off without her in your life. You must be willing to walk away until she improves herself. 

If she’s your wife and you have kids, this may not be an easy or desirable solution. It’s not my expertise to help you win custody battles. I just want to illuminate why she might be yelling at you. 

If you’re a weak man, then I doubt you’re even conscious of this. 

Listen To George

First, I want you to watch this excellent video by a YouTuber named George. He has some very wise words about how to prevent conflict with your woman. 

It may not be the advice you want to hear, but it’s the advice you need to hear.

You must BREAK a woman, to have a HEALTHY Relationship

Here’s the Gist of Georgie’s Video 

Basically, women hate weak men. If you’ve been acting the part of the weak man, she will misbehave, pick fights, and escalate your arguments to the verge of insanity. 

What’s the Deal with Weak Men?

Women dislike weak men because many modern men fail to meet their emotional needs, leading to disrespect and divorce. He believes a man should “break” a woman emotionally to make her truly happy. This isn’t about physical harm but creating a psychological dynamic where the man takes a strong lead.

What Do Women Really Want?

Women care more about a man’s strength, especially emotional strength, than about his appearance or wealth. They want men who can solve their problems, similar to how kids look up to their dads. The ideal man is disciplined, honest, and emotionally strong—someone who doesn’t crumble under pressure or worry about others’ opinions.

Women’s Instincts

Women have an instinct to test a man’s strength by observing how he handles himself. A woman might provoke a man to see his reaction. If he remains unflustered and holds his ground, he earns her respect.

I once tested a man who claimed to be a “high-value man” by questioning his values. When he became defensive, it showed insecurity. Women can spot insecurity, so authenticity and emotional resilience are crucial.

Why the Nice Guy Finishes Last

Man and woman forehead to forehead

“Nice guys” who comply with every demand and avoid confrontation often lose respect in relationships. Take Johnny Depp’s situation with Amber Heard as an example. His passive nature allowed her to walk all over him. A man needs to stand his ground, even if it means walking away.

To maintain a healthy relationship, a man must assert his authority and set boundaries from the start. The ability to walk away keeps a woman on her toes and ensures she respects her partner.

WHMW = Women Hate Weak Men 

Like George says, women don’t respect weak men. WHWM.

If a woman’s man shows weakness she will test him by acting out and disrespecting him. If the man doesn’t assert his masculine dominance, the outbursts escalate. 

This is because women need their men to be strong. That doesn’t mean muscular, or loud. But to have a strong sense of purpose, authority, and masculinity polarity. 

Because the common, average man is clueless about female psychology, he’ll try to appease his woman by complying with her increasingly petty and illogical demands, which only makes things worse, until finally, she’s crapping on his bed or physically assaulting him as seen in the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case. 

So when your woman is yelling at you, the answer isn’t to give in to her demands (if she even has any) or to yell back at her, but instead to set boundaries and be willing to enforce them. 

That means being willing to kick her out of your life and mean it. 

When It’s Her Fault

If you’re a strong, masculine man, and a good, loyal husband, the outbursts may be completely out of your hands. 

This insanity could be caused by: 

The Ego 

The ego is that little voice in your head that speaks to you. It is the judge, the critic and the cynic. 

The voice sounds like: “How dare he!” “I couldn’t! “I can’t believe he said/did that!” “I would never!”

People with ego control issues have a lack of self-awareness. The solution is to help her learn about the ego, its function, its purpose, and strategies to recognize and control it in stressful situations. 

The best book on ego I’ve found is “A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.” Buy this book and leave it lying around the house. 

Or even better, let her see you reading it (you should read it) and go “Hmmm” “Wow!” “I never knew that!” “Oh that explains it.” Hopefully, this will compel her to read it as well. 


If she’s experiencing high levels of stress she may lash out at others to vent her frustrations. 

Maybe it’s work, family, lack of proper sleep. Maybe it’s something else completely that has nothing to do with you. 

Perhaps a vacation (for her, not you) might help ease her stress. 

Ideally, this book will lead her to an awakening, and bring consciousness to how she’s behaving. 

Low Self Esteem 

When I was in my twenties my girlfriend was very beautiful, but also had really low self-esteem. 

Sometimes she would point at pretty girls and ask, “Don’t you think she’s pretty?” If I said, “Yes,” then she’d scream, “Prettier than me!?” 

I was young and not a strong masculine man, so rather than leaving her, or setting my boundaries, I would just appease her, “No baby, you’re the most beautiful girl ever!” Which would only enrage her even further. 

What she really wanted was for me to tell her to shut up and fuck her silly. 

A woman with low self-esteem needs to work on her body positivity and sense of self-worth. She may have body dysmorphia or some other ego-based self-image issue that needs addressing. 

A good therapist or life coach can help too. 


Many people fall in and out of depression, and as her husband, this may not have anything directly to do with you. 

Depression usually creeps up unrecognized until it manifests in certain behaviours, like her yelling. If so, then she needs to overcome her depression, either through therapy, a great life coach, or her own efforts (self-help books, courses, and seminars.) 

If she’s depressed, have her watch this video on how I overcame depression from my travel channel. It reveals my entire philosophy and story of how I overcame mine, and remain an incredibly happy and satisfied man. 

And if you’re depressed it may be the cause of her tantrums, ie, being a weak man. 

Drug and Alcohol Abuse 

I have a likeable cousin who is one of those not rare enough breeds who when drunk, transforms like Jekyl into an arrogant, annoying, and unlikeable person. 

For some people the drunk isn’t the problem, but the hangover. If she’s feeling sick from the side effects of booze, elicit or even prescription drugs, it could be causing her to release low-dopamine rage in the form of yelling… at you, poor bastard. 

Solution: Alcoholics Anonymous. 

History of Domestic Abuse 

She may have been abused either verbally, emotionally, physically, or sexually as a child, or adult.

This trauma may linger and could trigger her outbursts. 

Options: Therapy, life coaching, a mystic healer, a lifetime addiction to personal development and self-help. 

Too Much Time Together 

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. 

If you spend too much time together you’re guaranteed to get annoyed. 

Most couples spend way too much time together when you should spend more time apart. 

Give her the gift of missing you. 

Negotiate When You’re Both Calm 

Black woman happily in her man's arms

When it comes to settling a spat with your wife, follow these two rules first: 

  1. Never negotiate when either of you are very angry. Step away and calm down first. 
  2. Don’t argue or negotiate over text messages. 

When you’re angry your adrenaline is pumping and your ego is chirping away like a parrot on crack. 

Say calmly:, “I just need time to think about what you said.” This makes her feel heard (even if you think she’s crazy or wrong, just be chill) and gives you some time to devise a better strategy for diffusing her hysteria. 

And don’t bother arguing over text. The good old ego will misinterpret everything and only make arguments worse. Just say, “I can’t text right now. Let’s talk about this when I’m at home with you.” 

Arguments are Negotiation

Couples argue when someone has a want or need that they feel isn’t being met. 

They may want you to think or have the same opinions as them. They may want you to take out the trash. They may want you to get a better job. 

When your woman feels like she’s not being heard, her emotions kick in. Because humans are wired with mirror neurons, this will cause you to feel attacked. 

Negotiations will never be successful when both parties are raging balls of emotion and ego. 


Man and woman kissing outside daytime city

Women Speak With Emotions. 

Sometimes women don’t know why they’re angry, or why they’re yelling. All they know is they “feel” something has gone horribly wrong. 

Men are naturally more stoic, logical, and farsighted. 

That doesn’t mean men aren’t capable of emotions, and women are not capable of logic and rationality. But you should take the time to learn the language of women, which is the language of emotion, passion, and the present moment. 

Maybe you’ve been a weak man and lost respect in her eyes. 

It could be that she’s gone insane and needs therapy. 

You may need to leave her.

But sometimes all she needs is some love, attention, and a strong dicking.

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