Keep Your Girlfriend Happy – A How To Guide

So you went out for 947 nights straight and you finally got a girlfriend. Now what? How do you keep your girlfriend happy so she doesn’t run off and bang the mailman?
Be On Your Purpose
When women talk to me about their boyfriend issues, it’s always the same: “He doesn’t have any ambition.”
I hear stories of men who work at jobs they hate, and then come home for another six hour bout of Minecraft and beers. Then they get up in the morning, and do the same thing over again. They have no ambition, no plan, and no purpose.
Women want to be with men who are ambitious. They know what they want, and where they’re going. They have a plan to improve their lives.
They want to know that if they pair with you, that their life will improve. You don’t need to be a successful entrepreneur, or a touring rockstar, but do you have potential? Do you get up every day to work on something that will make both of your lives better? Are you an inspiration to those around you?
Show her that you have ideas, and you take action towards your goals. This will keep your girlfriend happy.
Keep Your Word
When your girl goes off to work in the morning and notices the garbage is overflowing, and you say “I’ll take care of that,” and you don’t, she will lose attraction for you.
When you say you’re going to look for a new job, and you don’t, she loses respect for you.
When you tell her you’re going to write a novel, and a year later you haven’t even opened your word processor, you’re disappointing her.
If you say you’re going to do something, and then you do it, she’ll be happy. Keep your word.
Allow For Space
Does this situation sound familiar?
You get a new, amazing girlfriend. She’s so wonderful that you want to spend all of your time together. You sleep at each other’s place, you spend your days and nights together. You’re almost never apart. Then, things change. She becomes moody. You stop getting boners when she walks by in her underwear. You notice the way she chews her food annoys you. Now it’s almost as if you’re alone, even though you’re together.
An old cliche says “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
Make yourself periodically unavailable. Have interests, friends and hobbies that aren’t tied to your girlfriend. Make her wonder where you are, who you’re with, and what you’re up to. This will give her more appreciation for the time you spend together. Don’t give her everything. Keep something for yourself, and let her dig to find it.
Have Great Sex
If you know how to give your girlfriend window shattering orgasms, you can guarantee she’ll be a happy girl. Most men learn about sex from porn, or they rush through the process without communication, or understanding. Or they pump silently, in three different positions then fall asleep. Learn how to not suck at sex, and you’ll keep your girlfriend happy.
Have A Relationship Contract
No, not a written contract, like “Blowjobs on Wednesdays, Hamburgers on Fridays.”
Women become insecure when they don’t know how to keep their man happy. They’re going to wonder if they’re doing a good job as a girlfriend or not. It’s like when you start a new job, and the boss gives you a guideline: Show up on time, do xyz, and not this other thing, and you’ll keep your job.
For example, I have a few simple rules:
- Don’t be late to our date. And if you are late, text or call to tell me you’ll be late.
- Don’t be a Negative Nancy. Our time together should be positive, fun and relaxing.
- No extreme, jealous behaviour.
- Never be violent, even during heated arguments.
- Give me my space when I ask for it, without doubt, or sadness, or neediness. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you, I just need my space to work and regain social energy so when I’m with you, I’m 100% with you.
- No cheating (unless it’s an open relationship with it’s own, separate contract).
Within that contract, a girl will know how to keep you happy. This makes her feel more secure in the relationship. As long as she doesn’t break the rules, it’s all good.
Of course don’t lay out “rules” in a speech. Let them develop organically through multiple conversations, or instances. She will have her own requests that you both have to agree upon.
Have a good relationship contract and it will keep your girlfriend happy.
Always Be Positive
Your girlfriend is not your mother. Don’t treat her like one. Had a bad day at work? Suffering from depression? Tell your therapist, not your girlfriend.
It’s okay to show a little vulnerability… sometimes. But don’t make it a habit.
Keep your time together as a positive experience, and you’ll keep your girlfriend happy.
Be Active
Girls are far more social in general than men. As much as we’d love it if they just wanted to watch Netflix and Chill every day, they’ll have different ideas. They’ll want to meet your friends, to go out to parties and social events, to go hiking, or take across-yoga classes. Have an interesting life. Take her out at least once a week to do something active, and you’ll keep your girlfriend happy.
Keeping your girlfriend happy isn’t rocket science. Follow these steps and she’ll worship you like the god you are.