A Woman’s Emotions Are Like Weather

Think of a woman’s various moods like weather.
One day, it might be sunny out, and beautiful, and all of the reports are calling for more warmth. You pull out your shorts and sunglasses, grab your bike to head outside and half-way to the beach…thunder and lightning. Why didn’t you see this coming? What’s the deal?
Men have an instinctual drive towards solving problems. So when your woman goes from cheerful to dour, why then is it, when we try to solve the problem that we see as trivial, with logic, she becomes even more upset? It seems insane.
Most of the time, your girl just wants to be listened to. She wants to feel loved. Women operate on a deeper, more vibrant emotional frequency than men. Both men and women can reach each other’s frequency, the masculine and feminine polarities, but women spend more time in the feminine, emotional frequency, rather than the logic based male frequency.
Say you come home from work, and your girl suddenly becomes upset over something that you find trivial. Like, there is a dirty dish in the sink. But maybe she’s the one that left it there. Why is she getting mad at you? Is it really because you didn’t wash the dish? Logic states that the person who left the dish should wash the dish, right?
Often, a woman becomes upset over the trivial, not because she’s logically upset about anything, but that something underneath, in her deep, emotional nature, feels is not being appreciated or expressed.
The best remedy for a sudden female, emotional storm is to stand tall, and lovingly embrace her. Listen to her, agree with her emotions, “I totally understand you feel this way. I get it,” and then fuck her brains out.