What Separates Pros From Amateurs?
Many years ago I used to ghost write for an Internet seduction guru. He was a real pro. 
He ran multiple online businesses and was very successful. He drove a fancy sports car, lived in a luxury apartment, and was a very, very hard worker.
When I travelled on a coaching trip through his city, we met up for drinks, and to go meet some girls.
Since he wrote a popular seduction blog I figured he would have amazing game. So when we got to the bar, we sat around drinking cocktails, and he didn’t open any women, so I did. I brought the girls over and introduced him.
He was awkward, nervous, and just plain goofy. His vocal tonality changed to squeaky uptalk, he slouched, his eye contact sucked, he said weird things and touched the girls with cringey kino “pings.” I was shocked at how bad his game was.
After I salvaged the situation by taking over and getting the girls’ phone numbers, I took him aside.
“Hey bro. I noticed some things about your game. You mind if I critique it?”
He said “alright” and I told him what I’d noticed. He became rather embarrassed, but listened and agreed. He was very cool about it.
“I just haven’t been going out much.” He said. “I’m so busy working on my laptop, for twelve hours per day, that I rarely get out to practice game.
Practice is the Key To Success
A year later I returned. My own Internet business wasn’t doing so well. Traffic had slowed to a crawl, and I wasn’t creating the high quality content that readers wanted. I explained to him my problems.
“Look man,” he said, “Your website sucks. You don’t have proper sales funnels. You’re auto responder series is amateur, and you’re not even marketing on Youtube. You’re basically an Internet marketing newbie.”
It was true. All of it. I may be a pretty amazing writer, and have sick game, but I sure suck with anything technical.
I really respect that guy, not only for being honest. I was this hotshot International dating coach, and he called me a newbie. He was this super financially successful Internet dating advice entrepreneur, and I told him him his game sucked.
Neither of us were butthurt by the opinion. In fact, we both knew that we were right.
Why is his marketing so much better than mine? Simple:
Because he put in ten times more hours into his craft.
Why was my game so much better than his? Because I put in ten times more hours into approaching women.
Hours Spent = Success
Or at least competence.
I’m assuming you’re an intelligent person. You’re smart enough to seek out knowledge, to read blogs, to watch Youtube videos, and hopefully apply what you’ve learned.
But it’s time to step up, isn’t it?
How many hours do you spend on your craft?
If you spend two hours a day on your craft, then it’s a hobby.
If you spend four hours per day, it’s your job.
If you spend ten or more hours per day, it’s your career.
You don’t need to make seduction a career. And you might not be an Internet marketer. But what I’ve learned from successful people, from reading about their lives, and speaking with them is this:
Successful people are willing to put more hours into their craft than you are. That’s it.
I have guys that I coach who go out and practice their game for five hours every day. I also have guys that practice for five hours per month.
Which guy is going to be dating an abundance of beautiful women? Which guy is going to have mind blowing, amazing seduction skills? Which guy is going to have a beautiful, intelligent wife or girlfriend if he wants one?
The guy who works harder.
If you truly want to succeed at anything, spend more hours doing it.
I still suffer from procrastination, distraction, and laziness. But when it comes to pickup, there are few men who worked harder than me. And that’s why I know what I’m talking about, and men pay me thousands of dollars a weekend for advice. Because I put in thousands of hours approaching women, researching psychology, reading books, writing long, well thought out articles, books, and creating Youtube content. That’s why I’m Tony Depp.
Do you know who you are? Do you know who you want to be? Do you know where you’re going?
And are you willing to pay the price of TIME to get there?
Surround yourself with hustlers. Listen to them. Learn from them. And don’t argue, or give them excuses.
You have one shot to fulfill your dreams in this life. And it’s a short one. So make every hour count.
It’s time to go Pro.
Of course “success” is a broad and deep topic. It involves more than just the amount of hours spent on practicing, creating and executing your plan. But any way you approach it, you’re going to have to work hard. And that involves time.
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