Human Doings

When you finally make that big entrepreneurial goal…you’ll feel real good…
For a few days, or weeks.
When you finally score that hottie, you’ll feel amazing…
For awhile.

You’ll make those gains in the gym, rock the tightest gig, visit the most mesmerizing waterfalls in romantic, foreign countries, achieve great fame and admiration and attention.
You might even marry the greatest lover and pump out those adorable little bastards, and everything you think is good and true will finally happen.
And it will pass like a movie scene, into memory. Like the view from a car window.
You will ask, what’s next?
When will I finally find “it?”
You never will
Because you are “it.” This is “it.”
The things you “do” are you.
You do things, and then you die.
Doing might be jerking off to manga, or skiing, or eating, or travelling the world, or fighting crime, or committing it.
Doing can even be nothing at all.
You can do things out of anger, fury, sadness, horniness, jealousy and despair.
Humans love doing, even if you’re doing war. We love war, because there’s so much to do. It leaves little time to ask questions like “what should I be doing?”
But eventually we tire of that too. And now that it’s so very safe, there’s nothing “to do.”
So we drink, sniff drugs, and dance. We stare into the Internet and become outraged and petty propaganda articles.
Until we tire of all this too.
If we’re wise, we realize…it’s just a series of games we play. Roles and experiences.
Some play it well. Some choose not to play. Some try and fail miserably. Some try again, and again. And some quit.
Nobody really succeeds. They either finish the game, or they don’t. Then they search for a new game to play.
We are designed to do things. To build, create, serve… or even slave. It’s in our dna. If we do any one thing for too long, we bore of it.
We’re human “doings.”
You can be a human “being,” which would mean sitting for years, meditating with the gods. But even the monks have jobs. They water gardens, clean garbage cans, feed the cats, read books, go on field trips.
Once you realize there is no final destination, and you will never, ever be satisfied, you’ll understand…this. All this.
Of course , you mean we will never be satisfied continuously ( last sentence ). We can get some brief satisfaction in life.
We were designed to do things , yes. But that’s not all we were designed for.
There is no war now , so there’s nothing to do ( after work , unless we’re rich ). One reason ‘doings’ are in our DNA is because doing evolves us. We , including other life forms like plants and animals , were designed to evolve. Evolve forward , to become more advanced. As fish evolved into amphibians , evolved into reptiles , evolved into mammals. What’s left for human evolving , Tony ?
I agree do or die !!!