Dinosaurs Do Not Exist

When I was seventeen years old, me and ten of my friends saw a group of flying objects which we could only call UFOs.
I was walking to a party after work when one of my pals pointed up and said, “What’s that?” The four of us gazed up at these strange glowing orbs. They floated above our city for over an hour, darting back and forth, hovering silently and moving in ways I could only describe as anti-gravitational. When we returned to my friends house, another group excitedly announced they had also seen the strange glowing lights, but they saw up to fifteen of them, while we had only witnessed three objects. This event sparked within me a lifelong interest in the paranormal.
So what were they? Balloons? Drones? Since I was an avid fan of all things aviation, I knew they were neither.
The truth is to this day, I say they were unidentified. So over the years from time to time, I read about these things. And many are hoaxes, and many are mysteries. But for some reason the idea that we are not alone in the universe, and that there may be beings of greater intellect, with greater knowledge and power than us, is very inspirational to me. It means I am not chained to a limit. If there are beings greater than myself, then there’s no reason I couldn’t fly…metaphorically.
So why bring up UFOs? Most of my friends are skeptics and I don’t blame them.
The idea of aliens watching us from above is terrifying and ridiculous. I get that. And whenever I bring forth the idea that these things, “might,” exist, I’m usually ridiculed, mocked and teased. My friends fear I might start wearing tinfoil hats, or going to seances perhaps. Honestly, I’m not that weird, I’m just the sort of guy who when seeing a possibility, chooses to explore, rather than dismiss it.
I was reading this article that a so-called journalist wrote about attending a free dating for men seminar. The hack was biased, closed minded and dismissive from the beginning. He even stated that he had no intention of actually using his real name, out of embarrassment. This bozo picks out the pieces that make the coach sound like a fool, and then mocks the men in attendance, and calls it journalism.
This is one of the reason I loathe doing interviews for mainstream press.
Because for most of mainstream society, the idea that normal, healthy men might want to improve their dating lives by taking pro-active action, is akin to someone saying they believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial life. To them, it’s just not possible. More likely, they are too afraid to face their own mediocrity. So they label it sexist, and any man who would follow these charlatans a fool.
When I first read about seduction, it absolutely fascinated me, the same way bigfoot did, magic, UFOs, the 9-11 incident, the Titanic, and so forth. I’ve never dismissed anything without doing a little bit of research, so I went straight into researching this pua scene. I told my close friends about it and most of them said the same things that the mainstream journalist say:
It’s a scam
They’re lying
It’s misogynistic
It’s manipulative
You’re fine the way you are
It doesn’t work
It’s all for losers
It’s weird
And look at me now. I travel the world, teach dating for thousand of dollars a weekend, date beautiful women and have plenty of free time to explore my hobbies. While according to Facebook, many of my old friends are struggling, without purpose, single or married to, you know, marriage isn’t for me. Who am I to judge?
The people who we take for truth tellers today, the politicians, scientists, journalists and scholars, are not far off from the people who burned philosophers at the stake, not more than a few hundred years ago.
Great and noble men have been persecuted for merely mentioning that a commonly held belief, “might,” not be true. This is most notable in those who went against the dogma of religion. Socrates was forced to drink poison hemlock for advocating logic over religious zealotry. These murderers are people who said with full conviction:
The earth is flat
Man will never fly
The sun circles the earth
The world is on the back of a giant turtle
Smoking is good for your throat
Think about Dinosaurs. If you were living around the 1920’s, the time when thanks to the proliferation of radio and newsprint, and you read a story that ancient, giant, flesh eating lizards once roamed the world, battling plant eaters for supremacy—you would be labeled a fool. You would shamed, met with guffaws, mockery, and disbelief. It took another fifty years for Dinosaurs to become mainstream truth, because the majority of the planet works on social proof. For something to be true, it must be crammed down their throats by their leaders, the media, and their peers. People fear and hate what they don’t understand.
When someone tells me that, “That pickup stuff only works on insecure girls,” or, “There’s no way they could have faked the moon landing,” the same, “skeptic,” instinct arrises in me, that has arisen in them. The difference in my scepticism is for the wisdom and intellectual capability of that person.
When someone challenges me about my career, or mocks the seductive arts I just say, “Why don’t you come to my bootcamp before coming to a conclusion?”
“Oh no,” they say. “I’m fine the way I am. I don’t want to waste my time.”
When I mention something I’m interested in exploring, like a ufo sighting, I’m usually mocked, so I say, “Why don’t you spend two days on youtube, watch a couple of documentaries, and then discuss your conclusions?”
“Oh no,” they say. “I don’t want to waste my time on that rubbish.”
Indeed, this is intellectual laziness.
I’m not saying that anyone should need to believe in aliens, or Christianity, or Dinosaurs, but that one should look at all information with an open mind, do the research, and the field work, before coming to some lazy, fearful, apathetic, closed-minded resolution.
And for those of you wishing to share your interests with others, realize that if they are not mainstream, highly social-proofed interests, you will be shamed, mocked, ridiculed and persecuted.
And how do you deal with this? You laugh it off and do not force your ideologies on others. Follow your path, and seek out others who share your interests.
One of the old friends I mentioned called me once. He was one of the guys who mocked my interest in seduction. He was broke, lonely and bored. “Tony,” he said. “I know I used to tease you about that pickup stuff. But you seem so much happier now. I thought, maybe I could learn something from you?”
So I invited him to come out with me.
He never did. I guess he was too busy.
You are exactly correct Tony. Good insight. They put Martin Luthor King in jail ( before they assassinated him ). They crucified Jesus. They ( our fellow Canadians ) called Tommy Douglas a dangerous Communist. They followed Hitler. The list goes on ..
Good work bro.
Ps: have you checked out Paul Hellyer ( Canadian Defence Minister ) , what he has to say about ufos ?
For sure dude. Nailed it.
The willingness to learn, to be curious, to be open minded, to experiment and to try new things for yourself instead of blindly following the herd mentality without regard for the opinion of others is the path of the true self-reliant man.
Conventional wisdom is usually right on many things because it’s based on the trials, errors and experiences of many people over time, but there are also many things where the truth is unclear, unknowable or plain wrong.
A really smart, interesting and charismatic astrophysicist is Neil Degrasse Tyson. Check out his videos on youtube if you like stuff about space exploration and other cutting edge topics of science.
I love NDT!