Does Pua Coaching Work?

I make my living selling coaching programs: Small group bootcamps, private training and mentorships. I also make some monopoly money selling my books. I have a great job where I get to help guys meet girls and get laid. I call myself a dating coach, but let’s get real…I teach men how to pick up women.
I’m in contact with many of my past clients, and not one of them hasn’t pulled a girl from either daygame, night game or social circle. Many of them have girlfriends who they approached and attracted with their skills. One guy was a 26 year old virgin who one year after the bootcamp picked up his first and current girlfriend…from a subway station. It took him a year, but he told me that if it wasn’t for coaching, he would still be a virgin. Sniff. I’m so proud.
Yes. Coaching works. But the success of coaching is completely determinant on the students emotional health, ambition, bravery, work ethic, malleability and patience. You need to be a good student. You aren’t just learning how to walk up to women, you’re learning how to become more attractive in general.
What does a coach do? Here’s an example: I’m currently in San Diego on a mentorship program. I’m living in the city and spending one month working with one student. On day one I set up camp at his apartment and it was a mess.
“How are you supposed to make a girl comfortable in this pigsty?” I asked. So we hired a maid and did a reset.
His clothing was ill fitting, unfashionable and out of date. I took him shopping and changed his style and grooming.
After addressing these lifestyle issues, we went to several malls and I taught him how to properly execute direct, day game openers. He was nervous and it showed. But I know from experience that if you practice often enough, the nervousness evaporate. I then worked on his body language and vocal tonality.
At night we go to bars and I teach him how to approach group sets, to be more physical, to have more energy, and stay in set instead of ejecting every time he runs out of things to say. I also do demonstrations (fun times.)
During the day we work on verbal game, philosophy, and study pickup videos. I also make him read good books, and expand his knowledge of popular culture.
We also work on developing a social circle and use cold approach as a means of eradicating nervousness. Since women are humans, and not sperm receptacles, we try to befriend them as well as seduce.
If it wasn’t for marketing purposes I wouldn’t even use the term Pickup Artist. It would be more like Attraction Artist, or Confidence Artist, or Love Artist. What I find amazing about this whole process is how my students grow as men, beyond what they ever imagined possible, and how the social skills they learn spill over and improve every aspect of their lives from sex, to family, to society, health and career.
Now of course, not all coaches are good at what they do. I am very, very good at what I do. And that’s why four years later I’m still self-employed. Every month I receive emails from men telling me they want to be dating coaches and asking for tips. The truth is, this is not an easy job, just like learning seduction is not easy. Most men will quit before they reach their goal. Having a good coach to hold you accountable can mean the difference between giving up or moving forward, up the hill towards your victory.
Yes, this is a form of advertisement. If you’re considering coaching wherever you are, from Berlin to Miami, Vancouver and Malaysia, contact me for coaching options. Email me with the headline, “Travel enquiry.” At the time of this post, my Mentorship is $4k. Considering some bootcamps run $2000-$3ooo for a group setting, it’s quite a deal. I also have group bootcamps for $1500 a weekend should I find two students for the coaching slot.
And for those of you who can’t afford a coach, join your local pua group. They are usually called, “Lairs,” and are very helpful for meeting other men looking for companionship in their quest for glory. So Google, “Vancouver Lair, Los Angeles Lair,” and so forth.