Video. Confessions of a Dating Coach
There will be moments where life is grand and you roam free, like a master bull amongst cows, and all the universal forces converge to guide you on the perfect path to joy. And then there are the other days. Days of blackness. Cheap umbrella days. Fifty rejection days. I’d hurt myself if there wasn’t…
Nobody is going to do it for you. (I would fix the image size but it’s Tues night and I’m going out now. If you’re reading this blog, I know why you are here, and you should do the same.)
I’ve done a few iama’s on Reddit, been interviewed on several podcasts and websites, and have been grilled on my job by a hundred Muggles. Muggles are people who aren’t allowed in Hogwarts. You, being a reader and practictioner of the seductive arts, are proudly cruising the esteemed halls of Hogwarts. Congratulations. For the benefit…
Recently I had a girl that would repeatedly not answer my texts, leaving hours in between replies. We managed to have one date that went well. We walked, talked and kissed. After that date we set up another, and of course, like a typical young woman, she flaked. I told her that I would be…
I’ve been hanging out with a lot of girls lately. Hanging out and NOT banging them. I must admit, it’s been a challenge. As guys get older their testosterone tends to lower and spreading your dna becomes less of a priority. So I admit, my interest in cold approaching is waning, especially as I get…
Hi Guys. I’m here in Phoenix and decided to try my hand at video blogging. I decided to talk about following the laid out path and pushing your comfort zone. Enjoy.
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I missed it live but watched the recording. Did a door to door bible sales men knock on your door? That’d be tight, yo. When is your next event, I really want to fire questions at you.