
Whatever You Feel, She Feels

Whatever you feel—she feels.

This is the law of state transference.

The law works like this: All humans, but especially women, have the ability to pick up on “Vibe.”

Yes, vibration.

Have you ever seen someone who was so scared, or angry, or happy, that they physically shook? High levels of emotion actually cause your body to vibrate, your hands to fidget, your face to twitch, your eyes to widen or squint.

But on a very, very, subtle level, you do actually vibrate. Nikola Tesla even said so.

Like an audio frequency, matching frequencies harmonize. They want to. This is why musicians tune their instruments to each other—so that they can make beautiful music.

So say you approach a woman and she’s having a great day. You on the other hand, are nervous, anxious, and scared. Your vibrations will not match. Your vibe of fear and self-consciousness will overpower her chill, happy vibe, and cause her to feel fear. She will tune into your frequency.

Whatever you feel…she feels.

Musicians will always tune to the strongest player, or an agreed upon vibration. In social settings, people will tune to the strongest vibe. This is why emotion is contagious. This is why you don’t yell “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. This is why in times of emergency we look to authority, to see if they are also panicking, or if they are calm. People tend to tune to the vibration of the authority. Confidence is a harmonious, flowing vibration. Anxiety is a sharp, spiking and erratic vibration.

If you’re feeling confident, happy, relaxed, in control, and you approach a woman who is on the same frequency, you will harmonize. If she is feeling down, fearful, or anxious, and your positive vibe is stronger, she will be compelled to tune into your vibe. 

This is the law of state transference.

If you feel anxious in social situations, focus on changing your vibe. Change your thoughts by clearing them. Take deep breaths. If you must think, think happy thoughts. Be the bringer of joyful vibes and women will resonate with you.

***This blog was recently ranked #28 of the top 75 dating blogs on The Internet. I should be #1 but #28 isn’t so bad.***

***I’m in Montreal and for the month of August. Then off to Toronto. I still have coaching spots available. Contact me for a free consultation.***

***I’m onto the third draft of my new novel, “Islands.” It’s starting to read like a real book. Very excited to release it, when it’s done.***

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