The Game doesn’t care how you feel

Sometimes the best time to go out, is when you feel the worst. I’ve met great women when I had no motivation to leave my couch.
Once I met a girl when I had strep throat. She was standing in the middle of a dance floor in a winter Jacket. I said, “Why are you wearing a jacket?” When she slipped it off, low and behold, a Brazilian bombshell emerged.
After a few minutes of dancing I could tell she wanted me to kiss her. She even leaned in to initiate it. I turned my cheek and said, “We can’t, it’s too soon,” which made her laugh. She had no idea I was sick. She wouldn’t come to my place that night, but I ended up dating her for a month before she flew back home to Rio.
If you want something bad enough, a little bullshit headspace like a bad mood or a cold won’t keep you from playing your favourite game.
***I will be spending October and some of November 2013 in California between San Diego, La and Las Vegas. Contact me for coaching options.***
In college I used to go out with the boys every Thursday night, to one of the bars loaded with college babes. One of us always took turns being the designated driver.
One night we were going to go out and I had came down with a cold the day before, I decided to go out anyways and be the designated driver just so next week I would not have to drive.
I wasn’t in the greatest party mood that night and I was letting everyone have a good time and I was mostly ignoring all the chicks because I felt (and thought I looked like crap). But, out of nowhere a hottie grabbed me and danced with me on the dance floor and was super into me. I didn’t even go for a kiss either and she seemed to want me even more.
I ended up getting her number and dated her for a while. Who would have thought by being distant and not seeming interested (all because I was sick), would have attracted a hottie like that!
Just have a use that state of mind sometimes I guess