Are You a Needy Bitch with Girls?

I have this one blog post called, “Why won’t she text me back?” It’s responsible for most of my frustrations on the blog. Every day I get about two hundred men (boys) googling things like, “Girl won’t text back,” and, “Met girl, had fun, now no reply to my text.” If you look at the comments thread it is over 200 long with guys from all over the world pouring their big hearts out. “Tony! I need help! There’s this girl I met!”
I would say about 99 percent of these guys don’t even read the article. They just post a long winded question and my reply is always the same. I tell them this:
- You’re too needy
- Wait…just wait
- Read my books
- Go meet more women
That’s it. That is the answer. But they think I’m Gandalf or something.
How do you know if you’re needy?
- You Google, “Why won’t she text me back.”
- You are hung up on a female to the point you Google, “Why won’t she text me back?”
- You Google, “Why isn’t she texting me back?”
Get it?
So here’s the answer to all of your problems, again.
- Read my blog and my books
- Go out today or tonight, and practice approaching pretty women
- Collect five phone numbers a week
This is a good start.
A man with options would not Google this shit. That is why she isn’t texting you back. You have no game son. Get a life. Meet more women. Become abundant and awesome. That’s it, that is the only answer. I’m sorry.
thanks bro!
Best post Ive read in a while, so true and could not be explained more easily
You know what I like about you, Tony? You just hurt my feelings in the end when you said “A man with options would not Google this shit.” Then, right after you smacked me in the face, “You have no game son. Get a life.”
You hurt my feelings, told the truth, and opened my eyes, all in a small blog!
Thanks Tony!
Hey you’re welcome. I wrote that article what, 2 years ago? It’s like time travel.
I like this girl but she dont want relationships but would come out if I offered when she is available..she was flirty a few times wen we met but wen I tried it back with her she had a barrier I like her but lately she dosent text back much after she knows I like her what should I do.. because she sed she likes me but just as friends.. but if so then why does she act all flirty wen im with her…should I jus wait for her to contact me???
Read a book called, “The Game.”
Tony just came across your website and apparently I am a needy bitch. So this girl that I met a while ago (2 years about) has just come back in town recently, we have been connecting/texting and stuff, and I texted her tonight just something casual and funny we had talked about in person recently. Anyway she didn’t text back- whatever, I don’t care a whole lot about that, what I would like to know is I was planning on calling tomorrow to ask her out for the first time, but now I am uncertain if that is a good idea. Should I give her some time or go ahead and ask her out tomorrow anyway?
It doesn’t matter when you ask her out. Just don’t be needy about it. Go for it I’d say.
Hey thanks for the response. I can feel myself getting needy so I’m gonna take a couple days and not get in touch with her. Reading your material has really helped- you’ve got a great matter-of-fact presentation. Are you ever in the Birmingham Alabama area?
You should have stopped at matter of fact presentation…the last question was “creepy.”
Well, Tony, I googled “why isn’t she texting me back” because the girl who isn’t texting me back owes me 500 dollars.
Your article has really helped. I’m going to wait and if no reply for another week I’ll just call the police.
Thanks a lot for your advices.
Mofo said “ill just call the police” when u do see her (with the cops) make sure u set up another date
Hahaha that was awesome and we’ll layed out. Then again, we females actually read the articles lol. As one I can say without a doubt Tony right. Wait. Because when you text girl and text again and again before she even sees the first text , you appear too needy and that scares us. We need to feel wanted but a little bit of a challenge. I realize it’s a game that yes is not fun to even play until you learn some discipline. In fact the more you ignore us or don’t text the more we actually want you. Because we are either a narcissist or just low self esteem. Stay positive because as soon as you express anything negative or somewhat confrontational it’s over. There isn’t any chance in hell to returning to the fun and flirting and being seduced. Play it cool and make sure to have a life , or at least pretend you do but it’s best to have other things you’re doing and you have stuff going for you because no woman wants to or can even fulfill your whole world that goes both ways as well.
bro, you’re awesome. But its also sad that you’re so fucking right.
Rs. Really enjoyed the story and the tips but yeah. Lol ik this blog old ad but its cool like t he concept that u wrote this 4 years ago and people still reading this and like learning from it. Im only like 17. Got this 1 girls num from work. Dont wanna fuck it up cuz im known to be too direct also cuz if i do work will be awks af. After work i texted her joked around or whatever then sent 1 more text near the end of the convo i presumed like “my phones been surviving at 1% for 3 hours” cuz rs that happened it was blowing my mind all the same lol. But she aint reply and i went to sleep. Its the next day and i dont wanna send another mssg yknow what i mean. U repeatedly saying. “Just wait” is making me wanna wait but ye. How do i keep frm being too direct but also proving that im not just tryna be a work buddy… lool ye. Once again tho. I dont read blogs much but urs was pree cool. Googled that cuz i was just curious :p
Thanks you for this article, I must say I met this girl and we went to a movie had a great time, I dropped her off, her parents liked me, but she barely ever texts back so your right maybe I should just talk to other girls in the meantime
Lol I really am needy. Was with a chick for 4 years, just broke up about 3 weeks ago. Your blog makes sense. Thanks for putting this shit into perspective…. it’s funny how what one might think is a huge problem really all comes down to: just be a fuckin man. Grow some balls.
Thanks again man.
This article is hilarious and on point. I recall in my late teens and early twenties I was indeed a needy bitch. I guess just get older, more experienced and getting some deep scars helped me to toughen up. The truth is that women can act exceptionally irrational to us men and it’s incredibly frustrating to our logical minds. This leads us to needy bitchiness because we want something and can’t figure out out to get it….very frustrating indeed. The key is to be content and not “need” anything from anybody, outside love and friendship from friends and family…or at least be really good at faking it (initially). What shocked me when i was in my early twenties was how when I insulted and got pissed off at this cute girl I was trying to hook up with, all of the sudden she wanted me badly….come on really??? Are women this nuts?? They want to be treated badly?? In short pretty much yes…the reason being they can trust a man who shows all of his sides rather than a needy/manipulative “nice” guy who seems to have a hidden agenda. Women test in all kinds of ways but usually by saying something that would make a non-needy man upset, but it’s she’s trying to get a reaction from you to see what kind of guy you truly are. The real irony is when you act unaffected and indifferent when tested by a woman it drives her mad and then she all of the sudden finds you irresistible, conversely, if you fail her test and act like a needy wuss and butt-hurt, she’ll drop your ass right quick. DO NOT act like she’s your mom and you’re her little boy, its not attractive to her in the least and will turn her off, just the same as you would be turned off by an obese ugly chick that was vying for your attention. Lesson over.
Exactly. We have grown up in a single mommy culture and have turned into needy wimps. Time to correct this.
Agreed. I’m a single mother and none of the guys that have balls enough to aproach me are guys that I would be willing to date because they’re just too needy and immature. The ones that aproach me want toi much too fast; they don’t want to take time to get to know me.
Men also need to realize woman don’t like guys that get drunk and embarrass them in public by being loud and obnoxious. If you do that then it’s over. She also wants to be treated like a lady. If a man won’t open my door or expects me to give it up right away, then I don’t feel respected and won’t be seeing him again.
The sad thing is not all woman are like this; they’ve fallen prey to the games men have played over the generations, and lost all forms of self respect. They don’t set rules and expectations anymore because most woman aren’t confident. They don’t believe they’re worthy of respect anymore and ungrateful men see that and take advantage.
I digress though…men ARE becoming pussies. Women want a man that is able and willing to take care of shit when it gets tough. A women wants a man that will stand by her and not let his friends make jokes. A man that will stand up for others and his beliefs period, is a man that women want. We want men that will appreciate the little things we do and not complain about the other little things we do. Anyway, just food for thought.
These posts are great for a laugh. But at the end of the day it all boils down to respect. Man up & have a conversation in person rather than hiding behind a phone or computer screen. As for Tony you clearly have no respect for women !!