The Gold Digger Prank is Bullshit

People frighten me
There’s a viral video by a YouTuber named VitalyzD with over 24 million views. In the video the dude with the sports car approaches a woman (very, very poorly) and when he’s rejected (rightfully so) he uses his sports car as a punchline. The babe then does a flip and asks for a ride to a nearby bar. Check it out.
The commenting herd applauds the guy for tooling the, “gold digger.”
The thing is, it’s obvious to my experienced eyes that he purposefully fucked up the approach. And this guy is friends with Simple Pickup. So I know he has game.
Let’s break down the bullshit:
0:7 he drops his opener, “What’s up cutie? What’s goin on?”
If he was my student I would slap him. His vocal inflection is rising at the end of, “cutie.” This literally sets of a woman’s alarms of flight. It’s a value taking statement. You never, ever open with a value sucking question like, “What’s your name? Where you from? What’s up?” What’s goin on?”
That she actually replies with, “Hey, not too much,” is surprising. She’s a very nice girl. I’ve seen hundreds of guys get blown out and ignored for attempting a pedestrian opener like this. Yuck.
There are many creative ways to open this girl. Even something like: “Those are some crazy stairs. Are your legs sore? How about a piggy back to the nearest bar.”
He chose to go direct, which is fine, but the poor form of his attempt is just, pathetic.
0:14 “Hey I was looking at you and I thought you were really pretty and I wanted to get your number?”
No, no, no. Examine his body language, his pleading expression, hands out, head cocked, like an apologetic panhandler. This is beggar game, and it’s the best most men can come up with.
As for his verbal game, he’s offered no value other than a weak, unspecific compliment. Be specific. “You look great in that shirt, the design is really adventurous.” At least try to be different. Insights, not observations.
He says he was, “looking at her,” but she just arrived at the top of the stairs, so that assumes he was watching her from afar–CREEPY. And to top if off, he adds an upwards, question asking inflection to the number close. Seriously, why would any girl give this guy their number? Why? Who are you man? What do you really want?
0:17 “Is that too much to ask for?”
This is what Muggles do when they don’t get the validating reaction they seek. I see it in bars all the time. Loser walks up to girl, weakly opens her, she shrugs her shoulders and he retorts something like, “What? You’re too good for me? You’re fat anyway bitch!”
The guy didn’t even give her a chance. He just talks over her. Sometimes you have to slow down and actually listen to the girl’s response. She was actually considering this troll for a moment. You can tell because she doesn’t bolt off, but walks slowly, maintaining eye contact.
The truth is, he sensed she might actually be interested, but to get his footage, he intentionally blew her off. That or she’s an actress.
0:20 “Let’s go out to Dinner.”
her: “I don’t usually go out to dinner with people.”
“Oh yeah, who you go to dinner, by yourself?”
(I go to dinner by myself all the time. Had Mexican yesterday.)
You never, ever, offer to buy a girl anything until she’s earned it
I mean, the guy has a sports car and wants to buy her dinner. Wouldn’t you take it? Why not? I would. It doesn’t make her a damn gold digger. Women are by nature hypergamous anyway. Shit, I’d want a ride in that car.
If you notice the girl was never really rejecting the guy. Her walk is slow, polite, like she’s giving him a chance. Most guys don’t even make it this far. Most guys can’t even open a girl never mind run decent game. So when he walks to his car and she say’s, “That’s your car?” and offers to go to a local bar for a drink. it isn’t because he has a nice car. It’s because he opened her and if he would just calm down and act normal, which he finally does when he leans on the car, she would agree.
Women expect guys to be nervous and weird on the approach. If the guy had proper game from the beginning he easily could have picked this hottie up. She was down from hello. But he wanted to make his viral video so legions on manginas could scream, “what a gold digging bitch!” Just look at the endless comments below the video of pitch fork wielding masses.
I’m asked why I don’t make infield videos, and the truth is, I’m scared of the stupidity of the human race.
That poor sweet girl. This is the crap pretty girls have to deal with.
***I’m accepting students from Vancouver to Toronto, New York to Miami and Las Vegas. Contact me.***
I agree. That guy was just being lame. He used the headline and peoples’ frustration with women to incite a viral campaign.
He’s obviously good at marketing.
I think you kinda just over analyzed it. It’s funny. Bout it.
Maybe I tend to do that. But it makes good blogging. 😉
Nah, Krang. Watch the video. Learn what not to do.
Wasn’t too impressed myself. He also might have failed 20+ times before.
But this video bothers me:
What do you think about it?
Wow. You can grow a big pair of balls when you have a million subscribers to your blog. This isn’t different from what a lot of guys do at night game. It’s called cavemanning. Though I’m sure he got harshly rejected many times to get that footage. It probably took him a week. But good for him!
Note, this is pretty standard in night game. Aggressive physical “kiss rape” game. To make it work, you need full belief and be fine with rejection. I’ve done this many times, just leaning in and trying to kiss a girl. Sometimes they pull away and will give a flurry of congruence tests, but you just ignore it and try again. The girls usually laugh it off. And often you get the kiss!
Ayee mane, u would get a lot more interest from clients if you did infield footage
I know. I have a camera. I just have no desire to be a Youtube sensation and remembered for all time as a pua. Blech.
I’m talking about a few videos not a weekly or monthly series bro
I know. I’ve got a lot of resistance to it. The whole thing just seems creepy. I have loads of Iphone footage of my students. But that’s for personal use. I know people want, “Proof.” I’ve been resisting it for years. I really enjoy my anonymity.
Okay I got you.. Do you prefer guys try going out on there own for a few weeks/months or to come to you as complete newbies?
You should make a post on how guys should start off. Most guys don’t know thestarting point and end up making costly mistakes and wasting valuable time. When should they get a coach, what material should they read, etc.. Much appreciated
People will always try to their best with resources they have available to them. We may like it, we may not like it, but girls looks comes with expiration date and she has to sell it to highest bidder.
We may like, we may not, but she cannot be expected to waste her looks on everyone.
Yeah I agree. I think people are too harsh on the idea of “Gold Diggers.” I mean for us, a beautiful 10 out of 10 is gold, isn’t it? Do we all desire a ten? No. Some of us want good mothers, or slightly less attractive girls that have more developed interest and personalities.
All this dating stuff isn’t so black and white.