What If She Sees You Talking To Another Woman?

Ahh summer…
Short shorts. Beaches.
Global warming ain’t so bad.
Before I teach you all my ancient wisdom, a head’s up.
I’ll be in the Montreal and Toronto region from Aug to Sept 2017. If you’re interested in private or group coaching contact me now. At ten years in this shiznit, I’m one of, if not the most experienced and active coaches in Canada.
After August I am available for coaching worldwide. So make your requests now before the the girls cry: “Winter is coming.” Contact me now for a free thirty minute consultation.
Nice guys and daygame
A was talking to a friend of mine about meeting women at the beach. He brought up a common issue amongst the randy men of summer:
What if I approach a woman or a group of women, and it doesn’t work out, and they see me approach another group? Will this make me look like a douchebag creepazoid?
Short answer…yes. Yes it will.
But the real question is…should you care?
No, you shouldn’t.
Once upon a time in Vancouver, I was at the beach with a very charming British friend. We approached a group of women who were bronzing on their beach towels. We opened with some witty banter, and they were friendly. But after a few minutes one of them started getting grumpy about it.
The towel five feet down had three more attractive women. So my British friend stood up, walked over to them and asked them something indirect, about sunscreen or something. It didn’t matter. I followed him. We ended up hanging out with those girls all day, and British friend went out with that girl all summer, into the winter.
While we were flirting up the new girls, the old girls flashed us a few vile glances. The nerve! The audacity!
Two fucks were not given. They had their chance at glory and fun.
There is a difference between being the miscalibrated guy who pesters, irritates, and embarrasses his way up and down a beach, and a confident, charming, funny guy who meets his new girlfriend at the beach. That difference is six pack abs, thick flowing hair, and a wit sharp enough to lead a cult.
The difference is social intelligence, or common sense.
Nothing gets a woman more tingly than a confident badboy with a cocksure attitude, who also knows what limits shouldn’t be crossed. Like you don’t make “Your momma so fat” jokes when a lady is with her momma.
There’s a certain “flow” that goes with flirtation, and an experienced rake can tell when he’s pushing “rudeness” in a social situation.
For example, you approach a girl, perhaps at the beach, and it doesn’t go so well…so you approach another girl who saw you talking to first one.
Now, if you went direct with a compliment like “Hi I thought you were cute,” and it flopped, and the second girl heard you, then it would be retarded to approach the second girl with the same opener.
If you had some common sense, you might bring a football, or an opinion opener. You talk to the first girl about the weather, or anything and then ask her if she wants to fling the ball around. If she does…great. If she doesn’t, great. But if the interaction goes south, it is not socially awkward to ask some other suntanning beauty if she would like to toss the football. A simple tool allows you to be a selfish jerk in the most socially acceptable manner.
Or, you could just be a selfish jerk, hit on as many women as you like, and not give a shit what anyone thinks about you and your awesome social life.
Really, what does it matter what they think of you? Does it affect who you are as a person? No.
In my ten years of approaching, I’ve been spotted hundreds of times chatting up women. Nobody gives a shit. Usually they give a thumbs up. It’s impressive to have confidence, to go for what you want in life. To take a chance at love.
Guys, there’s a simple rule to follow:
The law of state transference.
Whatever you feel…she feels.
It’s the fear of coming off as “creepy” that makes you appear creepy. It shows up in your body language, your facial expression, your eye contact, your vocal tonality.
When you are present in the moment, free of monkey chatter, happy, in your element, socially unbridled—then you will attract the most wonderful of women. They recognize your bravery, your ambition, your social freedom, and it’s admirable.
As for the haters….
” State Transference ” , l like it Tony. Good , explicit , short phrase. It will be in the new Urban Dictionary ( should be ) Credit to you l hope bro.