Realistic Daygame Odds

There are dating coaches out there who make outrageous claims, like having a 90% close rate from daygame.
In non dork talk, that means they sleep with 9 out of 10 women they approach.
These guys are liars.
One sociopath from Vancouver claims his clients pull 80% of their approaches home, and sleep with 70% of those.
Maybe he’s talking about escorts, because in the real world, this just doesn’t happen. Unless you’re a celebrity. Even then, I doubt Kanye West could sleep with 90% of the women he wants to.
Even for a professional approach coach, this number is ludicrous.
Nick Krauser, a prominent daygamer out of England claims he must approach 40-50 women to get laid. Other guys like Roosh V, Sasha, GLL, and most honest coaches say the same approximate number.
Personally I don’t collect data. And I haven’t been mass approaching for a few years. I am seeing one girl at the moment (well was until two days ago…we broke up…sniff.) But back when I was an approach machine these numbers were on point.
I’ve also had clients who tracked their results with spreadsheets, and they confirmed my suspicion that for newbies, they can expect about a 1/10 success rate across the entire seduction.
So for every 10 approaches, expect one phone number. For every ten phone numbers, expect one to text you back. For every ten who text you back, expect one to meet you again. Those are non-hardcase newbie odds.
For a guy with experience, the odds go up to maybe 3-5/10. These odds depend on many factors: your natural gifts, your game, and your perceived value. If you’re a 6 foot blonde white guy with ten years coaching experience and you’re living in Japan…your odds will be very high. If you’re a 5 foot tall Indian newbie trying to pick up blonde models in Amsterdam, your odds will be lower to non existent.
Of course coaching will help you to improve your odds drastically, but you will never take a three day bootcamp and be able to sleep with 8/10 approaches. That is just absurd.
These con artist daygamers are claiming they are having sex on the same day with 9 out of 10 women they approach on the street. As if 9 out of 10 women are just easy sluts who will bang a guy within hours of meeting them. There are plenty of easy women who are down for a quick bang, but the vast majority require a bit more work.
I am always honest with my clients. I assess where they are at on an individual basis. They might not all get same day sex on the first class, but to this date, every single client I’ve ever taught has eventually slept with a girl he met from daygame. For some guys it takes a few days, for others a few years. It depends on how many hours of study, and practice they put into their transformation.
If you are an intermediate daygamer, you don’t have any weird ticks, you’re well groomed and relatively fit, expect these odds:
1 in 50
If you do fifty direct or indirect approaches with skill, expect you can sleep with one of those.
Fifty! You say? Yes. It’s not so bad. Look at Tinder. Most guys spend entire days swiping and staring into these dating apps. Cold approach is actually more efficient.
If you’re living in a metropolitan city you could easily do ten approaches a day. Even on your lunch break you could do at least one.
I tell my students that if they have time, go for instant dates. This time together over coffee, or a walk, will build a lot more rapport and attraction. But if you’re going for phone numbers, aim for about 50 a month.
If you can get 5 numbers per day you can reach this goal in only ten days. This should be enough to at least get you on some day 2’s, and gain some experience talking to pretty women.
This number should get you laid. And if it can’t, I suggest you hire someone like myself to help lower those odds and the time it will take to do so.
1 / 50 is 2 %. If Nick Krsuser , Roosh , Sasha , etc. , gets 2 % ,. then how can you say intermediate guys ( without ticks and B.O. and hairy noses , lol!!!!!! ) ,. also get this magic number of 2 % ?
The math doesn’t work out , Tony lol!!!!!
Perhaps you meant Intermediate get: 1 % ?
What about if you have a physical disability and you want to try Day Game ?
Well you can still try for sure. I know a guy in a wheel chair who picks up girls at bars, using his wheel chair. I once taught a guy with an inner ear issue and he had a hard time finding his balance. It was very difficult for him, but he did the best he could.