Pickup in Dallas and The Experience Bar Metaphor
Dallas isn’t the best location for concentrated daygame sessions. Like many american cities, this one is designed for car culture. Vast expanses of strip malls separated by six lane highways, big box stores and a downtown core that poops out it’s citizens every 5pm like ticks from dog bath. Other than that, people here are nice, and there are some interesting nightlife, patio, and happy hour options. But for daygame it’s akin to hunting cougars in the desert with a bow and arrow. There’s simply too much space. There’s no central cram other than the multitude of consumer centres. Malls, blech.
I’m really lucky to have lived in cities like Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. I used to think Canadian cities were cultural black holes filled with entitled women who needed men like they needed a new pair of shoes. But now I see that logistically, all of these cities have centralized downtown cores that allow the continuous flow of hotties from work to food, shopping and recreation, all within walking distance.
Anyway, onto today’s lesson: The Video Game Experience Metaphor
When I evaluate a client and his skills, I don’t see a man who requires the perfect approach, or the perfect haircut, or the perfect pickup line. I see the man as if he’s a video game character with a multitude of experience bars. One for creativity, bravery, verbal skill, ambition, and so forth. The student might ask me very specific questions related to the seduction process, and I explain the most important aspect of learning seduction is time spent in set.
The more time you spend in set, the higher the bar goes until it reaches the next level. This is the main experience bar. The lesser bars, the specialization bars are those like grooming and fashion, financial security, sense of purpose, and so forth. And all of these are important, but they’re small concerns for skill in seduction compared to the main experience bar which is directly related to time spent in set.
The more time you spend in set, the higher the bar is raised taking you towards the next level. So if you go to a party tonight and spend fifteen minutes attempting to flirt with women, your bar will go up. The bar never goes down. You will never be punished in this sense for staying home, except that your experience bar will not go up.
Of course you need to work on physical escalation, story telling, state control, and all of these small aspects. But If I were to write the simplest seduction guide it would be the metaphor of the experience bar rising with time spent in set. If you spend enough time in set, the answers will make themselves apparent and the small skills will develop themselves. And even if you don’t get the rest of your life in order, even if you live in your mom’s basement, dress poorly, eat crappy food – time spent in set will still raise your experience bar, elevating you to the next level.
Not another ebook, not another dvd, not another seminar. Time spent flirting with women is the only way to raise your skill at seduction.
The act of approaching when done properly is a demonstration of higher value. It conveys the characteristics of a man who knows what he wants, and strives for his goals. Being approached by a man who speaks in an unwavering masculine tonality, holds excellent eye contact, stands erect without slouching, and emits a contagious vibration of positivity will awaken the lustful instincts within her tender loins. This is biology. The act of approaching is attractive. Or, like my friend 60 Years of Challenge says, “Escalation is attractive.”
So imagine if all you had to do to achieve the next level of your personal seduction development was to talk to strange women, and spend more time doing so, then what is it that is keeping you from working towards this goal? Let me know in the comments below.
If you are interested in approach coaching, consider a trip to Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto this summer. All are excellent cities to learn the art of seduction and meet beautiful, friendly, international women.
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I’m scared cause I’m a little bitch