How Do I Get My Girlfriend Back?

How to get your girlfriend back?
A classic question that Internet marketers have made millions of dollars attempting to answer.
Most are snake oil salesmen, or push woo-woo slop with little practical advice.
This is because how to get your girlfriend back is a complicated question, with no simple answer.
It involves a deep look at your own belief systems, about dating in western culture, becoming self-aware of your own social conditioning, and female psychology.
It involves a trip into the world of the redpill, where truth matters more than feelings.
But bro, I just want my girl back. Isn’t there some trick I can use today?
Yes and no
First a question:
Why did you break up?
Did you leave her, or did she leave you? Did you cheat, or did she? Was she bored, or were you? Did you argue? Were you too busy in your personal lives, or careers?
Do you even want her back? Or do you just feel rejected and lonely?
Most likely you don’t want this level of analysis. You want twelve actionable tips to get your ex back. Right?
You could follow generic ex-back advice like this but it probably won’t get you anywhere.
Back in the old days of pua forums, there was an acronym called, “GFTOG,” which meant, “Go Fuck Ten Other Girls.”
Things weren’t so PC back then. Crude, yes. But women weren’t hanging out in the locker room back then circa 2005.
Check out this Video by Ariel Pink; a crimson-pilled rockstar. It tells of a man who dumped, who manwhores around town, and by virtue of his sexual market value, scores his girl back.
If you asked the average woman how to get your girl back, she’d likely espouse virtues like compassion, forgiveness, empathy, and of course, love.
This might pull on your girl’s heart-strings enough for another shot, yeah. It’s worked for us, and will again. You could send her flowers, apologize, write her a dope love song. Could work.
Probably won’t.
If it does, it won’t be solid once the “Awww that’s so sweet” feels wear off.
Depends on the circumstances.
Or, you could generate a different set of emotions in her:
Loss, grief, envy, and jealousy.
Yeah, those ones.
As evil as it sounds, these emotions are more likely to bring your ex back into your life.
A man’s status in his society is often determined by the quantity and quality of the women he sleeps with. This is why a rich and famous geezer like Hugh Hefner (R.I.P.) can have a live in harem of 20 something beauties, while you can’t get your ex back.
You want to get your ex back? Let her see, or hear through the grapevine, that you are now dating possibly more attractive and interesting women than her.
You have to become such an attractive man, with such sick game, that she never dares leave you, for fear that competition might snatch you up. She should feel like she could never let you go, because your value in her life is so high, that it would be impossible to replace you.
It’s no easy task, and involves a lifetime of self-improvement. But what else are you going to do with your time?
Does any other self help program have such an amazing ROI?
In a distant, epic era, I was friends with a few college kids. They had an artsy frat type house, and through their weekly parties and activities, it attracted more than a few babes.
At first I was an outsider, and the women didn’t pay me much attention. But then I dated one became my girlfriend. She was the cutest, and coolest girl in the scene, imo. When we broke up, all the other girls started hitting me up on Facebook. I’d sleep with one, and then another, and another.
It was fun.
I didn’t have to chase any of them. I just had flings. Then another, and another.
It was great.
But bro, I just want my girl back.
So did I. And I probably could have gotten that one back. But the call of the wild was just too strong.
I’m not a house dog.
Just help me get my ex back! The pain! The aching, empty, ice, fire, tears….
Yeah I get it. Fine. Here’s a dark Jedi mind trick.
Disclaimer: This could backfire horribly and she’ll never speak to you again.
She’s probably on social media. So go somewhere with hot girls: the mall, a bar, college. Walk up and introduce yourself to some hotties, and get them to take a selfie. Tell them it’s to help you get your ex back.
It’s almost magical how after just a few selfies with attractive women, the ex girlfriend suddenly opens up to meeting again–open to renegotiation .
It can’t seem phoney. That’s why you need game. And you probably don’t, or you wouldn’t be reading this article.
If you want to get your ex girlfriend back, go sleep with ten other women. Most likely you’ll find a new girl anyway. But if you don’t, the odds she’ll give you another shot increase drastically.
And if you don’t succeed, well, you had fun trying, right? You learned something about yourself.
You’re going to have to learn how to approach women.
I wrote a novel chronicling many of my sexual exploits, and women I date always read it. They’ve all loved it, so far.
Consciously it impresses them that I wrote a novel, yes. But unconsciously it turns them on that I was able to bed all these attractive women, and write about it without shame, but pride. Unapologetic pride.
Humble though.
A man who is attractive to women, in the eyes of other women, has status. Not Kanye status, but a subtle status that says “He’s somehow worthy of hot girls. I wonder why?”
Even if he’s poor in money, he can be rich in desirability. This has less to do with looks than accomplishment. And funny enough, dating a shit ton of attractive women, is an accomplishment.
I’m sorry you lost your girl. I wish I had all the answers. To truly help you I would need to know more details about your relationship. You could contact me for a free consultation.
If you want to learn how to approach and seduce beautiful women, right off the street, in real life, read my book, “I Hope It’s Sunny Out-How To Meet Women in The Daytime.” You can buy it from Amazon and read on any device, and you can find it in your country’s Amazon with a simple search.
I’m not sure that was a happy ending Tony. I felt sorry for that guy. It doesn’t look he got to boink any girl. Only that he made a to total fool of himself .
I would however dye my hair pink and moved back to Bangkok ( so nobody knows ). Too bad I can’t sing. But at least I could have long pink hair. I have no problem dressing like a rocker. A Punk rocker would be better though. Actually , I can hardly wait , lol. Great idea Tony. Thank you bro.