What Does It Mean to be Creepy With Girls?

We live in a tough time for single men.
Not only is there a crisis of masculinity, but also despite all the technology like smart phones and dating apps that were supposed to bring us together, it’s made getting with quality women more competitive and difficult than ever.
On top there’s tremendous pressure to not be, “creepy,” which feels like newspeak for, “don’t hit on us unless you’re hot and confident.” The reality is this social narrative was created and spread by incels, radical feminists and political wokeness gone mad. But because they control the media and silicone valley, we’re subjected to relentless anti-male propaganda.
No wonder men worry about being creepy.
But it’s not that women are truly subjected to shitty game and actual creeps, which makes it even worse for the rest of us. And I’m not only referring to budding day gamers who lack skill, but proper dickheads who sometimes end up serial killers, date rapists, or school shooters because they can’t get poontang.
99% of my readers are simply nice, lonely dudes who are invisible to attractive women, and somehow ended up on the Internet looking for solutions. If you’re one of these brave adventurers, I salute you.
Or maybe you’re just a normal dude who wants to approach girls without creeping them out. While your fear is slightly irrational, it’s not without merit.
What Creeps Girls Out?
Every student, and I mean EVERY student worries about coming off as creepy to women. And since these guys are highly empathetic, sincere, friendly chaps, they of course care deeply what people (especially pretty girls,) think about them.
And so they tip their fedoras, lay out their jackets over the puddles of life, and allow the women to walk on their nice guy backs, all in the hope of scoring some affection.
They believe that if they’re really kind, these women will recognize how they’re not like all the other, “jerks,” out there, because they, “actually respect,” women. They don’t see them as sexual objects to be used and chucked like a warm tissue. Nope, they’re good guys!
This strategy isn’t effective because nice guys are boring. Not only boring, but they’re not authentic. They only act nice because they have an agenda.
The truth is most beautiful women would rather share a bad boy than be monogamous with a beta male. At least the bad boy is honest. It’s the nice guy who lies, plays a role, and hides his true self from her.
While most nice guys believe that the, “Jerk,” is the creep because he’s the guy who doesn’t respect women, it’s actually the nice guy who comes off as creepy. It’s that all of his niceness lacks sincerity.
While his outward demeanour is one of helpfulness and empathy, it’s actually his ulterior motive that fuels his, “m’lady,” ambitions. These guys expect by giving out favours, like their time, energy and money, that the girl will reward them with sexual intimacy.
Consider how creepy this is. Imagine you make a new friend who invites you over for dinner, feeds you, lends you his bicycle, listens to all your problems, only to find out he just wanted to get closer to your sister.
The Gollum
Think of the archetypal creep, “Gollum.”
Gollum pretended to be helpful to the hobbits, but all he really wanted was to be closer to the ring. While he lies, cheats, steals and even murders, he does so under the pretense of being helpful. He claims he’s doing it all for the precious. But it’s not about the precious, it’s about Gollum satiating his own needy, obsessive desire.
Most creeps aren’t the guys with game, but the opposite: they’re the frustrated nice guys, living inside a matrix of lies (just be nice) and acting in insincere, inauthentic, and downright weird ways around women.
They’re the real life Gollums, slinking in the shadows, pretending to be nice in order to get at the precious.
Now I’m going to listicle all the weird, creepy things that men do, that actually are creepy:
Begging, Whining, and Pouting
Since the creep believes all of his nice guy treatments should be rewarded, when the woman doesn’t comply he will often begin to beg, pout and whine.
“But I bought you a new car! Why won’t you date meeeeeee? Pleeeasse be my girlfriend!?”
His investment of time and energy isn’t out of genuine kindness, but a transactional process. So when his investment isn’t returned, he resorts to begging.
“Pleaaase be with meee.”
This is both annoying and pathetic. It’s a fast track for moving from the friend zone to the creep zone.
Solution: Don’t beg, whine or pout. If she rejects you, act as if you’re totally fine with it, completely unfazed. You can take a step back, build more rapport, more attraction, and try again later.
Staring but not Approaching
The creep will stare at women but rarely find the courage to approach. They’ll frame that it’s, “Just supposed to happen.” Or that the women will someday notice him, and if they don’t, it’s because they only want guys with money.
They also have a tendency to judge men who can approach as being creepy. And god forbid a man actually trieds to learn this with conscious effort… like a PICKUP ARTIST! THEE ULTIMATE MYSOGINIST!”
This is projection, and jealousy. They wish they could approach but they are unwilling to face their fear of being rejected, so they stare. Then they go online to whack it to their cam girls, and write vitriolic articles on pickup artists for Medium.
The women notice these stares, and of course it creeps them out. They think, “If he wants to meet me, why doesn’t he just say something?”
Solution: Don’t stare… approach. Be a man, find your balls, and do the work.
Sure, approaching a girl who doesn’t want to be approached can be annoying for her, but if done with skill it will never be creepy.
So instead of staring like a weirdo, go say hello. You can tell her she looks interesting, beautiful, or fun, and try for her number, at least. It’s not illegal, and not weird. So go for it.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Stalking in Person
Stalking is when you figure out where a woman hangs out, or her daily routine, and then put yourself into those situations in the hope that you’ll magically meet her.
That could mean waiting outside her workplace, her gym, or even worse, her house, and then following her in the vain dream that serendipity will bring you together.
This is called stalking, and it’s creepy as fuck.
Solution: Don’t stalk her. Approach her the first time.
If you know where she lives, or where she works, and you want to meet her, that’s totally fine. But you better introduce yourself, ask for her contact, and let her know your intentions. And for god’s sake don’t tell her you’ve been watching her, or following her.
It’s like applying for a job, you may need to go to the office and drop off an application. But if they reject your proposal you don’t show up at the office every day after begging for the job.
Stalking on Social Media
Stalking on social media isn’t as blatantly creepy, but it’s still insidious. There’s a distinct difference between finding a girl’s social media so you can reach out or enjoy her beautiful selfies, and using it to gather information about her lifestyle so you can seduce her.
Solution: If you want her social media, go talk to her and ask for it. If she wants you to chat with her she’ll give it to you. If not, move on with your life and find a more receptive girl.
White Knighting
The white knight is the nice guy who believes he’s the saviour, swooping in to rescue the damsel. While this seems like an altruistic maneuver, it’s rarely born out of a genuine concern for a girl’s safety, but rather as a way to demonstrate mate potential.
For example, a guy approaches a girl at the bar and his flirtation doesn’t go as well as he’d wish. The white knight overhears this and steps in saying, “Hey she’s not interested.” In 99% of cases, a woman is able to handle a random approach on her own, but the white knight thinks this move will gain her favour.
The beta male will take every opportunity to white knight for women, saving them from things as silly as paying their own rent. He often gets taken for a ride by opportunistic gold diggers and his attempts at winning affection are usually mocked and he gets labelled as creepy.
You can say the white knight is just being a nice, helpful guy. But everyone knows this behaviour is transactional and he expects his favours to be returned with intimacy. While the woman will give him the bare minimum affection to keep him paying her rent, or running her errands, she secretly believes the guy is, “icky,” and will never sleep with him.
Solution: Don’t be a simp. Don’t be the white knight. Treat women like equals, rather than helpless damsels who constantly need saving. You’ll get more respect, and sex that way.
Getting Butthurt over Rejection
The creep can’t handle rejection from women.
He’ll lash out, call her names, whine, pout and complain. Then he’ll go online and write about how all women want is money, that their all sluts, and even go out and shoot up a school.
Elliot Rogers, the famous school shooter did exactly this because his creepy nice guy act didn’t work. He felt entitled to attention from women, but hadn’t put in the work.
Solution: If she rejects your advance you always stay cool. You tell her you like her and she says, “I like you as a friend.” Act like it’s not a big deal, and remain a positive, happy guy. This is very attractive behaviour, and we she sees it, often she will change her mind, and start to see you as a real man, and not a creep.
Neediness and Jealousy
Creepy dudes are needy, jealous and controlling.
They act like little darlings until they ensare some poor girl into a relationship, then they become needy little dictators, demanding never to show any affection to any other men, always text back promptly, and generally lash out like insecure little love fascists whenever they feel insecure about their relationship.
But women are like cats: the tighter you squeeze, the slipper (and scratchier) they are.
The creep lives in a permanent state of scarcity, and pins all of his hopes for personal fulfillment on whatever poor girl let’s him slip his weasly little weinie into her.
Because the true self is always shining through, the girls will eventually see the needy little man for what he is, a Gollum.
Solution: Learn to approach women so you can live in a state of abundance. That way you’ll never slip into the state of nscarcity, neediness and creephood.
Not Understanding No from Maybe
There’s something to be said about persistence. Some girls need to be chased and even find it a turn on. For them, the no is a, “not yet,” or a, “maybe.”
If you understand that escalation is attractive, you can move forward in a way she’s comfortable with.
However, the creep doesn’t have game, so his flirting sucks. The woman who rejects the creep is giving a definite no. But the creep in his narcissistic cloud figures this is just part of the game, and slowly slips into stalker mode.
Solution: Learn how to actually flirt and attract women, so you don’t act like a serial killer and creep the shit out of these poor women.
Cynicism, Anger, Resentment
The creep is a bundle of rage, resentment and cynicism. His ego is totally wack. He feels that life hasn’t given him a fair deal, and that it owes him. In fact, everyone owes his: beautiful women, his family, co-workers, boss, the government.
He hides his creepiness under a veneer of niceness, but at night when nobody is looking, and he’s furiously masturbating to pornhub, he screams his impotent rage into his pillow and cries himself to sleep.
Solution: Develop a life long addiction to everything self-development and spiritual. Study the ego, get a gym pass, grow a social circle, work on your side hustle, meditate, and try to find your life purpose.
Pressuring Her For Sex
The creep doesn’t now how to sexually escalate on a date, so instead he’ll pressure a girl to sleep with him. This technique of relentless pestering can be so annoying, some women will suck his dick just so he shuts up about it.
This is a great way to get yourself charged with date rape. While it’s not technically that, it may as well be.
Solution: Study seduction so that you know how to smoothly escalate with a girl, without pressuring her. She’ll be so turned on by your rizz she’ll practically beg you to hop on your love rod.
Overtly Sexual Comments
The nice guy creep isn’t known for making overtly sexual comments: this falls more into the construction worker or jock at the bar stereotype. It doesn’t mean they’re not capable of it.
Typically a guy might cat call, or say something just totally strange and sexual, which will indeed creep girls out.
Solution: It’s okay to talk about sex, or make sexual comments in the right context, just don’t be telling her how her labia smells like teen spirit.
Picking up women isn’t creepy. But these behaviours are:
- Being a Gollum
- Begging, Whining, and Pouting
- Staring but not Approaching
- Stalking in Person
- Stalking on Social Media
- White Knighting
- Getting Butthurt over Rejection
- Neediness and Jealousy
- Not Understanding No from Maybe
- Cynicism, Anger, Resentment
- Pressuring Her For Sex
- Overtly Sexual Comments
Approaching them takes a lot of courage. I don’t think most women have any clue how much anxiety and suffering men face just to improve their sex lives. So understand this: approaching women is admirable.
Some women will get creeped out, and that’s just a risk you’ll have to take. You have to risk being seen as creepy sometimes. That’s life. It’s either that, or die alone.
If you read this article and understand what I’m talking about, learn some game and you won’t be creepy. Instead, you’ll become incredible successful with girls. That’s my hope anyway.
If you want to learn fast, why not join my community, it has everything you need to learn how to meet women, and understand their psychology so you don’t end up in the creep, or friend zone.
Until next time.
Tony Depp.