Social Circle Game

Approaching random women is not the easiest way to bring more girls into your life. The pickup artist community desperately wants to believe that all cold approaching is the magic pill that will bring you a worthy girlfriend, or the harem of your adolescent dreams. Approaching a load of women and playing the numbers game is a viable strategy, but we often neglect social circle game.
The key to social circle game is this:
Make friends with pretty girls
This means you should meet pretty girls, and then NOT try to sleep with them. It will take time to build the girls trust, because as a hot girl, every guy she knows is trying to get in her pants. You are the exception.
Hot girls hang out with hot girls. So if you make friends with the hot girl, she will introduce you to her friends. Once you are friends with her friends, you are free to date inside the group.
Cold approach dating moves fast.
You meet a girl at a bar or café, you text, date, and bang. It usually happens quite quickly. But in social circle things tend to move slower. Usually you will hang out at parties, or dinners, and over time build trust and rapport.
I’ve found with social circle game, I don’t need much, “game,” per se. All you really need is to be likeable, and take opportunities. In social circle game, it’s not uncommon for the girl to make the first move.
What happens is that if you are cool, funny and charming (that’s where practicing cold approach for a few years pays off) the group will start to talk about you. The guys in the group might respect you, and then the girls will notice the guys’ admiration, and they will start talking about you too. Eventually one girl will say, “I think he’s funny/cute/hot,” and then the competition begins. Literally, there will be a mad rush by the single women. They will start sending you Facebook messages, inviting you to come watch movies, out for drinks, to live music events, etc.
The key to gaining social circle respect is to give value. Don’t expect anything from the group. Find out about events in your city and invite people from the group. Don’t just invite the girls—invite the guys too. When you hang out with them, be a good listener as well as a talker. Buy them a round of shots, let them know how much fun you have hanging out with them.
Don’t just be in it for the women. That’s fucked up. Instead, make friends with everyone. And do not start hitting on every girl in the group before they’ve accepted you. If you play social circle game properly, the girls will make it very known they are interested. It will be your job to act on the invitations.
Again, this will not happen for guys with no game. If you’re new to success with women, I suggest you spend many months going out to parties and practice approaching, vibing, and closing. You need to be a confident guy, who is fun to be around. If you’re a newb, you might be over-gaming and coming off as weird. So make sure to go out and work on these skills on your own time, where nobody will remember you.
***I’m currently accepting students everywhere in the world. Contact me for coaching options.***
Banging !!! Social circ. game , rockin’ it again Tony ! Excellant article u wrote. Very informative & to the point. Soo cool info.
Thanks again for the book. I’ve had no time to read it. I did start it , you’re about to head out into the downtown & get the job done. Or die trying. I am scared about reading more but I gonna do it. So far I’ve really liked it ( except that one part about explaining the punch-line , lol ). But what do I kn ? I certainly didn’t mean to negative – energy you. I try help ( u ). Cuz u help me !!! I’m even afraid to read more cuz it will expose my deficits. That curious , dry , bug infest , ( imaginary bugs , but not imaginary infest { w itchy sand like creature , lower 48 } , I can’t find the right words , sorry ) exposed when I read on. Ugh ! I’m such a loser.