What To Do When She Has a Boyfriend

Many clients ask me, “what do you do when she says she has a boyfriend?”
I’ve hooked up with a few taken women. I’m not proud, nor ashamed of it. That’s just the nature of love and war — may the best man win. It’s part of dating that inexperienced men never see; that women tend to date up, and when a better opportunity presents itself, it’s against their nature to dismiss it.
Of course not all women are cheaters. It’s just that so many men give up, just because she says she has a boyfriend. or worse, won’t even try.
Nothing fosters sexual tension like danger, and taking another man’s girl is dangerous. So if you are deciding whether or not to steal someone’s date, understand the possible consequences.
“But she said she has a boyfriend. Shouldn’t I respect this?”
Says all those living in the Candy Kingdom, surrounded by gumdrops and Lilliputians. In the real world people cheat every day, and if there are aliens in the clouds above, they’re cheating too. Married women are sucking the neighbours and husbands are going nailing their baristas.
Just because she says she has a boyfriend doesn’t mean she’s unavailable. If you really like a girl and want her bad enough, there is a chance you could entice her away. So don’t give up so easily.
I always giggle when a client approaches a girl, comes back to me and says, “Too bad she has a boyfriend.”
The, “I have a boyfriend,” Auto Responder
On my email list I use an auto-responder. If someone spends a few minutes on my website a popup appears and offers them a free ebook. There are also signups at the bottom of every blog post. When you sign up it initiates the auto-responder, which sends emails that I wrote many years ago. It doesn’t matter who you are, you’ll receive the same emails as everyone else.
This is what some women do when you hit on them. Whether that’s in a bar, a mall, or at work, they might say, “Sorry but I have a boyfriend.” They don’t actually have one. This is just their auto-responder. It doesn’t matter that she thinks you’re handsome, friendly, or confident. She’s set to auto-rejection, and her unconscious response to your flirtation will automatically be that she has a boyfriend.
It’s easier than telling the truth. Men tend to take rejection poorly.
The Real Boyfriend Dilemma
It’s a rare occurrence that exceptionally beautiful women are single. You find them in brief bubbles of single life before someone snatches them up. But if they’re dating someone, it doesn’t mean they’re unavailable. The relationship could be abusive, boring, or failing.
Ask these questions:
How long have they been together? Two? Four months? This is still the honeymoon period, and within that time and loyalty may not be cemented. If they’ve been together for four years, the relationship may be even less secure than at four months. People grow tired of monotony, and many women remain in dull relationships out of familiarity, laziness, and fear of being alone.
I’m just saying that when she has a boyfriend, it’s not game over. You still have a shot. She may have a boyfriend, but she may want an adventure, or an upgrade.
What to say when she has a boyfriend?
I give them my magic line: “How’s that working out for you?”
I have other variations, like, “Is it going okay?” and if I’m feeling cheeky, “Does he beat you?”
I also ask:
- How long they’ve been together?
- Does she live with him?
- How often do they see each other?
- Is he doing well?
- She is happy?
Ask, is the relationship solid, or not? Surprising to me at first, many women would say things like, “Oh, not so well,” or “There’s room for improvement.”
I’ve heard of boyfriends and husbands who were depressed, fat, lazy, addicted. Just because a stranger asked, forcing them to reflect on the state of their relationship. Sometimes what they see, isn’t so attractive anymore.
My first experience with this, I was only twenty one years old. I asked a girl out, and she said, “Well, I have a boyfriend… but, I think you’re better.”
She thought I was better. That’s all it takes if you want to get the girl. Just be better than the other guy.
What does, “better,” entail? Maybe you’re in a cool band, or you make more money, are better looking, more fit, confident, charming, or popular. Take all these traits and you have power. There’s one thing I know women love, it’s power. If you’re a more powerful man than the one she’s with, there’s a good possibility she’ll swing from his vine, to yours.
Boyfriend Destruction
If you’re patient, ambitious and determined to steal a girl from her boyfriend, you can plant the seed of doubt in her pretty mind. Gain her trust by being her ear, her shoulder to cry on.
One thing that turns women off more than any other trait, is male weakness. So use that to your advantage.
- Neediness
- Insecurity
- Jealousy
- Laziness
- Apathy
- Sloth
- Addiction
- Anger
One of these negatives, when pointed at by foreign observers is enough to trigger her rationalization gremlins, sowing the seeds of doubt like a poison, slowly dripping, eating away, and killing her attraction for him.
“Well, he sounds depressed. That’s too bad. It’s awful to be around someone who can’t even help themselves.”
Where most guys screw this up, is they don’t understand female attraction psychology. For example, he’s always late, or flaking on their dates, and she’s wondering if he’s cheating.
Be His Opposite
An amateur love thief would say, “He’s a jerk. I’d never be late for a date with a girl like you.” This is how’s chumps talk to girls. It says you’re needy, and desperate. There’s a reason she dates jerks… because that’s what she’s attracted to. He’s probably flaky because he has another girlfriend. That makes him even more attractive… the thought that other women find him sexy. Now he’s a challenge.
The truth is, many women would rather share a sexy jerk, than have a pussy-whipped wimp all to themselves. So never paint him as a jerk, only the wimp.
If you asked her, “Is he the jealous type?” and she says he is, you say, “That’s because he thinks he owns you, and that he could never find another girl like you. You’re lucky to have a guy that loves you like that. He’ll probably never leave you, no matter what.”
Or, “He must really miss you when you’re not around. He sounds really nice.”
In that statement you’ve just painted him as a desperate loser who got lucky.
“I’m never in long relationships. They just seem to come and go, over and over. I wish I could settle down with one girl, but I’m just such a wanderer.”
A statement like that tells her you’re safe to have a fling with. It also says that you’re a challenge, and you won’t act desperate, or needy. So if she cheats with you, she’s safe from getting caught.
To destroy the boyfriend show that:
- He’s a desperate loser/provider with no other dating options.
- You’re a discreet, independent lover, with many dating options.
- He cares so much for her, that’s why he’s so jealous, needy and judgemental.
- You are a free soul, and you never judge people for their actions.
If she agrees with your statements, move forward:
“I think the way for married couples to stay happy, is to sleep with other people. Otherwise they get bored and resentful of each other.”
“People should be free to love whoever they want, without ownership, jealousy, and guilt.”
You want her to feel that you’re a free soul who understands her boredom, angst and sexual desires.
Once you have her agreeing with all of your philosophies, you can make your moves. Have her agree to be with you, at night, alone, somewhere you can seduce her. Essentially, go on a date. And of course… bang.
When she says she has a boyfriend, it doesn’t mean you have no chance. There’s always a chance.
I’ve given you a little bit of the mindset, and a taste of the strategy. I hope you don’t fall too hard for any taken women, but unfortunately, the best ones usually are.