My Girlfriend Dumped Me. How Do I Get Her Back?

Hey Tony, I need help. Right now I’m in a situation where I just have hope. I was seeing this girl for about 6 or 7 months. We had ups and downs, but at the end we were clicking in everything. We traveled to Boston together and from there we got really close, but then after she began to shut me down. I didn’t realize the answer after a few days that after Boston she thought I was expecting something more from her and she could not provide that. From there I told her that I would still like to be friends, but she kept pushing the situation and was asking are you sure. So from there we chatted and I explained the situation and at the end I told her I would still like to be friends, but she ended with I guess you have to find a new friend because I dont want to be friends with you. I understand and will eventually move on, but there is some hope left that she will text me back. I just need advice on what I should do because she was something I never expected myself to get but did and it just sucked that I lost her.
Are there five, or seven stages of grief? If I recall there is; Denial, Bargaining, Anger, Depression, and Acceptance…wait, let me Google it. Oh yeah, there’s Shock and Guilt as well.
Getting dumped SUCKS. Especially if she’s some fine, tasty dish. A real classy dame see? And why wouldn’t you want to be friends, and still be able to text her? After all you’ve been through together. How could she be SO HEARTLESS!
You’re in Denial. You wish there was something you could text her, something you could just say or do that would have her running back into your needy arms.
I’m assuming you’re a young man, under thirty, which is young in our soft, never grow-up culture.
Now just imagine a magical future where you have great game, high social status, and women are begging to date you. Every time you turn on your phone you have a bunch of messages from women who want your time. Your online dating app is sending you dozens of messages per hour from thirsty women. Maybe you just released a great novel, or your band got signed to a major label, or you’re white in Vietnam.
All of the sudden you have the romantic options of a nineteen year old cheerleader on Tinder.
Say you’ve been with this girl for seven months. She’s alright. She’s nice. Average in looks, a bit overweight, but cute enough. She’s ok to talk to. But ever since you became famous, she’s been acting weird. She texts you fifteen times a day, and if you don’t get back to her soon enough, she cries. She’s always assuming you’re cheating on her, because she sees your smart phone and all the messages from girls. You don’t even know how they got your number you tell her. But she doesn’t care. She just knows you’re going to cheat on her.
You go to a party that night, and all the girls are hitting on you. One is a model for a beer company, and loves all the same books and tv shows as you. She keeps rubbing her boobs on you, which makes all the other girls jealous, and before you know it, every girl at the party is trying to hook up with you. Being famous is crazy! But you have…a girlfriend. Oh…right.
After several more weeks of her neediness, you notice she’s gaining weight. She isn’t taking care of herself, and seems depressed. So…you tell her that you just want to break up. She cries, and denies, and pleads. But you just don’t love her anymore. You’re in love with this new beer model, and can’t wait to talk about Tolstoy with her. She’s so much more positive, fit, interesting and fun.
Over the weeks your ex keeps texting you, asking if you can, “Just be friends.” You say ok, but every time you spend time together, she just tries to sleep with you, and you do, because you’re a guy and it’s hard to pass up sex.
So she thinks you’re back together now, and you tell her, “No. We’re not.” She freaks out because you’re just using her for sex, and smashes your car window. The next day she shows up at your work and cries in front of your co-workers, then kicks over the garbage can.
Eventually, you have to get a restraining order because she’s batshit jealous, possessive and crazy.
Thank god you have so many dating options now, and your new girlfriend is so much better than your old one.
This is why she doesn’t want to be friends. Not because you’re like the girl in this story, but because she’s experienced men like this in the past, and she’s learned her lesson.
When you break up with someone, you break up. No texting. No phone calls. No sex. No coffee.
At least, not until you’ve both moved on, dated more people, and had plenty of time apart to reflect on how great the time you both had together was.
And in the meantime, you could take a bootcamp with me and learn how to approach and attract more great women than you know what to do with. Work on yourself, build a small business, work out, find great hobbies and increase your status and social circle.
When she see’s you in a few years, and you have a super hot girlfriend, lots of money and respect, she’ll come back begging you to be with her again, and you won’t want her.
***I’m coming to Europe in July.***
***My daygame bootcamp in Vancouver is $700 off in June and July.***
***I also teach in Montreal, Calgary and Toronto. Contact me for a free consultation.***