Men’s Looks Are Highly Subjective to Women
It’s the age old debate: What matters more when attracting women? Your looks, status and money, or talent with talking to girls… otherwise known as game.
While it’s important to maximize your looks, it matters far less to women than it does to men.
This is picking up chicks 101.
Here are the maxims of success with girls.
- Looks don’t matter to women like they do for men. It’s very subjective and based more on the emotions she feels than genetic destiny. Remember to look for her green lights.
- It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about you hitting on sexy women. Fuck the haters… seriously. The less you care, the better you’ll do with girls.
- What a woman says and what she feels are totally different things. Women’s opinions and emotions are so fluid, like a stormy ocean. She just needs a good Captain to help steer her boat.
I stopped counting the number of times a girl told me, “Tony, I’m not sure why I’m with you. I don’t usually go for guys like you.”
This is chick-speak for: “You’re not nearly as tall, rich, ripped or genetically gifted as the guys I usually bang. But for some reason I’m falling for you anyway.”
Game denialists will claim Oh, he’s white, or super duper handsome, or only dates foreign girls, or he’s a con man.
I don’t claim to hook up with super models on a weekly basis, but for anyone who has read my story, they would know I came from a very hard place. My transformation from incel to world travelling dating coach was not easy. So I can’t help but be a preacher.
Whatever you look like, there’s a handsome guy in there just trying to get out.
When you learn game you can bypass your average guy looks and attract the hotter women. This is truth. However, that doesn’t mean you can let yourself go. You will always get better results if you look good.
By looking good, I don’t mean getting cosmetic surgery, six pack abs and bleaching your skin. I just mean a few simple changes to increase your attractiveness.
That and learning how to cold approach women.
So how do you look better?
- Exercise and diet. Stay in decent shape and stay away from beer, soda, juice, potato chips and empty calories. Alcohol is also calorie dense and just bad for you.
- Get a makeover. Go to a good barber. Get a cool haircut, and shave all that weird body hair. That includes your chest, nose, eye brows, beard, balls and even your back. You can also whiten your teeth.
- Upgrade your fashion. Go shopping and buy nice clothes that fit. I’ll explain a brief overview of grown up fashion next.
- Stand up straight and take up space. Shoulders up, back and down.
If you’re a 6 in genetic looks, by following the steps above you can go up 1 notch in attractiveness. If you also learn how to talk to girls, hook them, intrigue them, and make them laugh, then you can go up another notch.
Most guys can attract a girl who is 1 notch above them without resorting to the above. So, if you’re a 6, you should be able to land a 7. That’s based solely on your ability to cold approach.
But if you increase your fashion, grooming, and game, you should be able to land a girl who is two or three notches hotter than you. That means if you’re a genetic 5, you can land a 7 or even an 8. It won’t be easy, and you’ll need to do a lot of approaches, but it’s completely doable.
It doesn’t matter if you’re short, or bald, or have brown skin. If you work on yourself you can increase your attractiveness and land the hotter girls on the regular.
Most guys just don’t realize how money they actually are.
Fashion 101
When you’re looking for a girlfriend you need to think about your niche.
Are you going for girls who hang out at raves? Then make yourself look like a raver.
If you like sophisticated, upscale women, then dress conservative and sharp.
If you’re into punk girls, then get a mohawk.
But if you want to look 100X better with one outfit, here it is:
- A blazer
- A collared shirt
- Pants that fit
- Nice shoes
Any man can easily put this outfit together for less than $200.
Buy some leather shoes, pants that fit, a collared shirt and a blazer. Bam… you’re hot.
And here is what most guys dress like, regardless of age; like they’re on a beach vacation in Thailand.
Here’s what to avoid (unless you’re on a beach vacation).
- Gym shoes.
- Black socks with white shoes.
- Anything that says Nike, Adidas, or Reebok.
- Jersey shore shirts with dragons or barbed wire.
- Baggy, cheap jeans.
- Shirts with stupid jokes or brand logos.
- Cargo pants or cargo shorts.
- Sandals.
- Cheap, baggy jeans.
- And that’s about it. Dress for your niche, otherwise get a blazer, leather shoes, a collared shirt and pants that fit.
- Learn how to balance the colours.
Do that and you’ll be 2 notches hotter than you currently are.
It will do a lot more for you than stressing about what to text her.
Do Looks Matter to Women?
So now I’ll contradict myself.
I just said looks don’t matter, yet I’m dishing out fashion advice. That’s because while it’s totally feasible to up your attractiveness rating, it’s also possible to decrease your rating. Why would you give yourself a negative score by dressing like a teenager?
Imagine you’re a woman in a tribe of cavemen.
Life is tough for a woman in the open tundra. There’s mammoths, saber tooth tigers, cannibals. So you need protection, safety… (and a little comfort doesn’t hurt). So you look for a man with courage, strength, resources, and popularity.
Popularity is super important, because the more friends your husband has, the more resources you have. The higher your status in the tribe, the more safety, entertainment, comfort and resources you’ll have.
So one one hand, there’s that really buff good looking cave dude named Grognar. Too bad he sucks at hunting and doesn’t know a single joke.
On the other hand, there’s Boondo. He’s not as big, handsome or strong. But he’s the second hand man to the chief. He’s smart, funny, cunning, resourceful, and fun to hang out with too. People like him.
Cavegirl figures that when she gets knocked up, life will just be easier with Boondo. While she’s more physically attracted to Grognar, she’s intellectually, spiritually and emotionally attracted to Boondo. Plus… he’s wealthy! Boondo has seven goats, and two slaves!
Boondo also wears the best Mammoth skins. He keeps himself clean, and bathed. There are far more pluses to being with Boondo over Grognar.
Yes, They Matter… But…
Of course looks matter. Even women like handsome things. However, it’s not even close to the only factor that determines their attraction.
I’ve had many tall, white, rich and handsome clients who either sucked at talking to girls, or dressed like slobby teenagers (some both).
If you keep doing what you’re doing, you can expect the same results.
By learning some game, and improving your looks, you can easily attract hotter women. All it takes is a little self-awareness and effort. For one, you could learn daygame.
Enough for today.