The Masculine – Feminine Principle of Polarity in Attracting Women

If you’re a fan of seduction content you’ve probably heard the word “polarizing” getting tossed around. Mark Manson popularized it in his hit book, “Models.” This is not what I’m referring to. Manson refers to the act of being comfortable with being unliked. 

For example, if everyone around you loves pizza, and you proudly state you don’t like pizza because it is unhealthy. This is what Mark means in regards to being polarizing. 

I am discussing “polarity” which refers to the masculine/feminine dynamic. 

Most guys think it’s referring to concepts like push-pull, sexual tension, teasing, cat-string theory, and so on. Polarity is not a seduction technique, but rather an immutable law of the Universe. 

Masculine/Feminine Polarity 

Man standing behind a pretty woman

Masculine/feminine polarity can be described as the dynamic interplay between the traditionally assertive, dominant masculine energies and the receptive, nurturing feminine energies. 

I’ll argue (along with the entire red/black pill philosophy), that In the modern (Western) world, the polarity has been flipped, with men often acting the part of the feminine, and women as the masculine. 

While this gender-role swap has been a titillating social experiment, it won’t help men who desire feminine women or want their long-term relationships healthy and balanced. Nothing dries a woman’s vagina like a doting, caring, soft, overly-nice guy… which is inherently feminine behaviour. Great for making friends, but in most cases, terrible for getting laid. 

So let’s look at masculine/ feminine polarity, and how by understanding this dynamic you can maximize your attractiveness and get more sweet lovin’ from sexy, feminine women. 

Masculine vs Feminine Principles of Polarity 

Look at the opposing polarities of the masculine and feminine principles. Notice how they complement each other. 

AspectMasculine PrincipleFeminine Principle
NatureActive, initiating, and expressiveReceptive, nurturing, and reflective
Role in CreationInitiation of actions and expression of ideasNurturing and supporting the growth of ideas
Mental AttributesLogic, reason, and analytical thinkingIntuition, feelings, and emotional understanding
EnergyOutward, assertive, and dynamicInward, gentle, and compassionate
FunctionProvides structure, direction, and leadershipProvides nurturing, support, and balance
ProcessActs and manifestsReceives and nurtures
CreativityExpression and realization of ideasSource of creativity and imagination
Balance and HarmonyStrength and willpowerGentleness and empathy
SymbolismOften symbolized by the sun or fireOften symbolized by the moon or water
ManifestationBrings concepts into reality through actionGives form to potential through nurturing

The masculine and feminine mirror and support each other. They are dual aspects of creation. Each principle contains elements of the other. Neither can exist in complete isolation. 

Within you exist also feminine attributes, and women contain a masculine essence as well. The problem is when we focus and develop excessively our opposing polarity, and are then unable to sexually attract women who are seeking more masculine men. 

This feminine polarity manifests as a gentle softness, a caring, nurturing, helpful behaviour that while pleasant, is often sexually repulsive to women; while the more focused, ambitious, driven, dominant polarity ignites their romantic passion for pure, masculine energy. 

Why Polarity Matters 

Man leaning towards a a woman in a park

As a young man, I thought women wanted a “nice” guy. However, the nicer I was, the fewer girls wanted to touch my wiener. And when I did manage to land a girlfriend, I would act as such a nice guy they would dump me within weeks, or months. 

Maybe this is because I was raised by a single mom. Maybe it was because I was brainwashed by modern entertainment and the media. It doesn’t matter. Finally, I Googled “How to pick up girls” and discovered a wealth of real and effective advice for men that changed my life. 

Now I get to travel the world full-time and teach guys how to improve their own sex lives, through my books, my community, my YouTube, and this blog. 

I’m living proof that adopting a more masculine polarity will attract more beautiful women, and help you live a more enriched life. 

Nice Guys Are Too Feminine in Polarity

Yeah, nice guys are boring for women (romantically). But what does it even mean to be a nice guy? Isn’t being nice a good thing? Doesn’t It mean you are: 

  • Highly empathetic 
  • Polite
  • Caring
  • Nurturing
  • Thoughtful
  • Pleasant 
  • Receptive

But notice how these traits are mostly from the feminine principle. 

This is because nice guys project what they desire in a mate. This is how we want women to act around us. Because we don’t know any better, we act in the feminine, hoping to attract a mate that embodies these feminine traits. 

But this is like a positive magnet charge trying to attract another positive. It repulses. It’s the opposite polarity that attracts. 

Meanwhile, modern women are acting out the masculine principles: 

  • Assertive
  • Dominant
  • Bold
  • Loud 
  • Aggressive 

Again, women are acting out the roles of the men they wish to attract. 

In a different time and place, men and women would be taught the virtue of “acting” like a man or a lady. In the modern world, the polarities have been flipped and we’re taught an inversion of these principles. 

Don’t believe me? Watch this short video by Andrew Tate on how the hit TV show “Friends” destroyed masculinity in an entire generation of men. 

Andrew Tate on How Friends Ruined Men

The Benefits of Understanding Masculine/Feminine Polarity

Understanding these principles will help you as a man to: 

  • Meet and attract more beautiful women
  • Keep those women attracted over a long-term
  • Live a more authentic and actualized life

No man should want to be seen as weak or less dominant than the woman in their relationship. It goes against the laws of the Universe, and even if they’re not consciously aware of the flip, the unconscious mind, or you could even say a man’s “soul” knows it just ain’t right. 

By understanding and accepting that masculinity has principles, and by embodying these principles you more effectively attract feminine women, we create a roadmap or philosophy of how to live life more in alignment with those principles. 

And yeah, get laid more with hotter, more feminine women. 

Masculine is Aggressive – Feminine is Receptive 

Man flirting with an attractive woman on the street in the day time

Every woman wants a dominant man as a lover. 

So what do I mean by dominance? 

Dominance doesn’t mean bullying, extortion, enslaving, or any of the negative connotations the modern world slaps on the word. 

In the relationship between man and woman, dominance means being the driving force, the decision maker, and the final judge. 

Women want their men to be aggressive, both inside and outside of the bedroom. Any woman who prefers a submissive, feminine, receiving man is not right in her polarity, and this relationship is doomed. 

While she may convince herself a “sweet” guy like those in “Friends” would make a carry, doting boyfriend, her true nature will always yearn for a dominant, masculine man, and eventually she will either leave him, cheat on him or make his life a living hell. 

Her feminine soul will rebel against his feminine softness, and she won’t even know why her attraction for him has diminished. It will just be a “feeling” that something isn’t right. 

Embracing Your Role

To embrace your masculine role, first, understand your core values. Self-awareness allows you to lead with confidence and authenticity. 

Here are some practical steps to embody masculine energy:

  • Take Responsibility: Own your actions and decisions. A masculine man doesn’t shy away from accountability. No whining, no excuses, no passing the buck. 
  • Lead with Purpose: Have a clear vision and direction in life. Women are attracted to men who know where they’re going. No good woman wants to be with a man who has no clue what to do with his time. 
  • Stay Grounded: Maintain emotional stability and resilience. This doesn’t mean being unemotional but being able to handle challenges with a calm demeanour. Masculine men don’t road rage or cry when a girl doesn’t text them back. They don’t get flustered by the detours that life tosses at them. 
  • Be Decisive: Make decisions confidently. Most women secretly hate being the decision-makers outside of their roles as women. Your indecisiveness will kill her attraction to you. 
  • Protect and Provide: This doesn’t mean financially, but also emotionally and psychically. Be a source of strength and support, something she can lean on in times of insecurity and danger. 


For men, embodying masculine energy involves taking responsibility, leading with purpose, staying emotionally grounded, making decisive actions, and being a source of strength and support. 

For women, embodying feminine energy includes cultivating empathy, nurturing relationships, expressing creativity, staying receptive, trusting intuition, providing emotional support, practicing self-care, fostering harmony, celebrating femininity, and being authentic.

While it may feel like you’re playing a role, or being inauthentic, or just acting macho, being more masculine aligned will bring you more love from hotter, more feminine women. 

So, you can either keep doing what you’ve been doing and getting the same results, or you can embrace polarity as real, and start acting like a man – the way you’re meant to be. 

Unless you’re gay. 

And that’s totally fine, but you’re probably on the wrong blog.

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