How to Steal a Girl from Her Boyfriend

A girl I’m seeing told me a funny story. She’s pretty, and gets hit on often, or so she says. Her problem has always been that these suitors had no game. When I asked her why she chose me over the others, she said, “Because you weren’t weird.” Little does she know I’m a total weirdo that I have weirded out hundreds of women. I’m the biggest weirdo in town I suppose. Anyway. It’s only a matter of time before she reads my blog. Hi!
In one story she was walking down the street holding hands with her tall, alpha looking boyfriend, and she spotted this average looking man staring at her. The man started towards her, first at a slow jog and then at a run. He stopped just short of them and without acknowledging him, took her hand and said, “You are very pretty.”
So he chatted her up, and then asked her to go for a coffee date with him, “Right now.” Her boyfriend’s mouth was agape.
“So did you go with him?” I asked.
“What? No! I was holding hands with my boyfriend!”
I don’t know if this guy was studying pua stuff, or just some random, lust-struck man, or a sociopath. But I do find it a funny story. Was he insane? Delusional? Or just really ballsy? I’ve done some crazy shit, but never a direct approach during the day time with a woman who is holding hands with a large alpha male.
Whenever you feel fear, or apprehension about some sissy ass approach, realize, there are men literally running at women and trying to steal them from their boyfriends in broad daylight.
Life is short my friends. Carpe Diem!
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Another great post Tony. Me personally,I dont have the guts to approach a girl if shes with her boyfriend.i guess im just not weird enough 🙂
Hey guys,
My name is MissX and I like long walks on the beach, yoga, and dating PUAs… well one in particular and his name is Tony. Does the name sound familiar? I guess it was just a matter of time until I found your blog – Hi!
So firstly, that is not the story I told you! You mixed 2 different ones together, silly. The first one was that a guy came up to me while I was holding hands with my boyfriend and asked if I knew any good coffee shops in the neighbourhood. We talked for about 5 minutes and I recommended a few of my favourites. Just as he was about to walk away, he asked me if I wanted to grab a coffee with him right now. I was still holding my 6’2″ boyfriend’s hand (and he was pissed). That guy was pretty ballsy! The second story was when I was leaving the mall and a guy in the Blenz attached to Pacific Center ran out after I passed. He chased me for at least half a block until he caught up with me (he had been yelling “miss” at me, but I had know idea he trying to get my attention). When I did realize he was talking to me, I stopped and he said “Wow, you are so cute! I’m sorry for chasing you, I just knew that if I didn’t come after you and meet you, I would be kicking myself all day – so hi, I’m… (I don’t remember his name)”. That was very flattering so we stood and talked for a few minutes, but I was on my lunch hour and not interested in him – no sparks – so I lied and said I was seeing someone and that I had a kid (I threw that last part in for good measure).
So now that we’ve straightened that out, I do get hit on, quite a lot actually. And when you asked me why I chose you out of everyone else in the bar, I think you have to let your subscribers know that the bar was full of guys who had just attended one of your date-ability seminars (meaning that they were pretty green), so really you were the ONLY one that wasn’t weird. Remember that guy that walked right between us and stuck his hand out for me to shake when we were literally mid sentence? Then that other guy came over and lead him away by the shoulders, whispering something in his ear… there’s no denying that that was weird. So, by comparison, you weren’t weird at all 😛
This is really so interesting! I’m reading through your articles and remembering some of the tactics you tried on me… you kind of made fun of me by asking “why are you at Meetup? Do you have no friends?” The way you said it was pretty funny, so you got a laugh out of me. Then you got me to sit with you at a table that was empty and away from all the action (I think you call that “isolating”). After we chatted for a while, I told you I had to go because I had an acting workshop in the morning. You said “Oh, so you’re driving home?” I said I was walking because it’s close. “Well, maybe I can come see your place.” WTF, I thought (but I just said no and gave you a weird look). Still trying to convince me, you suggested “I can just come up for second to see it then leave”… I still said no. By then I was pretty sure that you were trying to sleep with me so when you said “At least let me walk you home” my crazy stalker alert sounded (too many of those in the last month) and I practically bolted. The real master piece here is that you somehow managed to snag a kiss (which I turned my head away from, so you got me on the cheek) AND you got my phone number! You told me on our third date that you’re interested in hypnosis… hmmmm… I wonder, lol. No, honestly, I cannot remember what transpired between your last comment and then me giving you my number. That’s a secret you should share with these guys! And me 🙂 What other tactics have you used on me? Oh, right! You told me about how to properly swirl wine (see Wine for Dummies). The best one by far was telling me that you wouldn’t kiss me because you were still a little sick – how sweet and considerate. We were listening to this local artist in a coffee shop, your hands kept finding new, interesting (seductive) places to rest on my body and every 10 or 20 minutes, you would look at me ravenously and pull me in for a passionate neck kiss. That night I let you walk me home. That night I let you see my apartment. And that night I took YOUR pants off. Damn, good times.
I dare you to find my blog and see what I wrote about you 😛
Anyways. Don’t hate the player or the game. Games are good and fun. All of my friends have told me to cut you out of my life before I get hurt – you should have seen the death stares of judgement that I got when I told them that I slept with you (on more than one occasion). Maybe I’m going through a rebellious stage, I dunno, but I’ve had far too much fun to walk away just yet.
Now that the gloves are off, the real question is whether you will still be able to get my pants off… I guess we’ll find out when you get her in the next 10 minutes. Stay tooned kids! Unless Tony moderates me…
AbsoluteAbility LifeStyle Coach, this is perfect PUA Hate material. Now PEE YOU EHs around the world have logged evidence to combat the celibrate troll nemesis.
To know me is to love me.
hate material? not at all. I was trying to say that it worked and I had a really good time… and Tony is a master at this stuff, lol.
if you want to be better with girls (more confident, less anxious, whatever), then it’s great to do something about it – like reading a blog or taking a boot camp. I applaud all men who take control of their lives and I think that the men who help them are fantastic! I am so happy there are men like Tony out there who are willing to share their experiences and knowledge.
it didn’t feel like tactics and strategies when Tony approached me, it was just interesting reading these articles and seeing how he implemented all of his suggestions.
mostly, this was just a bit of a tease for Tony to see… I didn’t think I would get any comments.
maybe this should come down Tony…
The comments are faked. MissX is way too detailed and logical in accentuating the positives of this article. The writing styles are nearly identical as well. Why all the foolery? Tony being the moderator, i imagine this comment will be removed because Tony, like many Pua’s hawking balogne sandwiches and calling it masterful, use cowardly manipulation tactics to seduce desperate readers.
If you think that she has the same writing style as me, then I need to work on my writing.