How To Seduce a Woman in 4 Easy Steps

How to seduce a woman. What a loaded question this one is. I’ve spent a good portion of my adult life trying to unravel this riddle, and I think I have a pretty deep understanding of how it works.
And I’m not some natural. I used to be a super shy, almost incel type of guy. I had to learn by grinding out approaches and studying like seduction was my PHD.
Teaching this effectively to other men is a real challenge.
Like any skill, seduction requires massive hands-on experience. The issue is motivating socially lacking men to go out and meet more women so they can obtain that experience.
The Roots of Seduction as a Modern Art and Science

In the early 2000’s, innovators like Ross Jeffries, Erik Van Markovich (aka Mystery), Neil Strauss, Owen Cook (RSD), and many others created an abundance of seduction books, bootcamps, and online courses.
Now in 2024, any guy who Googles “How to seduce a woman” could literally scroll through the courses until they die of old age.
If my humble blog is the first you’ve come across then you’re in luck, because not only have I studied nearly every foundational guru, I am also highly experienced with women, and I’ve taught hundreds of men (millions if you include my blog visitors); so you could say I have a PHD in seduction.
So if you think you might learn to seduce any woman from one article, you’ll be disappointed. But if you’re ready to invest a good portion of your life to becoming awesome with girls, read on.
Step 1: Learning Seduction
The biggest hurdle stopping men from seducing more girls is meeting them.
Most guys meet women from social circle, work or school. Men without these options then try online dating which is for 95% of us a dead end. The only option left is to learn cold approach pickup.
But then there’s approach anxiety. This is the sensation of fear one experiences when they see a beautiful girl they want to meet, but let their thoughts and emotions overcome them and prevent them from taking action.
They have thoughts like: “What do I say?” “What if she thinks I’m creepy?” “What if other people see me hitting on her?”
There is also an adrenaline response which causes their heart to race, which makes it impossible to form thoughts into coherent words.
So because of this, men don’t meet women, and they don’t seduce them.
Solution: Learn how to approach women and what to say. Practise until you no longer fear the approach and have conversational skill.
Where do you start? You could subscribe to my email list, read my books, watch my Youtube channel, and join my free and paid communities.
Because to teach “how to seduce” a woman has been my life’s work, summing it up into one blog post is quite impossible. It’s a skill that requires dedication, study and practice.
But if you’re committed to learning you can become awesome at seducing women.
Step 2: Getting Dates
First you need to learn how to approach women.
You can meet girls anywhere: in bars, clubs, coffee shops, malls, streets, beaches, the gym.
If you want to learn daygame, I have a book on Amazon called “I Hope it’s Sunny Out – A Guide to Meeting Women in The Daytime.”
You can approach them with a direct compliment like, “I just found you adorable and had to say hello. I’m Tony.” Or you could go indirect with a situational opener, an opinion opener, or even just ask for directions to the nearest toilet.
It doesn’t matter how you approach them at first. Most men struggle with approach anxiety, and the only way to conquer AA is by approaching lots of women. I mean hundreds of them.
Then once you learn to calm your nerves, you can work on your conversational skills. This involves:
- Flirting
- Banter
- Vibe
- Touch
- Verbal Escalation
- Sexual Escalation
- Story Telling
- Cold Reading
- And more…
You can learn all of this also in my free community with my courses, found in the classroom.
Step 3: Texting Girls
Every guy wants to know what to text girls to get a date. This is not easy to teach. There are many courses online, but the best way to learn texting is to hire a coach to step you through it text by text.
The reason it’s difficult to teach is because every girl is a case by case basis. Women aren’t robots, and you just can’t predict how every conversation will go down.
The general rule is this: texting is used to set up dates. Don’t try to text yourself attractive. Humour often gets misinterpreted over text because there’s just too much ego involved.
Once you start getting dates from texting, you need to learn how to talk on the dates, and how to escalate.
You can also seduce a woman and bring her home the same night/day, bypassing the texting phase completely.
I teach all of this in my free community as well, and go much deeper and more thoroughly in my paid mastermind.
Step 4: Getting Laid
Once you’re getting dates, you’ll eventually start pulling girls home, and hopefully you’ll start getting laid.
Knowing how to sexually escalate is key here.
Many men have brought dates home and because of their own inexperience and insecurity, failed to make a move. Because they didn’t escalate, the girl got bored and that was the last date.
You can make a science out of escalation, or you can just go for it and try to kiss her. I suggest you just go for it and see what happens. It’s better than not trying and she gets bored.
From there you move her to the bedroom, take off each other’s clothes and do the tango.
What Do Women Like When Being Seduced?
There are common characteristics that beautiful women love about men they find attractive.
- Confidence
Confidence with women comes from experience with women. So the more women you pick up, date, and sleep with, the greater your confidence will be.
- Extroversion
Women like extroverted men. The shy, quiet, introverted guy is boring. When you learn seduction, you learn to be more extroverted.
- Positivity
Girls love positive minded men. No whining, no depression, no anger, no emotional flatness. If you suffer from depression or cynicism, you’ll need to work on this.
- Style
Women like men with style and fashion sense. How do you know if you have style? It’s easy… women will tell you that you do. If you need to upgrade your fashion sense, start watching “Men’s style” channels on Youtube, or get a girl, or a gay friend to take you for a makeover.
- Social Status
You don’t need to be famous, but you should have friends and a social life. No girl wants to shack up with a dude who has no life.
- Resources
“Women only want guys with money.” You hear this all the time. It’s true if you have tight game you can seduce women even if you’re broke and live with your mother. However, life gets a whole lot easier when you have a job, a car, and your own apartment to bring her back to, at least.
This is just a really broad brushstroke for how to seduce a woman.
If you want to deep dive into all this stuff, I suggest joining my mailing list below, my communities, watch my Youtube, read my books, or just hire me as a private coach.
Otherwise go to Amazon and search the thousands of books covering the subjects of pickup, dating and seduction. There’s no shortage of information out there. The key is to put it into practice.
Tony Depp.