How to Reply to “I have a boyfriend.”

On top of learning how to talk to girls like a Chad and overcoming crippling approach anxiety, one of the hardest aspects of approaching women is handling the rejection: “I have a boyfriend.”
Most of the time she doesn’t actually have a boyfriend, she’s just rejecting you in a less painful way than telling the truth, which may possibly crush a man’s fragile ego and put her in an uncomfortable, or even dangerous situation.
Why Women Fear Rejecting Men (Conflict-Aversion)
The reason women are conflict-averse is because men are dangerous.
While you may be a total sweetheart, women through experience have learned that many men are rude, or downright vicious when it comes to sexual rejection.
So rather than telling a man the truth about her feelings or impressions, she will say “Sorry, but I have a boyfriend.”
This isn’t even a conscious defence mechanism. Her instinct just drives her on auto-pilot (auto-rejection.) This is why I have a free course in my community called “Easy Openers” which teaches guys how to create indirect openers that don’t trigger auto-rejection.
Let’s Be Psychic
Imagine we have the ability to hear the thoughts of women. How educational! What might she be thinking when we hit on her?
“Sorry, I don’t do bald.”
“Too fat.”
“Too short.”
“Too old.”
“Too young.”
“Very skinny.”
“Bad teeth.”
“His voice reminds me of Kermit the Frog.”
But since we’re not psychic superheroes from the X-Men, we can’t actually know why she’s rejecting us. So, unless she tells us why… there’s no point stressing about it. As men all we can do is suck it up, take the hits, and try, try again.
The best reply for “I have a boyfriend.”
So what if she says she has a boyfriend? What’s your counter move? Do you just accept it, tuck tail and bolt, or stick it out with a rizz comeback?
My tried and tested line is this:
Her: “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.”
Me: “How is that working out for you?”
I’ve had women, even married ones say “Honestly, not well.” I took her home for some incredible sex.
I’m not advocating becoming a home wrecker. But if she’s looking for an adventure she’s going to find it. This may as well be with you, right?
Some Women Need an Adventure
Some women who do have boyfriends or husbands would love to have a side fling. They just want to make sure that you’re on their side, that you won’t rat them out, or cause drama if they must suddenly end the fling.
While most women will say “It’s going great” a few will admit that their relationship isn’t ideal. All they needed was a charming man to ask.
And of course others will admit they were lying, apologize, and then accept your flirtation. That happens as well.
You see many girls have boyfriends, but few have lovers.
Boyfriends provide financial, social, and emotional support; lovers provide good times, good conversation, and good dick. It’s better to be a lover.
Some other lines I’ve tried:
Her: “I have a boyfriend.”
Me: “How long have you had that problem?”
Me: “How long have you been together?”
Me: “Is he a good lover?”
Me: “Do you want another?”
All of these are better than, “Oh, sorry!” And then scuttling off like a cockroach to hide your shame in some dark recess.
How do you tell if she actually has a boyfriend?
It doesn’t really matter if she actually has a guy or not. It’s still a rejection. However, this doesn’t mean the game is over.
You can still get her number, or social media like Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook.
Basically you put yourself in the friend zone. She may not be available but if she’s hot, there’s a high chance her friends are also hot. And if you have some rizz and she likes you, she may just invite you out to meet her cute, single friends.
Always think big picture. Sure, we’re trying to get laid and find a girlfriend, but we’re also working on our charm, and expanding our network and social circle.
So don’t just scuttle off in shame. Stay and chat a bit. She may be down to hang out, even go for a coffee even if she’s taken.
And every taken woman could eventually be single. I’ve had girls I met message me a year later when they found themselves on the market once again, and most would rather date someone in their network rather than get picked up on Tinder.
How to Handle a Rejection
A rejection like, “Sorry I have a boyfriend,” can be super disappointing. But it’s really not a big deal. The world has billions of single women, and not all of them are taken, or uninterested.
It’s your job as a man to approach and find the girls who are available and interested. So stay positive and keep trying. You will find her.
P.S. I have a free community with free courses that will help you get hotter girls into bed.