How To Be More Attractive To Men: A 5000 Word Guide, Written By A Man

So you want to be more attractive to the men you most desire. Nice.
Every so often I get mail asking if I teach women. I usually say, “I only teach men.” And the reason is because if I were to tell them what I, as a man, wanted from them, they might call me an asshole.
This article is by no means a comprehensive guide to dating. It’s very shallow, and merely brushes the surface. It addresses men’s biggest complaints: Why are so many western women so difficult to relate to, and seduce?
This is not a guide to make you feel good about yourself, to boost your self-esteem and tell you everything will be alright if you believe in yourself. It’s about what actually works, and what most men wish for in a girl they desire.
I can’t speak for all men, but I’ve been involved in the men’s dating needs industry for almost ten years, and I’ve spoken to hundreds of men about their desires. So I know a few things about what most want. I mean most and not all. And I know a little bit about the woman’s perspective.
Unfortunately, most women (besides my female readers) don’t take much time to explore their own psychology and understand their attraction triggers. Ask a woman what she’s attracted to and she might say, “Kind,” or “Funny,” or “A good/real guy.”
In her mind she will picture Ryan Gosling, or a celeb she finds physically attractive. But the desires in your minds eye, it’s not what pickup artists use to attract you. They have an inside joke about women–that you don’t even know what you are attracted to. They say “Attraction is not a choice.” You can’t verbalize it—but we can. Don’t hate the messenger.
Some women will become very angry, and quit reading, for no other reason than: This Article Exists
If you want to improve your life, don’t be that girl. This is your ego, pushing your emotional buttons like a crazed puppet master.
It’s funny how much people shit on guys who study seduction/pickup: “They’re promoting rape culture; they’re misogynists and manipulators!” Yet, the guys who get good at picking you up, they’re the ones who understand your attraction mechanisms–better than you understand them yourself.
There actually isn’t such thing as a pickup artist—only men who took the time to understand your lizard brain; the ancient part that speaks to you in your dreams. They aren’t needy, or overly jealous. They take action. They are funny, and good leaders, and a little cocky. They’re just cool. They are just men who like to read self-help…for men.
I realize how ignorant and pompous this sounds, that we learned men know what you want from us better than you do. But why is that? Ask yourself, have you taken the time to learn from us? Do you know what we actually do to pickup women, and why we do it? Or have you merely parroted headlines from sensationalist media, or frightened friends? Do you project your fear of being hurt onto any man who decides to study your psychology in the hope he can make it a little bit easier to get laid or find a girlfriend? Have you ever used self-reflection to notice you are doing this? Time to start. It’s called being “self-aware.”
“Men just want to get laid.”
The most common question I receive from women about what I do is: “Do you teach men how to ‘just’ get laid, or do teach them how to have ‘real, meaningful relationships?’” Truthfully, men want a lot of sex, and a variety of it. We also want relationships–but only with the girls who are girlfriend material. This article might show you what that means to most of us.
The skill set required to be have a “real relationship” is not the same skill set required to bed you. They’re not the same. You want a nice, good man, right? The man you go home with from a party, the funny, slightly cocky, handsome, interesting, talented, charming and fun guy—he’s not the guy you marry, because you know deep down, he’s just too good at what he does. Yet he’s the guy you have “fun” with. That’s who we want to be. Not the lapdog husband who hates his job while providing for you on hands and knees. These attractive guys want to be hunters, and rockstars, and Hemingways. Isn’t that what you want deep down? An awesome guy. That’s what the best, most attractive men strive for.
Or maybe you want the shy, chill guy. The good provider guy, who just let’s you run the show. This guide isn’t for you then. This is for girls who want the hot, awesome guy.
Check your emotions:
If you are an open minded girl, then you might enjoy this article. It might not make you happy. In fact, it might make you angry. This might be anger of recognition, like when your mother tells you to clean your room, and you scream, “Fuck you Mom! It’s not even dirty!” Only to realize after your rampaging emotions have calmed, that your room is indeed filthy.
You might think that I am a misogynist, sexist or something. I’m not. It’s just that after dating so many women, from so many different countries, from Canada to Vietnam, Germany to Chile, I’ve noticed patterns in the psychological makeup of different women.
Who is this article for?
This article is meant to help a very specific subset of women: First world women. Women from countries like America, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Germany, and Australia. Basically anywhere that has a great freedom, financial wealth, and access to post secondary education.
Why is this article for you? I believe that many women in the first world are unhappy, lonely, and have great struggles attracting or keeping the men they desire. Why are men from these countries flocking to other countries in Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe to meet women when they have so many at home? I’ll try to explain.
Girl game:
When I say “game” I don’t mean evil tactics. I consider game to be like playing in a sandbox. We hand you a spoon, and you help us build a castle. This is game. It’s a two way interaction. If you’re not involved as a willing participant, there is no game to be played.
Girl game is not at all similar to man game. Contrary to the brainwashing we’ve endured from movies, magazines and television, the genders in our post-feminist society are not equal. We just aren’t.
We have very different attraction triggers. To help you understand the differences between men and women, I’ll share a list of male attraction triggers, proven by absolutely nothing except my own data.
When I say, “men,” of course I don’t mean “all men.” I just mean, “most men.” Like almost all of my friends and clients can agree on this. I’m speaking for heterosexual, normal men. Not hipster weirdos, bi-sexual, or white knight male feminists.
Men are attracted to, above all else…
That’s right. More than anything, your personality, your job, your hobbies and ambitions—at first, all we care about, is how hot you are.
We are attracted to:
A toned body and healthy weight:
We’re not too concerned about height, but boy, are we into women with fit, shapely bodies. We don’t care about muscle, as long as you are not fat.
As much as you’ve been told big is beautiful, to the majority of men, this is not the true. We like thin, shapely girls. Having curves, or baby fat is no deal breaker, not at all. Actually, we love something to grab onto, like Scarlett Johansen. But we also love skinny girls like Rihanna, or Liv Tyler, or Natalie Portman.
But you knew this right? I know you were taught to accept yourself, to be proud of who you are, no matter what your size? That there are men with fetishes for large women. This is all good and true, but it’s akin to telling a forty year old virgin to “Just be yourself.” It doesn’t work in real life.
So you don’t have movie star good looks? Well I’m no Brad Pitt. But I’m a man, and it’s different for us. I’m not writing this article to boost your fragile self-esteem. I’m doing this to tell you the truth about men and their attraction triggers.
So if you’re obese, and you want to be more desirable, start a diet and join a gym.
Men are most attracted to women from the age of 16-25. This is when your skin is smooth and soft. Your sexy bits levitate without a bra, and your voice sounds sweet like a harp. Do some men prefer older women, sure. But again, this article isn’t about some men, it’s about “most” men.
If you’re in this age range, congratulations. You’re at the top of the dating market. If you’re not, I’m sorry, but unless you’re genetically gifted with youth, you’re going to have to make serious lifestyle decisions to remain in the market. Not that you don’t have options after 25, not at all. There are beautiful women who are 50. But let’s be real, the men you are looking for are most attracted to young women. It’s in our genetics.
Unfortunately at 16-25, you probably don’t know much about men. And if you’re single in your thirties, you probably don’t want to learn. It’s not game over, you just have to try a lot harder if you’re not genetically gifted.
Young beautiful girls are showered with adoration. They’re invited to parties, they receive dozens of text messages from friends and suitors, and I feel they think this party will last. Many become party girls, and drink to excess. They spend hours in sloth, sitting on their smart phones. They don’t improve their minds, or work on their charm, and they party promiscuously telling themselves they’ll get married, have kids and settle down once they’re in their thirties.
But then it’s too late. They gain weight. They lose they’re lustre, and suddenly, they hit the wall and they’re at the bottom of the attractive man’s list. They become the cougar, the milf, the last resort.
So here’s my solution: If you’re young, learn how to become the most attractive woman so you can land the man you want while you have options. Educate yourself as to how you can use your powers for good. Develop a lifestyle and philosophy that good men find attractive and realize your time is limited.
If you’re over the bend and losing your appeal, work harder to stay fit, dress well, and utilize your wisdom to become the best damn conversationalist you can be. Because you won’t be able to rely on your looks forever.
Sad but true.
Long Hair:
We love, love, love long hair. Why? Because it’s beautiful. If you have curly hair that grows straight up, then grow a lot of it. Does this mean women with short hair aren’t beautiful? Heck no. But we prefer long hair and will be more attracted to a woman with this feature.
“But it’s a pain in the ass!”
Yes. So is going out night after night, day after day, and being rejected by thousands of women, just to learn how to be a fun guy that pretty girls like to sleep with. But we do what works. We do this so that we are funnier, more charming, and better men. We go to the gym, we improve our style and grooming, we try to make more money, all to be more attractive, because that’s what works.
Skin tone:
The majority of men prefer caucasian skin. But actually, we don’t really care that much. We like all colours of women. Mostly, we just want you to be fit, with long flowing hair, big eyes, big boobs, shapely hips and long legs. Whatever colour you are, it’s not that important.
Many men love asian women even though they have asian skin. But why men go to Asia, South America, or Eastern Europe to meet women has little to do with their skin colour, and everything to do with their increased value with women who aren’t as entitled as western white girls. It’s easier, and we like easier. That doesn’t mean prostitutes either. Also, those girls seem to be more ‘feminine.’ Because the dating market is more competitive, they work harder on their charisma. They know what men like! Fit, positive, and slightly submissive yet confident girls. Not women pretending to be men.
Don’t be angry because it’s true. I promise I won’t lie to you. If you’re getting mad, that’s because you recognize the truth. Men are fed up with western women. But you can change that.
Your skin colour isn’t a deal breaker. Your attitude and style is.
Fashion and style:
Anything that fits tight, and highlights your best features. Have nice legs? Wear dresses, skirts, and short shorts. Tight jeans are also awesome. Have big boobs? Wear low cut blouses, or anything that shows us your cleavage.
In Se Asia, white girls like to wear baggy, ugly hippy pants; otherwise known as elephant pants. At home in Vancouver, women like to wear track or pyjama pants. They dress like men! Don’t be that girl. Show us something we can admire you for. It’s hard work to look good? We know it is. We respect that you take the time to look good for us, and for yourself. We will always go for the woman wearing a dress over the girl in frumpy clothes, looking like a punk.
Some guys love high heels, and I have to admit, they’re sexy when they push your butt up like that. Personally I don’t mind skater shoes on a girl if she’s in her early twenties. But most men want to see your feet, your ankles, your legs.
If you aren’t turning heads it probably has a lot to do with what you wear. “But I don’t want to be ogled by creeps!” Yes, but you do want to be ogled by Ryan Gosling, don’t you?
I’ve met many Russian women in my travels. These girls before going out do their nails, their makeup. They put on beautiful dresses and skirts, and probably spend hours on their hair. And Russian women are known to be some of the most feminine, beautiful and charming in the world. I have to agree. Eastern Europe in general is famous for its women. Take a long look at how you dress, and ask yourself, do I look as feminine as possible?
I’m only writing this article to tell you what works. Not to make you happy. You want the hottest guy you can get? This is how.
Now I’ve told you what we like to look at. How about your personality, charm, and all that. Instead of telling you what we like, I will tell you what turns us off.
Don’t Neg So Much:
For those of you blessed with good genetics, this will garner a lot of attention from men, as you know. But if you wonder why these guys keep dumping you, it’s because beauty is not a talent. Being beautiful will not garner respect in the long term. Only in the short term. To keep a guy, you need to develop the charm and skills that will help you remain valuable to him past your physical prime. It blows my mind how many pretty women think that their value lay solely in their looks, while maintaining and entitled, shitty attitude.
For some reason, western women have been taught that an aloof, bitchy, challenging attitude is attractive to men. It’s not. It really isn’t. The reason you do this, is because you are projecting on some level, what you find attractive in a man.
“I don’t like jerks!” Ok, you don’t like jerks. But you do like guys that tease you, and are just a little bit unattainable. Just think back to every bad boy you’ve ever lusted after. They were the guys who had options, weren’t they? Maybe just a few of them?
This is not the behaviour that attracts men. Think about this; what sort of behaviours turns you off of certain men? When they’re always available? When they’re really simple, and easy to figure out? When they never challenge or test you? When they act submissive and compliant?
Blech, right? Well guess what, this is what men want from you. We like submissive, easy going, simple women who answer our calls, reply to our texts, laugh at our jokes and sometimes tease us, just a little bit. Just a little bit. Being witty and creative helps, but is not nearly as important as being agreeable and nice.
The above is exactly what DOES NOT WORK in pickup. Being nice, agreeable, and simple is the furthest thing from what works. What does work is being high energy, teasing, leading, and dominance. All the things that turn us men off of you.
Stop dominating the interaction:
Of course you can think of many instances in your life, or your friends where this wasn’t the case. And you’re thinking “I don’t want to be a boring, submissive girl! I have zest, and personality.” Yes and we love that about you. But not in a dominant way. The man wants to lead. He dreams about this, about being a the tribal leader, the boss. During the seduction phase, allow the man to lead a little, let him talk, be agreeable and nice. Let that strong woman out later, after we’ve gotten to know you a bit.
Think back to that man who picked you up at a party, or the bookstore. Maybe he wasn’t the rockstar good looking guy who you dreamed about, but he had energy. He made you laugh. He touched you the right way to create attraction. He teased you a bit and wasn’t too available. You became curious. He was such a jerk! But you liked him anyway. So you slept with him, and you started dating.
And then after some time, his energy level dipped. He wasn’t so over the top, you started having normal conversations that didn’t involve tests, and teasing, and you still liked him. But things calmed down.
The seduction phase is not the same as relationship phase. Remember that.
Stop Challenging us over petty things:
These are called shit tests. Otherwise known as nagging.
I went on a date with a girl and she insisted on challenging me on every level.
“Are you going to drink another beer? You’re going to get fat.”
“Do you take every girl for coffee?”
“You think you’re very smart don’t you?”
We call these “shit tests” and we have entire strategies to pass them. I use a technique called “agree and amplify—or ignore.” I either agree with the statement, “I want to be as fat as Buddha! Everyone loves Buddha!” Or I ignore, by laughing and changing the subject. But I never, ever, get upset, or qualify myself by apologizing: “Oh, but I’ll go to the gym tomorrow, if I have time (sad face.)
A little bit of playful teasing is fine, and you do want to screen out guys who can’t take a joke. Just turn it down about ten notches.
It’s just not fun or seductive when you act this way. It’s far better to…
Be pleasant and agreeable:
A girls laugh is the most seductive of sounds. If you want us to like you, ask us a lot of questions, pretend you are interested, and laugh at our dumb jokes. Boom! Charm! That’s all it takes.
But you don’t want to come off as a weak girl. You want to be strong, and express your opinions. That’s great. Do this all you want. Just don’t be surprised when that guy bangs you and doesn’t call you back. Then you think, all he wanted was my body. What an asshole.
We like pleasant and agreeable women. When women appear intrigued by us, it strokes our egos and makes us feel important, smart and manly. Being submissive is not weakness, it’s charming and takes great skill.
Does that paragraph make you angry? It should. Because it’s true.
Listen more, talk less:
I went on a date with a pretty Canadian girl. She talked, and talked, and talked. Mostly about her job, her friends, her six weeks in Thailand. She never once asked me a question, laughed at my jokes, or showed any sign that she gave a shit who I was. I told her, “You know what? You talk a lot.”
She got a little upset, understandably. “Well what should I do?” She asked. “Just sit here and giggle?”
“Well, you could ask me some questions about myself, and yeah, giggling would help.”
I didn’t see her again.
The most interesting word in the world is “I.” I went to the gym, I saw a movie, I have an opinion.” So ask him about him, and be interested and enthusiastic. This is all we want.
Don’t be a mute:
On the other end of this spectrum, some girls don’t say anything. They simply show up and expect the man to fall head over heels for her. This is worse than talking too much. Asking questions, and telling stories is fine. We like talented and entertaining girls. Just not dominant and aggressive ones. This sort of attitude was created by sexless tv script writers. Don’t think because you have a pretty face that a man with options will hand you a ring. We don’t work like that.
Get off your smart phone:
What’s with girls and their damn phones? You’re in the middle of a date, and you incessantly check your stupid computer. Look at the man. Be intrigued by us. That’s what we want. Any guy with options is going to next you for this lame ass behaviour. It’s stupid and rude and shows you don’t care. When I go to a party and I see women on their phones, I don’t approach them. I go for the girl who is making herself available. She’s not staring into the void of stupidity.
Improve your brain:
We don’t want to hear about your trip to get your hair done (unless it’s a great story). We don’t care about some girl we’ve never met and what a bitch she is. We don’t care about how your friend at work got the raise you deserved. We don’t care. Does that make us assholes? If you sat in on a room of men complaining about women, you would know that this is true. We feel like you girls are booooooring to talk to. So we go to mens clubs, and mens forums, where we can talk about things that interest us. And we put up with shallow, boring chatter to get in your pants. When we meet a girl that can talk…wow! It’s mesmerizing.
I like to read books. Lots, and lots of books. From Tolstoy to Harry potter to self-help. If you would get off your phone and start reading, we could have some amazing, intelligent conversations. Unless you want to date meatheads. Plenty of meatheads in small logging communities all over the world. They are really good at Call of Duty.
Many guys like sports and video games and politics and philosophy. Learn to enjoy these hobbies that men enjoy, and you’ll win many girlfriend material points. Look at the things men do for recreation, and educate yourself. Don’t be a hater. Use a little strategy and you can seduce that guy with your wisdom.
Stop getting bad tattoos:
I know they make you feel like an individual, and lots of girls in magazines have tattoos, and you think guys like them. The vast majority of men find tattoos on women to be like clothing you can never take off.
Whenever I see a girl with an ankle or wrist tattoo, I think, “Well there’s a girl who hates her father.” Am I an asshole for thinking this? Maybe. But it’s how I feel. Not that I won’t date a girl with tattoos if she’s nice and pretty. I will. I just prefer her to not have so many, especially not on her beautiful legs. I just want to see what’s underneath the ink.
I was coaching a wealthy Russian guy, and he didn’t want to approach a woman because she had tattoos. He said, “She has tattoo. In Russia, that means slut.”
Understand that the tattoo you just can’t wait to Instagram, is now a brand for life that you are from a lower class and have probably had numerous sexual partners.
So why isn’t this the same for men? Why do so many women love guys with tattoos? Doesn’t that make us look like sluts? Or bad boys? Yes it does, and that’s why you like it.
“But I don’t like tattoos on guys either.” I understand that not all women like tattoos, but it’s not a deal breaker the way tattoos on women are. The reason is because many men have a Madonna Whore complex. This is the idea that a woman is either a virginal Madonna, or a whore. Men are attracted to women that they believe will make good mothers, and remain loyal. Tattoos make you look like a party girl who sleeps around, does drugs and has low self esteem. Maybe this is a weakness in men who lack wisdom. It probably is, but this is an article about seduction, to land the guy of your dreams. And many men’s dreams don’t involve party girls with loads of tattoos that signify their sexually promiscuous ways. Women with lots of tattoos tend to marry tattoo artists, bikers, and professional skateboarders. So if that’s your niche, right on.
I do have some friends who love tattoos on girls. But they are just a few. Personally, I don’t mind them…if the girl is hot and cool. but on most girls, they just look trashy and cliche. Some of my friends love tattoos but most don’t.
Stop bragging about your dogma:
So you’re going to be a lawyer, or you are a feminist studies major. Or you’re a career gal. The truth is, we don’t find any of this information impressive or seductive. All we care about at first, is how you look, and act—preferably like a woman who wants to please us. Accomplishments are cool, but keep your stats on the gender wage gap to yourself. We think that stuff sucks. Most men loathe feminism and see it as anti male.
The most charming girls I ever dated long term, were always the ones who at first, listened and asked questions 80% more than they talked about their own lives. Men are very contemplative by nature. You might feel like we don’t communicate, or we never listen. We do love to communicate, but often, we just love to sit in quiet contemplation with a beautiful, peaceful, attentive woman at our side. Is this a fault, or is it male nature? Perhaps it’s both. But it doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, it’s how we are. Blame god. Let us find out about your politics with time.
Quit trying to be a man:
You are a strong and independent woman. You can fart and burp whenever you want. You like to play sports, and you can drink a lot of beer. This is all fine and good, but for most men, we really like the company of feminine women. Women who can tell cute stories, make us laugh, cook us food, clean our mess, massage our backs, sing us songs while we fall asleep on your long, feminine hair. You have feminine talent and we love that! You know how to seduce us, the way we want.
There’s a reason beyond just fucking or seeing boobs that men go to massage parlours, strip clubs and escorts. It’s because these women are paid to act like women. They know how to move, how to talk to us, how to turn us on and most of all, how to heal us.
Men do not heal each other. We challenge each other.
And we have enough challenge in our life. We need to be healed. In return, we will open your doors, open your hearts, lead you, take bullets and fists for you, pay for your food, house you and protect you. We don’t need you to lead us, protect us, fight us, challenge us, or annoy us. Not in the seduction phase at least. Save this for later on, when it really matters, as a friend to a friend, not a woman to a man.
Contrary to what the media has told you, we don’t like women who look, talk, and act like men. We don’t want one of the boys. We want a sweet, charming, feminine girl who enjoys letting us feel like men.
Answer our texts and phone calls as soon as possible:
Seriously. Why make us wait two days if you’re interested? It does not intrigue us. It might intrigue beta males. But good, strong men find this very immature, and will move on to the next pretty girl that texts them back promptly and enthusiastically. End of story.
Be enthusiastic:
It’s simple, have a little bit of positive energy. Acting bored during a date is so lame. As much as you think because of your button nose and shapely breasts, that you are the prize, for most guys who have options, this is a major turn off.
We love, love, love enthusiastic women. Enthusiasm for your hobbies, for your health, for your family, for your friends, for your man, for your sexual and romantic desires, and his.
Mostly, for your enthusiasm for showing us a good time with your positive energy, and pampering us the way only women can. What’s wrong with that?
Get that snotty look off your face, it’s ugly. Sit up straight, listen intently and smile. We like this a lot and will win you a second date.
Stop punishing us for approaching you:
If we find the balls to approach you, and we say something a little dumb, don’t be such a bitch to us. If we deserve it because we said something rude, or we can’t take a hint from your body language, all you have to say is “I’m sorry but I’m not available.” Say you have a boyfriend, or that we seem nice, but you just aren’t interested.
Don’t put your hand in our face, or turn your back and ignore us before we even try, or call us fags, or losers, or douchebags, or creeps. This behaviour is low class, and the reason that some men commit suicide or go on killing sprees, or become raging misogynists.
Most women seem to act this way to validate themselves, so they can brag to their friends about all the douchebags they rejected last night. This is lower consciousness. This is how ugly girls act.
I’ve noticed in many years of teaching how to approach women, the nicest looking women were the ones who were the best at rejecting us. They never made us feel creepy or weird for being attracted to them. They saw it as a compliment, and we respectfully accept their rejection.
Here’s an asshole story. Once I was in a bar and my student approached three women in their early thirties. They were cute, but close to the wall. One of them was very mean to him, pushing her hand into his face and making fun of his advance. I approached them, and she told me to take my friend away as he didn’t stand a chance. I looked at her and said “There will come a time when young men will no longer approach you, and that time is not far off.”
A simple, polite “Thank you, but no thank you” will suffice. The “I have a boyfriend” line is also good.
Understand that most men will not take the first rejection seriously, as we are trained to be persistent, since persistence is attractive to women. So you might have to politely reject him several times. And if you can’t handle being approached, just don’t go to parties. Being approached is a compliment. This is life. (Catcalls don’t deserve a response.)
Stop lying:
“I’ve only been with two guys.”
Come on. We can take it. Maybe the weak ass men with Madonna-Whore syndrome can’t. But real men don’t care how many dudes you boned in college. Though, it’s best not to tell us, because it won’t help your cause. The same goes for sayings like “I’ve never done this before” and “I’ll come up, but I’m not sleeping with you.”
If you want to get sleep with us, but you’re not sure, just say, “I want to sleep with you, but not yet, because I’m not sure.” We can take it. Actually, we don’t want you to be so easy, not if we really like you. It shows you have standards and class, and increases our pleasure when we finally have you.
If any guy can’t take that, don’t go to his room. Going to a guys room means you want to have sex. So don’t come into our room unless you want to get laid. At least give us a bj. If you come to our room, or invite us to yours, unless we cum we will be very, very persistent, probably for most of the night.
If you don’t come to bed with us, let us know you had fun, and you’d like to see us again. If you’re not sure about that, then tell us that you like us, but you have to think about seeing us again. We respect honestly, not bullshit like, “I am really busy, blah, blah, lies.”
Stop acting aloof, and then super needy:
Pretending you don’t care works for men, because most men are very needy, and we need to communicate that we have options too. It doesn’t work for women, because most of you have options.
However, we don’t want you to be needy, and text us fifty times a day, or beg for our attention. My friend calls it dick sickness. When he sleeps with a girl, and she becomes needy, he will show me his phone and go “Dick sick.”
Be Authentic. That old buzzword rings true. Because if you play game, you will attract game players. Keep things honest and communicate clearly. Men love straight talk.
Men just want this to be easy.
- Be in shape
- Look/act like a girl
- Maximize your feminine charms i.e, singing, cooking, massaging, dancing, musing
- Improve your brain i.e. read books, travel, study life
- Be more submissive and agreeable, less dominant and combative/testy
- Enthusiasm, especially in bed
- Communicate clearly and honestly
I hope this helps you girls to understand. If you enjoyed this, let me know in the comments and I’ll write more posts for women. If you hated it, go write a blog post about it and send it to Jezebel.
Good luck finding your man.
Love Tony.
Awesome article Tony ( what women should do to attract us ). Future considerations might be what they should do to keep their man. Another idea for a writing of yours:
What about how ( men ) be attractive to other men ? How to develop male friendships. What if you move to a new city ? What if you not move , but just don’t have any friends ? What kind of friends ?
Ps: Merry Christmas !! Also , the merriest Christmas to all your readers. May all Absolute Ability affectionarios have an awesome absolutely safety & peace & some joy , of a Christmas season !!! That’s because we rock !!
Or an article about how to identify (as a man) the situations when a girl doe the approach and how to react to that.
If a girl does the approach and you are attracted to her, you take the offer with full enthusiasm.
Greetings! I’ve been following your site
for some time now and finally got the courage to go ahead
and give you a shout out from Atascocita Tx! Just wanted to say keep up the good
Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do. Well written Tony…now if only more women in the west read articles like this and actually applied it.
As a female I enjoyed reading as this includes advice I’ve tried giving my friends might seem crazy but it’s true hah
Hey thanks a lot. I was a bit nervous about posting this one.
So literally…put effort into how you look, be nice, pleasant, and deferential
This is a ridiculously good write-up.
“Understand that most men will not take the first rejection seriously, as we are trained to be persistent, since persistence is attractive to women. So you might have to politely reject him several times”
That’s why girls use insults, they do work the first time.
True. But you risk setting the guy off. Last night a girl pushed a guy at the bar and told him to go away. The guy got upset and started lecturing the girls about something. A guy asked him to calm down and it almost started a brawl.
Most women prefer caucasian women with long hair. OMG! Are we black women whose hair doesn’t grow so long going to end up dying alone?
I covered this under skin tone.
I found this article posted in the RPW subreddit and was a little nervous to read it based on the preface. However, I really enjoyed it as it reinforces most of the rules I follow and advise other ladies to follow too. I must say though, I am 28 (outside the youth zone) and still get mistaken for young twenties; I honestly think it has more to do with my positive energy and incessant smile than my looks alone. You were pretty brief about enthusiasm but I can’t express enough how important that is.
Curious to know what your thoughts are about dating younger men. I am currently hanging out with someone who is 3.5 years my junior; he is an entrepreneur and super focused on building his personal legend and not sure if/how I fit into his life right now. We are amazing together but I’m also wondering how long I should give him to decide if a LTR relationship is something he wants.
About the tattoos, I don’t have any yet but have been considering a (super) dainty one on my wrist that would only be seen at a particular angle (not on the palm side). Do ALL tattoos scream, “I hate my father” or just big obnoxious tattoos? Also, I used to have my belly button pierced but took it out a few years ago. I have had multiple men suggest getting it re-pierced. Thoughts?
Thanks for being brave enough to write this. 🙂
Hi Cindy. Thank you.
Twenty eight. You’re young and yummy still. It’s a perfect time for you to become self-aware if you’re not already, and not in a fearful way.
You’ve got a younger guy and he isn’t diving headfirst in monogamy with you? He’s independent and an entrepreneur? You might just have yourself a budding alpha male. It’s actually good he keeps you at arms length for now, because look, you’re here asking questions about him. You’ve been thinking about him, and wondering how you can lock him down, because he’s a catch. This is exactly what attractive guys do. We go kicking and screaming into monogamy.
Are there any chances he’s seeing another female or two? What does he do on the weekend? Does he like to go out and party or is he more the stay at home, read books and play video games kinda guy?
If you want to find out how much he is into you, it’s easy. Just withdraw a little bit. I wouldn’t pressure him for exclusivity before three months at least. Just make yourself a little unavailable. If he goes out of his way to contact you, then you have a guy who likes you.
See if he takes you out for things, like dinner, or a movie, or anything at all. This is a sign he likes you for more than you know what.
Also, see if he wants to go on a trip with you. Just a weekend getaway. If he claims he’s too busy, try again in a month. If he repeatedly says no thanks to any excursions, then he probably doesn’t want exclusivity yet.
At some point you will have to make your intentions known. “I’d like it if we were together more than how we are now.”
He’s a young guy, and young hearts aren’t easily tamed. Not with guys who have purpose and options. Lesser guys are not so hard. Older guys are not so hard.
Good luck.
If you want a tattoo, get a tattoo. It shouldn’t matter what other people think if it’s something you want. If someone is turned off by that, it’s their loss. They’re missing out on someone who seems great 🙂
Be more comfortable making decisions without someone else’s input.
Hey Tony I really enjoyed your post. I have a question: I am a 23 year old virgin(I’ve never done anything sexual). How would men feel about dating a virgin?
Nothing sexual at 23? That’s cool. Whatever you’re into.
I don’t have any fetish for women who are virgins or anything. But I had a 21 year old gf who was a virgin a few years ago. Well. She’s not anymore. Do whatever you’re comfortable with. Most guys don’t care, might even be honoured.
I’m 25. Guess I should give up on life now.
This article was disgusting.
Don’t get all upset about it. You still have time.
” Women who can cook us food, clean our mess, massage our backs, sing us songs while we fall asleep on your long, feminine hair”
Such a betafag behaviour don’t you think?
nothing turn me off more than a perfectly healthy male who expects a woman to cook and wash his skid marks.
Any man who refuse to cook and clean after himself is a failure. You clean your mess I clean my mess, you cook some days I cook some days and we can cook together sometimes.
Women don’t want overgrown man children who are looking for a replacement mommy. There are many good points in your post but the part I quoted makes you sound like the male version of a fat feminazi.
No I don’t think it’s “betafag” behaviour. I think most men would totally stoked if their girlfriend helped them with their chores once in awhile. I had a girlfriend a few years ago, and I cleaned her car, the inside, because it was disgusting. I didn’t mind.
My father married a Filipino lady and on top of taking care of two children, and going to her own job, she also washed his clothes, and cooked dinner. She was a far better cook than he was. She never complained because her life here was amazing compared to what it was like when she was a slave living for some Chinese family in Singapore as a teenager. She’s a great lady.
If you’re going to come to my blog and comment, try to have a real discourse and not spout your passive aggressive nonsense. I don’t have to publish it. You get one.
I loved this piece!
I’m a western guy who has moved to Korea. The women here are far superiour to virtually all western women I’ve encountered.
Fabulous article! Keep ’em comming!
This is absolute gold. Thank you thank you thank you. I’m eighteen, about to move to a new city to study, and I’ll be living on campus (not as common here in Australia as it is overseas), and this is a great guide on how to present myself around guys. I’m doing mechanical engineering so I’m going to be around lots of guys, and I don’t want to fall into a girl who is ‘one of the boys’. One thing I would like to ask is about piercings, you only really covered tattoos. Do guys like piercings? I had plans to get my second ear piercings in the lower lobe and one higher on my ear, but I don’t want to seem tarty? I don’t have any other piercings besides one in each lower ear, and I am not getting any tattoos.
Actually I personally love piercings. You can take them out. Tattoos are like clothes I can never take off. The real artwork is your natural body.
Thank you Tony! I truly appreciate the advice. This is a perfect reminder that being feminine is actually a good thing and not something that should be suppressed.
I have a question (and its a silly female question filled with feelings):
I’m 19, in a semi-LTR, and in love with, let’s call him Tyler. It has been a great year and a half. I’m not completely silly, so I realize at some point we’re going to be done. I know Tyler loves me, but he doesn’t show it much anymore. He is a big fan of TRP and I agree with nearly all of his corresponding ideas. I go to the gym, eat properly, am dedicated to knowledge, and present myself well. The sex is great and he’s my best friend, but he doesn’t treat me the way he did. We have talked about it, but he doesn’t say much regarding this. Is this just the typical relationship cycle? Ive never had anything this fantastic or this long term so I don’t know if something is off or I should just let it go. I’m also really bad with emotional stuff.
Thank you again for the wonderfully written article!!
Unfortunately, the honeymoon period has to end sometime. The honeymoon period usually last 3 months, or sometimes over a year. But at some point the novelty of a woman’s charisma will lose it’s lustre, like a toy that a child has played with too many times.
Now, not that you’re a toy. But men are definitely big children, as are all adults. So how does one keep interested in their favourite toy? You find new ways of implementing it into inventive, fresh games.
I’m sure he still enjoys making love to you. I’m sure he still loves you (I assume) but the novelty of the new relationship is, well, no longer novelty. This is TOTALLY normal. You’ve entered the stage where men, if they are attractive men with options, will start to question whether or not they are happy with one girl for a long, long time.
When you say “he doesn’t show it,” I’m not sure if you mean he doesn’t compliment you, or cuddle you, or kiss you on the belly as often. Maybe he’s not fucking you with the same zest as before.
This is normal. It could be just that he’s comfortable. He might be totally content. But in your mind, you are wondering where is that energy he used to give me? Things just aren’t as fun anymore. And of course, this sucks. It’s like when your favourite dress fades, and it’s not as new, and doesn’t give you the same tingly emotions when you wear it. But you’re attached now! It’s become part of who you are, and you’ll keep it in your closet because you never know, maybe one day you’ll want to wear it again.
Perhaps it’s you that’s changed as well? Perhaps you don’t give him the same sensations you did when he worked his butt off to get you?
One option is to take a step back, and spend some time apart. When he doesn’t have his favourite person around, how will he cope? You don’t want it to be an ultimatum, but you could just separate for a bit. Go on a trip for a month, and maybe be single for this time. Of course you run the risk of losing him as a lover forever, but it’s far more attractive than becoming a nagging, jealous, needy or possessive girlfriend.
You could bring in other girls for threesomes. If he’s into that, it could really spice things up. It would take a lot of courage on your part, so let him know it’s something you want to explore as well, if you do.
You could have long discussions about feelings, but really, he probably hates this because in his mind, there might not be any problem. He’s just epicly comfortable.
You loved the man who worked for you, who made himself charismatic and attractive, and now that he’s comfortable he’s not the man he was when he seduced you. He’s become boring, complacent, lazy, emotionally distant. Guess what? This is called…
Marriage is never fuelled by passion. Not forever. Marriage is an agreement, an understanding, a series of compromises, and a friendship.
Do research into married couples perhaps and find out what these women did to keep their husbands peppy.
And here’s something. Does your man have a purpose in life, other than a job he tolerates, or hobbies he does to escape boredom. A woman who supports her man’s passion is worth a lot more than a perky plaything that grows dull with time and familiarity.
Don’t bring in other girls for threesomes if you feel the need to “spice it up” as a first resort. Jesus. Assumptions that he wants to fuck someone else is offensive to the man who decided to be in a relationship with you. Just straight up ASK what he wants and be open to it as long as you are honestly comfortable with it. if you’re not, don’t do it. He won’t ever expect you to do something you’re not comfortable with and if he does or goes behind your back to get it then it’s time to leave.
I’m not sure why Tony is talking about marriage as how you’re only 19 and talking about dumping this guy. That kind of commitment should be off your radar for now. I’m also not sure why he made that revolting comparison of your emotions to a fucking dress fading because that is belittling as shit. Your partner is not a fucking dress you can put away in your closet. You’re seeing him almost every day and most important, HE’S A PERSON, NOT A DRESS. You didn’t just try him on and you can’t just shrug him off and dump him in a corner somewhere like he’ll just stay there quietly while you try on other things. He wont and it will end badly. Just as if he did the same to you.
Your sex life lacks luster and it’s not a commitment thing, it’s a “what do you both want?” thing and talking about it is awkward and never stops feeling that way but if you can work through it – it’s worth it. But inviting other parties into an already unsure, awkward and embarrassing situation wont help. If you accidentally laugh at a funeral you don’t make it better by telling more jokes.
And your man doesn’t need a purpose in life. You’re 19 so I assume he is as well. No one at 19 is sure of what they will do and they shouldn’t be judged by being unsure. It’s a scary place to be. Judging him will make him feel belittled.
Going on a trip for a month, I assume, is out of your financial grasp and no matter what anyone tells you, traveling does not make you more enlightened – you make yourself more enlightened and there are many people that are well rounded and have never traveled. Don’t be one of those asshole 20-somethings that spent a few months in Thailand and drones on and on about it. There’s 65 million people that live in Thailand. You’re not special. You paid a few thousand and got on a plane. It’s not “magical-make-you-a-guru-land” Deal with your shit. Don’t run from it.
Finally, requesting that your boyfriend tell you what his problem with you is rather than him passive aggressively be aloof forever is not you being needy, possessive, nagging or jealous. If he decides to tell you “Nothing. I’m fine.” then fucking leave right then and there. Because one of two things is happening here: 1) he won’t tell you and doesn’t care that it makes you miserable which is unfair and manipulative, or 2) He really thinks the way he treats you is how a relationship works and he feels no need to exert even a few words to make it better. That is purely unacceptable and he’s a shitty person.
Or you could take Tony’s advice, have a threesome you aren’t comfortable with, jump to conclusions about the misery of marriage and consider the problems in your relationship your fault because you didn’t work hard enough to ensure your sex life was “peppy”. All advice from a guy you gives advice to men about how to fuck and leave women, has most likely never been married or had a relationship lasting longer than a few months.
As it stands, I feel like your year and a half has lasted longer than any relationship Tony has had so I suggest not taking his advice on long term relationships.
I hope you work it out. You seem like a good person who deserves the best.
Well written article. Thank you for your honesty. I was not offended by your direct words. I love insights like these. Wish more men (and women) would write more. I would caution against being overly assertive – One time I got up the courage to introduce myself to the hottest guy at the party – it ended in marriage and three kids.
I’m all for women approaching men. I think this is a good thing.
Well, I suppose if this is the average of what most men want my chances of finding someone (if my and my current s/o were to split up) are very VERY low. I think it’s entirely important to be yourself and do what makes you happy. I’d rather being a single cat lady in my metal band t shirt and baggy jeans, playing Xbox making profane jokes, then grow my hair out act dainty and wear sun dresses all day just to grab a man.
To each their own though…
Of course. Like I said, this article is not to make women happy, but to show them what might help to get the man of their dreams. If you want to dress like crap and play video games, join the legions of men who don’t have women in their lives. (I get you’re kinda joking.)
My friends tell me I’m too nice, too sweet, too accommodating, to attentive, too available etc and that if I want a boyfriend, I need to be a selfish bitch, because that’s what guys “really like”.
Fuck that.
I’m proud of being a genuinely nice girl. I’m not changing.
Thank you for writing this.
Yeah keep doing what you’re doing. Being a “bitch” is probably the worst advice out there. Sassy is different than bitchy. Sassy is attitude, charm, confidence. Not arrogance and bitchiness.
Hey Tony,
I loved this article. I don’t actually think the male alpha and the female beta personality is necessarily a reflection of how males and females actually think but I do understand that this is the reality of the situation; if one wishes to attract the opposite sex. I am planning a 2 week trip to Thailand (Phuket) and I wanted to get my girl game up to scratch because I want to have sex with a hot guy (the honest truth). I think I tend to be a little too intellectually intimidating at first and too alpha in personality (I am not trying to sound arrogant, I am just being honest), this article is really helping me think beta, whilst still being confident, charming and fun. Please make more articles aimed at females as this is your only one and this has been my best source of information as it was not completely based on delusion bullshit (like the majority of mainstream media). Thank you. X
Thanks Esther. I might try some more in the future. I’m sure you won’t have too much trouble in Thailand, though I’d go somewhere like Koh Chang or Koh Tao rather than spend two weeks in Phuket. Or up North to Chiang Mai and Pai.
I am getting my return flights from Phuket but I have only booked three days at a hostel in Phuket after that I could potentially go anywhere. 🙂
I got this article from a mate and I really liked it. I appreciate your writing style and I think it’s a good idea to write some posts for women.
I think I will turn the tips in action and look how it works^^
Mandy 🙂
Hi Tony! Thanks for the honesty. I could definitely use more information like this. I’m 38 (most ppl think I look early 30’s), and am interested in a 41 year old man. We dated before, years ago. Recently, we started talking again and even had a couple of dates. One night when out with the girls, I was somewhat insistent on seeing him. I was a little tipsy and I called 4 or 5 times over a 3 or 4 hour period (all before midnight). He refused to answer and now will not speak to me at all. It doesn’t seem like it should be such a big deal. What do u think?
Well if I called a girl 4 or 5 times it would probably spell doom for that relationship. It just comes off as a bit needy, or desperate right?
Don’t do that again. Hopefully he gets back to you.
Liked the article. Embracing natural femininity and being happy is liberating. A lot of men are amazing…for example you.
I really like this article, especially it’s more honest than a lot of other “feel good” posts.
One question though:
Does this advice still apply for a college girls trying to attract a college guy?
I’m 18 year old freshman, but a lot f the guys around me between 18-23.
I think you are an ashole
I love it! Girl game is all about just being a girl. Who knew?
Love it & need more info!! Im true scorpio– love honesty.
Question: if we are still working on getting physically fit, for myself of course, but still overweight (hourglass type figure-size 18 pants-but 40F bra-) give me advice on anything- i was a pants size 28 (i know men dnt care about my last size) & frankly I feel great about myself, i have high energy bc i workout & active, i am crazy positive, but rarely get approached [Im 34 btw, so im in the SOL bracket too]
Awesome article!
Hi Tony,
I think what you wrote is very accurate and being latina, I found some of the gripes you have with western women quite shocking.
One thing I can say though is that what you’ve described are Ideals that a man wants but in life I have found that we all have Ideals we want but its difficult to find a partner (when we talk about long term) that embodies all our Ideals.
That’s when we have to look at Reality. In reality, its not likely you will end up with your Ideal. But you can find someone who comes close.
I think if you are talking about casual hookups etc, most people won’t be investing too much time looking for all of their Ideals, they’ll look for the major important ones like attraction and reciprocated interest.
I think the reason you anticipated resistance from women is because while you had valid points you wrote the article in what appears to be defence mode and At women not To women.
I don’t live in America but something that I have noticed online is that there seems to be a lot of American men who are angry at American women. Would you say this is true?
Thank you. My views are always changing as I evolve spiritually. I agree there is a lot of anger at western women, but its not the women’s fault. It’s ours. We haven’t been the good men we are supposed to be. But we’re working on it. Hopefully we can continue like you say to talk to each other, instead of at each other.
Hey thank you for the article. It’s full of presuppositions that as I woman I would be annoyed or angry, which was the only annoying part, as it was in the way of the content. I was reading for the information, to aquire data. So all of that crap about how I was maybe going to feel about the data was unnecessary.
Thanks for that. It was my first attempt to write to women, instead of about them. I will gain confidence here as I speak with more women about this.
Hey Tony, great article! You have obviously put a lot of thought into this.
I loved what you said about stop getting tattoos. One of my girlfriends recently got a tattoo thinking that it would impress a guy, sigh. I told her not to go ahead with it, but she did anyway. It was supposed to be a tattoo of a dolphin jumping over her belly button, but she kept moving around during the tattooing because of the pain and in the end it just looked like a jelly fish! I did find it really funny, but really had to control myself when she showed me.
I agree with what you say about women need to listen more than they talk. I also use to be guilty of this. It was because I was so focused on trying to impress the guy, bu once I learned not to do this and actually listen more to guys I got much more interest from them.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Tony x