Can You Create Attraction?

There’s a subset of community “anti-game” guys who claim you can’t “create” attraction with women; that most bootcamps are scams, looks matter more than game and indirect method is a waste of time.
I beg to differ. Let’s break this down.
1. Can you create attraction?
If you’re a bronzed Adonis with A list style; many women will respond more positively to your initial advances. But if you have no game, then your good looks won’t matter anyway because you’ll say dumb shit, shake and quiver, break eye contact and screw up your sets. I’ve taught plenty of good looking guys. Looks land them initial attraction, but the trick is to not-screw-it-up, and that takes style.
Humour creates attraction too. I’ve seduced women that weren’t initially attracted to me, but my wit, humour and confidence opened them up. I’ve had many women tell me I’m “different” than many guys. Pickup artists understand the charm of being unique and standing out amongst the herd.
Do women want to get close to famous men solely for their money and influence? Sure. Plenty do. But really what they’re after is adventure. Famous people are believed to live exciting lives full of fast cars, boats, and other interesting people. They are stimulating to the senses. Just the thought of meeting a superstar is enough to induce sleepless nights and moistened lips.
That’s why seducers learn to bring out emotion in women. That’s why Danny Devito, or an old man like Sean Connery can still pull young ass. Because of their aura. Yea, this is also game.
I do slam poetry, play live music on stage, and sing karaoke. I’ve noticed something about women and attraction. They like the man who holds court. You can work out for a year, wear a pin striped suit and work a room saying, “Hi, I thought you were adorable.” Or, you could grab the mic and sing Rock Lobster, initiating a mass dance party. What’s going to give you a higher chance of getting laid? Most likely the karaoke man. He’s charming a wider audience with less effort.
Yes, you can create attraction.
2. Are seduction bootcamps scams?
No. How would I make a living if they were? Now, are all dating coaches good at their jobs? No. Do you NEED a bootcamp to learn pickup? Hell no. Will a good coach shave time off your learning curve? Yes. Plenty of time. It’s just like learning tennis, or guitar, or math. Of course coaching works. I haven’t dozens of ex clients that are now getting laid because I taught them how to meet and attract women.
I record their verbal game and film their body language for review. Then we eradicate all the weird behavior and bring attention to their blind spots. We help with inner game and limiting beliefs.
Did I take coaching? No. But looking back if I could have, I would have.
3. Do Looks Matter?
Of course looks matter. If you’re short and bald and fat you’ll have a difficult time. I’m sorry. But don’t let that stop you. Start a diet, work out, shave your head, get piercings, tattoos, and a tan. Buy some cool clothes.
Now go play the numbers game and get used to flirting with lots of women. Build up your reference memories. For guys that are genetically gifted but still have shit game, you’ll find your best results in social circle, getting to know women over a period of time. If you’re charming and have eradicated all your shy/nerdish behaviors and thought patterns, you will be able to attract decent looking women. I’m sure if you worked hard enough, you could even land some really, really hot girls.
Combine a solid foundation of game with social proof, like a cool job or hobby, and you’ll be more than fine.
I just texted a girl this question: Has a guy you didn’t find physically attractive ever changed your mind with his personality and game?
Her reply: “Totally. Many times.”
She told me a story about a fat dude she was turned off by, but his humour and charm excited her. Discovering he already had a hot girlfriend (pre-selection) secured her attraction.
Humor and confidence and the ability to escalate, combined with social proof…baam. Welcome to the world of seduction.
I’ve coached so many tall and handsome men that were unable to speak. They were boring conversationalists. I’ve beaten out many good looking guys with my wit and experience.
That’s all I’ll say.
4. Indirect game is a waste of time.
Look, I love direct game too. The days of 45 degree, over the shoulder opinion openers are coming to a end. Thanks to coaches like Simple Pickup and RSD, direct and physical game is all the rage, and for good reason. It’s liberating to be authentic about your feelings.
However, how practical is it to boldly hit on every girl you meet? At every cocktail party, every staff meeting. There’s a time to go direct and a time to hold back. Playing coy and hard to get has its place. It’s called “Style.” I’ve had many girls tell me they liked my style. This doesn’t mean my clothing or hair. They meant my pickup style.
I picked up a girl once by asking her if I could go for a ride in her bike basket. Then I took her phone away and asked her Mother if I could date her daughter. On our date, the girl told me she was very impressed by my charm and wit.
The problem with indirect game is that you still have to convey interest. Don’t think she doesn’t know you want to fuck her. Of course you do, and you can even tell her. But please don’t run around going direct on every girl you meet. It’s just not classy.
That’s all for today folks. Now go Improve your life, and sign up for your free ebook above. Comment and tweet and like and all that crap.
Hey man I just wanted to say I love the blog. As a famous rapper once said “my life is a video and all the women want a cameo”