Being Mean to Girls is Now a Hate Crime?
Oh joy, it’s now a hate crime to sleep with girls and not call them back. Yes, yes, even if she has bad breath, dirty underwear or a third nipple. Mentioning on your blog that women might have flaws too can land you on a federal list beside neo Nazis and religious zealots.
Hilarious and insightful game blogger RooshV was cited as one of the misogynistic scoundrels; which means his name has been forwarded to law enforcement officials across the country.
It’s a scary time to be a man
(I’m waiting for the day I’m publicly shamed. Bring it on fuckers!)
Are we moving towards a future where a failed approach lands you an assault charge?
Here’s what the Huffington Post had to say.
A venerated civil-rights group is now going after men who are rude about women and their sex lives, according to Mike Riggs at Reason magazine.
The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded as a civil-rights group, to advocate for legal and social justice for minorities. They release quarterly “Intelligence Reports” monitoring the activities of organizations they deem “hate-groups.”
If your name or your group’s name gets mentioned on there, it can ruin your reputation. One “Intelligence Report” was even used as the basis for the Justice Department’s own report on domestic right-wing terrorism in America.

What do you guys think? Do we all hate women? When they flake on you and you scream “Fucking bitch!” into your pillow at night, does this make you a misogynist? Are men who pursue multiple partners on par with Hitler Youth?
What a scary, ignorant world we live in.
Truly ignorant. I was in a discussion the other day about this topic. I stated, and am certain, that a man who practices pickup or works on his game to improve his chances with women is no different from a woman who puts on a lot of makeup to attract a man and get married. When a woman covers her true image with makeup and gets dressed real pretty to go to the bar it is a statement of competition with other women. When a man talks too many women and uses wit and charm it is competition with other men. at the end of the day it is human nature and i don’t understand how anyone can misconstrue it to be “misogynistic”. Men are visual by nature and women emotional. We are all trying to appeal to one another based on that which the opposite sex values.
Huffington Post gets me aggitated with these sort of reportings(eventhough I’m liberal).
With certain women and media outlet,we men are gonna be feminized and demonized and labeled misogynists for not being a non-kiss ass.
Combine this with the fact that cops have become roving terrorists making the “anxiety” part of “approach anxiety” a very REAL thing IMO–not just a relic from some caveman past.
I’m very afraid of cops and I dont think it’s an irrational fear. Sure, some are ok but large numbers of these “law enforcer” drones are like rabid animals, and you never know which type you’ll be facing in an encounter.
And they’re fucking EVERYWHERE now. Now, it seems anytime there are people gathered, or any kind of fun is going on–these black shirts are standing over everyone ready to restore Hobbesian order by any means necessary. I dont think it used to be like this.
Any venue I’m in, such as a mall I always first scope out the security situation before proceeding. This makes me feel like I’m up to no good. (Which I’m not haha).
Also, I think being an OLDER male (I look about mid-30’s) increases the liklihood of being the target for anti-male bigotry. I think younger guys can get away with a lot more. So there’s the element AGE bigotry as well.
This sucks because I think an effective style means (to an extent) risking pissing off a woman (correct me if I’m wrong).
Not to mention the fact that 15 yr old chicks can look 18 or older nowadays.
I try to do low-key approaches, that look like 2 people who know each other just talking. I’m afraid to do a lot of the flamboyant stuff you and others have written about.
Have you ever had unpleasant run-ins with cops or security? And any tips for avoiding this?
P.S., the anti-male bias begins the day you’re born when they slice off the most erogenous, sensitive and interesting part of the genitals. 👿 👿
“i hate women”
“i hate men”
You will see that there is about half as many results for women as there is for men.
Yet the SPLC doesn’t do an issue or list any site on Misandry, only Misogyny.