Are You a Pussy?

Many of my students come to me looking for the answers. They want the newest techniques. They want the motivation. They desire the inner game reframing tactics that have been handed down from generation to generation. They want me to give them the answers that will make hot chicks chug on their balls. Most of them have already tried approaching on their own. But they want to save time. Others, are just too darn afraid to even try. They need someone to hold their hand. They are pussies.
One of my recent students paid me $600 for a day game bootcamp. He did one session and then skipped the second. He sent me a long rambling text about obligations and lack of energy and scattered focus. Even though his letter was well thought out, I only heard one unwritten word, echoing…
Yes my friend, you are a pussy.
Here’s a question I get asked often. What sort of client pays a professional to teach them how to pick up girls? They’re mostly normal guys, I say. Most of them are brave. I have tremendous respect for 99% of the guys that come to me. They are brave enough to step up, to spend their money on an important personal issue. “But couldn’t they do that on their own?” You ask. Yes. Yes they could. I know I did. You can too.
That’s why we’re here. To get the pussy. Not to BE A PUSSY.
If you feel offended right now, like I’m talking to or about you…that’s because you are a PUSSY. You’re sensitive, like a female. Actually, I know many women with bigger balls than you.
If you are too afraid to approach women, afraid of what people think about you, afraid of embarrassing yourself, afraid to take action: YOU ARE A PUSSY.
The good news is, you can be rehabilitated. It’s going to take time. It’s going to take effort. It’s going to be embarrassing at times and quite difficult. But if you do it, you will no longer be a pussy. You will be a man.
“I’ll do it later, when I feel better.” PUSSY
“I need eye contact, or a sign.” PUSSY
“I need a good opener. I don’t have one.” PUSSY
“I’ll start when I can afford new clothes/lose weight/make more money.” PUSSY
And that is what people really think of you. That’s what you’re actually afraid of—what people think of you. Yes, they think you are A PUSSY! Now that is REALLY embarrassing.
Step up and take care of this, please. And if you make a commitment to yourself, or anyone, stick to it.
I did a coaching session with Tony on Sunday night (3 days ago), so I wanted to give the other side of the deal.
Say you have been and introvert all your life and only got girls when they decided to pick you up. Then you start with the “game” thing, start to talk with more people (random comments actually), improve your posture, your voice, it feels good. Some results start to show, and, besides reading in many places that it will take years to be really good, you think you are different somehow and with one little push you will be there.
Professional help seems the fast way to go, so you invest in a coach/bootcamp, and that will be it, you think, to the stars. That’s what I thought, so I contact Tony for a session (too far for a bootcamp) and … he “got” me in some minutes and gave honest feedback: there is still a long way to go, I talk too low, can’t keep a conversation, can only approach drunk… you get the idea… I know it is true, but reality hurts too much (pussy moment). He suggests direct approaches during the day (like: you are beautiful, give me your number), this felt impossible, not for me at all…. I still had ten minutes of talk and just wanted to wrap it up and end that. It is a mirror, it is rough, it felt demotivating. The pain period is not optional afterall.
Then at night I started thinking about the other pain periods I had in my life, how I went through them because I didn’t really had a choice. How it angered me the times money would end half a month before pay day, how it disgusted me carrying 20kg of extra fat. I did something for those areas, they can still improve, but are under control now, I am proud, there were hard days, it took more than a year, but it was worth it. Time would pass anyway.
Same thing with dating, I don’t accept living beyond my potential, no choice. So, here is the plan: get out from work early and spend at least one hour approaching, five days a week minimum, plus one night out. The first day was HARD. I couldn’t approach a single soul, and in half an hour I just wanted to eat some chocolate, ice cream, go home and watch some porn, hide, die. Second day watched some videos, tried to change venue and could open five girls/sets, still no guts to close, still. Good thing is that I noticed how far I am (can’t keep 2 minutes of conv., looks down, low voice), how I was on denial. I am aware now. Tomorrow is closing day, it will happen, and then some more.
If you think you are doing ok, I specially recommend Tonnys coaching/bootcamps, because you may be in denial, making excuses… you won’t get there this way. If you already know you suck, I guess that’s better, just keep trying.
Sorry about the English.
You talked to five girls? I mean…cough, five bitches?
Bro you’re going to be fine. Trust me. Just take a year and focus.
This is bar none, your best post ever.
“You’re sensitive, like a female. Actually, I know many women with bigger balls than you.”
I think this is too one dimensional. There is a difference between not approaching because you are legitimately scared/rationalizing (pussy) and not approaching because realistically, you have nothing going for you, and to fix yourself before attempting to attract women radically out of your “league”.
You don’t need to “Fix” yourself before you can approach women. This is how pussies think. Winners go for what they want. And anybody that has improved themselves with women, has improved every other aspect of their lives to do so.
Great story.
Thanks for reading.