9 Reasons Nice Guys Never Get Laid

If you’re a nice guy and can never seem to get laid, then read my story and learn, young padawan.
When I was a lost soul in my twenties there was a hot 24-year-old barista I had the blue balls for.
It was one of those cafes that only hired hot girls, so, of course, it was my favourite. I’d often go there to read and talk to her. After a while, she got that hint that I liked her, and I think even considered me, but I was too “nice” to ask her out.
I didn’t want to creep her out, seem too forward, or risk rejection. So, I just kept drinking coffee, staring at her tight buttox, flirting with her, but never making my move.
The Portrait of Tony the Nice Guy
One day she drew my portrait on a napkin. It was the sweetest, nicest-looking guy. She even gave me anime eyes. It was like a reverse picture of Dorian Grey… she obviously saw me as a huge pussy.
Of course, I never banged her. I had no chance because I was a typical, boring, nice guy.
Since then, I’ve escaped that nice guy persona and battle-hardened myself by approaching thousands of women. I remember those days with a wince of lost opportunity.
It’s true that nice guys finish last, and it’s 100% our fault and not the fault of women at all that they don’t find that nice-guy behaviour attractive.
So get your weiner out of that glory hole and read on.
Here are 8 reasons nice guys never get laid.
Nice guys don’t approach women
Nice guys are just way too polite to hit on women.
They justify their lack of ambition by telling themselves only “douchebags” or “chads” approach women.
And because they are “gentlemen” they’d never impose themselves upon a poor damsel while she’s shopping, reading a book, talking on her phone, or dancing at the bar.
The nice guy will come up with hundreds of reasons why they shouldn’t approach a girl, and because they don’t approach, they don’t meet any women.
This guarantees they have zero chance of getting laid.
They think sexuality is creepy
Nice guys don’t want to creep the girls out. They have a misguided notion that showing sexual intent to women is frightening, creepy, or weird.
While there’s always a risk of creeping a girl out, it’s usually beyond your control. It’s actually creepier to stare at someone than to talk to them. And if the girl gets creeped out because you said hello to her, or asked for her number, then she’s the one with issues.
You can’t control how the women feel and you shouldn’t care anyway. Do what you gotta do to find a mate. Risk being creepy. It’s okay.
They don’t want to be bothersome
Nice guys avoid approaching women because they don’t want to bother or inconvenience them. But guess what. If they don’t take the initiative to interact, they will never get laid. And what if she was just waiting to meet a guy like him?
Sure, some women might not appreciate the attention, but others will be flattered. You’ll never know until you try.
I give you permission to be bothersome. Go bother 100 girls, and you’ll probably get laid.
They worry what people think about them
Nice guys are paralyzed by the fear of what others might think of them.
But here’s the truth: Once you start taking action and seeing results, you’ll care less about the judgment of others. Confidence is sexy, and worrying about what others think only holds you back from achieving your goals.
Go talk to 300 strange women and then you’ll see how little fucks you give.
They don’t want to rock the boat
Nice guys hate rocking the boat or causing any kind of disturbance. But the Universe rewards those who take risks and challenge the matrix.
When you rock the boat it sheds the useless passengers and gives the opportunity to rise above, to become the Captain of the ship. So rock the damn boat. Throw a mutiny!
They prefer to be unseen and unheard
Nice guys fade into the background, hoping to avoid any attention or scrutiny. But to attract women, you need to be seen and heard.
Take up space, express yourself confidently, and don’t be afraid to stand out from the herd. Being an expressive man will set you apart from the hordes of boring nice guys. State your opinion and state it loud.
Nice guys are liars about their feelings, beliefs and intentions
Nice guys conceal their true feelings or intentions, fearing rejection or judgment. This essentially makes them liars.
Nice guys will pretend to be friendly when they actually have ulterior motives. They’ll drive a girl around town, buy her dinners, and paint her house, all under the guise of being a good friend.
Stop lying to women and start showing them how you really feel. State your real opinions, and express your true beliefs. You’ll start getting laid, I promise.
They’re too passive
Nice guys tend to be passive, waiting for life to happen to them rather than taking action.
But hot girls aren’t attracted to passive men. They are attracted to men of action, men who take risks. The biggest risk in the modern era is facing rejection from a beautiful woman.
So the act of approaching and hitting on a girl is in itself an attractive quality simply for not being passive.
Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you; go out and create them.
They won’t risk rejection
If you never ask a girl out, then you’ll never get rejected. This means the fragile nice guy self-esteem will never be crushed.
The nice guy will say to himself that he respects the wahmen, and he isn’t going to hit on her, or be a douchebag. But in reality, he’s just a massive vagina and doesn’t want to shatter his fragile ego by getting rejected.
So there you have it, eight reasons why nice guys struggle to get laid.
But here’s the good news: You have the power to change your approach and start seeing different results.
Don’t let being “nice” hold you back from experiencing the fulfilling sex life you desire. Take charge of your love life, be bold, and watch as your dating prospects improve.
P.S. Did you know I have a free course called “Easy Openers” that teaches you exactly what to say to girls on the approach. You can check it out now in my free Skool community.