1 Simple Trick To Be More Charismatic

A man and a woman flirting

Ask any girl what she’s attracted to in a guy and she’ll say “confidence.” 

She might also add handsome, tall, funny, rich. But those are all just bonus features. 

Mostly, women want a confident guy. 

Confidence is safe. 

A confident guy won’t become a school shooter when you don’t text him back. A confident guy won’t try to fight every guy who asks her what time it is. He won’t’ show up on her doorstep at 4 am crying because he feels her slipping away. 

So while being handsome is great, being handsome but also shy, needy, jealous, insecure and controlling isn’t. 

The problem with “masculine” confidence is that it must be earned. If you haven’t put in your 10,000 hours of cold approach, chances are you aren’t that confident with girls yet. 

Confidence comes from experience. There’s just no other way to become confident at anything other than to do that activity over and over. 

However, you can fake it. 

And the easiest way to fake confidence (socially) is this one simple trick: 


Speaking louder is one of the fundamentals for being good with girls.

In this social experiment, a man paints a square on the floor and asks passersby to “Stay out” of his box. In the first attempt, he speaks quietly and without much conviction. In the second, he speaks loudly with authority. 

The result? When he’s quiet people ignore his request, walk through his painted box. When he’s loud, they obey. 

Watch for yourself. 

The human brain is hardwired to respect powerful vocal energy. Women are especially susceptible. 

On bootcamps I often have students rehearse their conversation while standing 5, 10, 15, and up to 30 feet away from each other. Very few of them are audible past 10 feet. This is because they are “stifled.” 

“Stifled” typically means to be held back, suppressed, or restrained. It can refer to a feeling of being unable to express oneself freely or being unable to achieve something due to external constraints or internal factors. 

The effect of stifling is that it makes a man quiet. He tries to make himself small, unseen and unheard. He doesn’t want to come across as creepy with girls.

Watch this video of me opening two girls in a coffee shop. Notice how loud I am. Even the girl in the background is able to hear me. 

So there you go. One of the easiest way to increase your charisma is to simply SPEAK LOUDER.

Speaking louder gives you more authority, more charisma, and can even make girls feel horny for you.

There’s no downside to speaking louder.

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