Why Are Men So “Nice?”

Nice guy
The “Nice” guy is usually not so nice.

Where have all the good men gone?

It’s a common complaint from women.

When they call you “Nice” why is it a negative?

Here’s a story

When I was 16 there was this hot older babe (17) that lived down the street. She was a few inches taller, and had this massive bosom I desperately wanted to motorboat.

After watching her pass, day after day, I finally introduced myself. “Hey, hmm…, err, hi?” Sure, I was a stuttering longhair, but she saw me, and we started to hang out.

I went to her place often to drink coffee and chat talk about teenage stuff. Music, drugs, etc. All I really wanted to bend her over the couch and have my way with her to the Melvins. So, I finally asked “Can I kiss you?”

She blinked a few times. “No.”


Nice guy
Hot diggity!


I didn’t see her again for months. Then she called. “Do you want to have a coffee?” Of course I did.

In girl talk “Coffee” means she’s into you. But 16 year old Tony thought it meant she wanted to have coffee. So I never did meet with her again. I was too embarrassed about the rejection to face her.

Then there was that girl who worked at a cafe. I brought her flowers. She sketched my face in her notebook. I looked like a happy, harmless little boy. That was her perception of me. A really “nice” guy. Then she patted me on the head like a good doggie and sent me home.

Sure nice guys are great shoulders to cry on.

They’re really useful at the end of the month, when you need someone to move your couch, or to tell you how beautiful and special you are. Nice guys are great for so many things—just not sleeping with. It’s too risky. They’re likely to go ballistic, Cape Fear style stalker on you at the first rejection.

nice guy
Honey, is there anything else I can carry?

If you live in the West, chances are that you’ve never experienced real fear, or hardship, in your entire life. Women as well. Safety and prosperity can lead to great achievements in science, technology, philosophy and art. But it can also mean the destruction of society. It gives the weak too much power. When you give every child a gold star for last place, and then wonder why they can’t keep a job, or find a wife, it’s because of comfort. Far too much comfort. At the first struggle they quit. They’ve never faced hardship. They can’t even talk to a beautiful woman without throwing up. If one gives them the time of day, they fall in love and become her court jester.

The traditional relationship contract used to be:

You marry a woman, most likely a virgin, and agree to provide for and protect her so that she can raise your children. But what’s the modern role? There’s no danger to protect her from. She can make the same, if not more money than you if she chooses to. She can divorce you at whim and take half your wealth. Men have been delegated to the role of fashion accessories, or providers of entertainment, or status.

That’s where pickup artists came from. Nice guys started to ask why being polite, showering women with compliments and buying them expensive dinners wasn’t leading in sex, or relationships with these women. Isn’t that what they want? Nice guys? Oh, it must be money, or looks, they think. It couldn’t be that I’m a big pussy and women loathe weakness. So they flocked to forums and devised strategies. They listened to experienced men who told the truth about attraction, that most women want MASCULINE men, not soy slurping, limp wristed wimps.

Then there’s the media assault on men.

Not a day goes by without a dozen exaggerated stories of #metoo. The narrative is that masculine men are creeps, rapists, bullies and harassers. The message is sit down, shut up, and behave… preferably more like women. I understand that real assault happens, but we don’t live in the Congo.

And all those rowdy young boys? Put them on drugs. Give them some Ritalin. Keep them out of rough play, because that encourages toxic masculinity. Teach them about the LGBTXR4$++ movement, and let them know… they can be a real girl too, if they want.

And now women cry “where have all the good men gone?”

They call us street harassers, then complain that no good men approach them. They ask why do I keep dating rappers and DJ’s? Oil riggers and drug dealers? Why are the only men I can attract players, and manipulative sociopaths who are unwilling to commit to a real and meaningful relationship?

At the same time, young women are taught to stand up, be loud, be promiscuous, vulgar, and independent. They don’t need no man. Man is the enemy. They are the patriarchy, the oppressors, the misogynists and assaulters. What’s the point in even dating? Might as well start an Instagram and show off my body for likes and cash in. It always feels great to turn on your social media and see 6000 thumbs up for that pic of you licking a popsicle.

Meanwhile men are retreating into a world of digital stimulation.

At least with their VR girlfriends they don’t have to trim their toenails or pretend to hate Trump.

Fifty Shades of Grey has sold over 150 million copies worldwide. For perspective, those sales are only rivalled by The Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter.

A book about the relationship between a stoic, self-centred billionaire with a penchant for BDSM and a naive, innocent, submissive and feminine young woman. Jordan Grey ain’t no typical nice guy. He’s the exact opposite of what we’ve been told women want. He’s a domineering, manipulative sociopath who enjoys beating his girlfriends. And it’s a best seller. There’s something to learn about female psychology there.

There’s a book every man should read. It’s called No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover. In this book he destroys the narrative of the nice guy, and exposes his true colours. He explains the difference between a “Nice” guy and an “Integrated male.”

A Nice Guy:

  • Tells people what they want to hear, rather than expressing his true beliefs
  • Uses manipulation rather than directly asking for what he wants
  • Only gives when he expects something in return
  • Is a people pleaser, and unable to say “No.”
  • Masks his true intention under the guise of being nice and helpful
  • Is passive aggressive
  • Is a control freak
  • Hides his sexual nature and desire under the guise of “friendship.”
  • Avoids conflict
  • Fears being embarrassed
  • Is jealous and needy

The Integrated male is:

  • A leader, not a follower
  • Has a strong sense of self, and loves himself
  • Values honor and integrity
  • Tells the truth about his beliefs and feelings
  • Is comfortable with his masculinity and sexuality
  • Expresses himself directly
  • Has boundaries
  • Accepts being imperfect

The integrated male is the formula for sparking attraction in the hottest women. The nice guy is just a creep.

Women want men, not boys. They don’t want a submissive, doting, wet napkin. They want a strong, forward moving, masculine, authoritative man. They want a guy who knows who he is, where he’s going, and has little tolerance for bullshit. Don’t believe the lies—they want a MAN!

The problem here is the cultural narrative. Men are shamed for being men, and women are shamed for being women. It’s the great gender flip.

Who lies more? Xir or Der?

Why did this happen? We could blame feminism, sure. But I have a different belief: It’s safety. We’ve been so safe, for so long, that it’s pussified Western men.

When’s the last time you truly frightened for your life? When’s the last time you were hungry? Have you ever experienced war, or famine, an earthquake, flood, or zombie invasion?

We’ve forgotten danger

Probably not. And I hope none of these tragedies befall our civilizations. But I can’t help but wonder if a little danger, and little face to face chat with death, might wake us all up to our true roles as men and women.

So what’s the solution?

Learn about game, study pickup, seduction, and self improvement, travel the world, date exotic, foreign women, start a business. Do everything in your power to regain your lost masculinity. Do it for yourself, do it for your sons and daughters. But most of all, do it for the women. They miss us.

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