What’s The Difference Between PUA, Redpill, and MGTOW?

A reporter once asked me if I considered myself part of a men’s movement. I had to think about it.
The way I see it, there is a men’s movement; though it’s not really organized. It’s just there are certain thought leaders, and their fans. These fans gather in Internet communities to share their ideas and experiences.
I’m talking mainly about the communities that center around talking about women, rather than exclusively religion, politics, money, or health and fitness.
The main three communities are:
1. PUA
The PUA’s are primarily interested in tips, tricks, strategies and mindsets that help them score with beautiful ladies.
Their main interest is in studying male weakness, and eradicating that behaviour from their own psychology and action, with the goal of maximizing their attractiveness to women (primarily in Western societies).
They’re more interested in self-development than politics.
Real Social Dynamics (RSD) is the current thought leader in this realm.
2. Redpill
Redpillers are into pickup, but also interested in gender politics, culture war, self-improvement, and lifestyle.
They are (mostly) stoutly anti-feminist, and anti-cultural Marxist, anti sjw. They like talking about lifestyle choices that maximize their freedom, like owning entrepreneurial Internet based businesses, and travelling to less feminist societies, like Asia, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe.
They also focus heavily on physical fitness.
They (mostly) love Donald Trump, and wish for a return of patriarchal ideals in western societies, which they see as failing masculine men.
Roosh V would be considered a thought leader in this ideology (though he denies it).
MGTOW is short for men going their own way. They are a combination of disgruntled pickup dudes, and men’s rights activists. They are also anti-feminist, and shun pickup as a self-improvement philosophy, instead embracing eternal bachelorhood.
Their main interest is the discussion of what they see as the negative aspects of female psychology.
They’ve mostly given up on the idea of marriage, and are waiting patiently for their robot/VR girlfriends.
Sandman would be considered the thought leader of this movement.
Where do I sit?
I believe there is no Yin without Yang.
Basically, I take whatever is useful or interesting, study it, and discard what’s not helpful. I don’t have a side, or a set ideology. I’m an explorer of ideas, set adrift on a sea of philosophy. A seeker of truth and wisdom, a teacher of men, and a lover of women (though I also find modern feminism toxic and retarded).
It’s human nature to categorize people into groups, or movements. But men all want the same thing: to succeed, and find their own version of happiness and contentment.
For some that’s finding the truth, for others it’s hooking up with beautiful women, or finding a perfect wife, or a career, or maximizing their deadlift, or overcoming obstacles, or travelling the world, or fighting injustice, or just having a damn good time.
My advice is to study everything, from Aristotle, to martial arts, to MGTOW.
Take what is useful, and store the rest for future reference.
If ideas never changed, we’d still be living in caves. And if they don’t continue to, we will be again.
Oh boy Tim. This is a long conversation.
Feminism “used to” be about “equality.” Now it’s about man bashing, whining, and communism.
Any ideology that teaches you that you are a “victim” class, is cancer. Any belief system that focuses on group identity, rather than the value of the individual, creates division and strife.
Feminism shames men for being male, and shames women for being female.
Plus most of their beliefs are based on lies, like the Gender Wage gap, The Patriarchy, and rape culture.
Here are a few videos to get you started. But maybe I shouldn’t. It’s a long dark road to the red pill.
Professor Jordan Peterson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMcjxSThD54&t=5s
Karen Straughn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp8tToFv-bA
Milo Yiannapoulos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9Zz3IzU8AE
Such a good piece of advice Tony.