The Problem with Looks Maxing and Black Pill Bros

I made the horrible mistake of returning to Twitter(X), and the algorithm immediately smashed me with every Red Pill masculinity bro it could muster.
Knowing how much the Red Pill movement messed me up, I feel for the poor young bastards who are taking dating advice from these looks max gurus.
They mostly talk shit about female nature, preach about getting rich, promote cosmetic surgery and other extreme measures to become more attractive to women.
One on hand they seem to hate women, on the other they devote all of their energy towards attracting them. It’s quite a pickle.
I’m not opposed to cosmetic surgery. Shit, I had a surgery for Gynecomastia, and am considering hair transplants.
Being in good shape, dressing well, and making a good living are all part of the self-dev package, but this movement doesn’t believe in a solution outside of their very limiting box of dogma and half-baked platitudes about masculinity and female psychology.
Their basic philosophy boils down to this:
Game doesn’t work… unless you’re handsome and rich.
Only good looks, height, muscles and wealth attracts women. Game is useless. Therefore you should focus only on making yourself beautiful by any means necessary, and grind your way to wealth.
They’re also very hung up on race, and particularly skin colour. They figure white guys have it easy, and a large portion of this community are men of colour. These guys hold tremendous resentment towards white men, and have massive unfulfilled desire for white women.
While they don’t call themselves Red Pill anymore, they’re basically the neo-spawn of that movement.
While most of the Red Pill guys took the God Pill, got married, or moved into politics, their legacy lives on, and still influences hordes of dispossessed young men who continue to spit their platitudes like gospel.
Then There’s the Black Pill
While the Red Pill, as cynical as they are, at least believed in the power of self-improvement, the Black Pillers believe that the odds are hopelessly stacked against them and self-development is futile.
They believe:
- Looks determine everything: Physical appearance, especially facial structure, height, and physique, is the most important factor in attracting women. No amount of personality, confidence, or success can compensate for poor looks.
- Genetics is destiny: Your genetic makeup, including your attractiveness and social status, is unchangeable and largely determines your success in life, particularly in attracting hotter girls.
- Self-improvement is futile: Efforts like working out, improving social skills, or gaining wealth may have little to no effect on improving one’s romantic or social life if you’re not already attractive.
- Women are hypergamous: Women only seek the top percentage of men (often referred to as “Chads”) and will not settle for anyone below their standards of extreme physical attractiveness and social dominance.
- Dating is rigged: The modern dating scene is seen as heavily skewed in favour of a small percentage of highly attractive men, leaving the vast majority without any sexual prospects.
- Society rewards only the elite: Society is structured to cater to the top tier of individuals in terms of looks, power, and status, leaving everyone else powerless and deprived.
- Nihilism and hopelessness: Life is inherently unfair, and there’s no point in trying to change your situation because the deck is so heavily stacked against you. These folk rarely believe in God or any sort of higher power.
- Celibacy or inceldom is inevitable: They believe they are doomed to permanent involuntary celibacy because of their physical appearance or social standing.
While they seem similar to MGTOW, who disavowed dating and women altogether, they at least chose to go their own way. The Black Pill is fatalistic, and believes they’re basically fucked, so may as well just play video games, medicate, and isolate… because what’s the point?
Their only strategy seems to be drastically changing their genetic looks, primarily through cosmetic surgery, or to bypass it by becoming rich, which they believe will give them access to women and respect from men. Also of course, their wealth would allow them all the cosmetic redesign their black hearts desire.
My Take on Red Pill, Black Pill and Looks Maxing
Obviously good looking, tall, rich white men are going to do well with women. Duh.
However, all of this technique based game was developed so the average looking guy can get the hot girl too. That’s the whole point. This stuff wasn’t created for Chads. But they completely disregard the role of things like charisma, social proof, humour, intelligence, and talent.
They do focus on female psychology, but only the most base aspects of it; namely the darkest, worst parts, like hypergamy, body count and gold digging.
I know of a guy who was very good looking, owned a new sports car, was aware of game theory, and still sucked with girls.
His name was Elliot Roger, a young, troubled man who killed six people and injured fourteen. He did it because despite his genetic and financial gifts, he still couldn’t get a girlfriend.
Do Looks Matter?
I have guys that show up on bootcamps dressed like nerds. They’re wearing white running shoes with black socks, cargo shorts, and dirty old T-Shirts. Maybe they’re balding, or have a bad haircut. They may have neckbeards, goofy looking eye glasses, or other nerd tells.
Add bad posture into the mix, or poor personal hygiene, an out of shape body, and there’s a good recipe for dating failure.
So I take them shopping, up their fashion game, get them to a good barber, teach them how to stand up straight, and get them a gym membership.
This is all common sense, day 1 stuff.
This is all in your control.
But the looskmax bros don’t stop there. They encourage men to go for plastic surgery, to get their wrinkles removed, to stretch their jawlines with mewing, gum chewing, and even stretch their cocks for more length. The rabbit hole goes way deeper.
It’s not even these techniques that bug me, it’s their dogmatic platitudes that they parrot like gospel.
Yeah, never… even if she’s your employer, or you’re a heroin junkie and she’s your sister hosting an intervention.
Men get smarter? I thought that your genetics dictated your intelligence. I think he means wisdom.
And the comment threads are even better.
The vast majority of these guys are getting no attention from women, and they’re frustrated. But the marketers use this frustration to grow their social media, and at what cost?
Increasing your looks should be part of your holistic regimen… not the entire basis. Otherwise you’re no better than a bulimic teenage girl. But the woman hating and slut shaming are mostly broad generalizations that aren’t helping anyone.
What Else Matters Other Than Looks and Money?
Women aren’t men. They don’t base their attraction solely on looks. Men can develop many other aspects of themselves to get laid.
Aspects like:
- Personality
- Humor
- Intelligence
- Influence
- Bravery
- Confidence
- Talent
- Wisdom
- Rizz
But if you point this out to blackpillers, they call it “cope.”
The issue is, most of these guys base their success (or lack of) on direct cold approach, where the entire strategy depends on her first impression.
But wooing a lady can take time. She needs to get to know you, to see you make other people laugh, hear your stories, become charmed by your wit, talent and intelligence. This is tricky to demonstrate from a half-assed cold approach at the mall.
Since many of these guys are seemingly on the spectrum, thinking outside the box isn’t their way. They feel it would be easier to become a millionaire and get cosmetic surgery than learn to play bass, DJ, or host parties.
Why Girls Will Date Men Less Attractive than Themselves
Most men are as interesting to flirt with as a bundle of sticks.
I’ve met many looks maxers lately, and they all seem to have one thing in common: they’re BORING to talk to. They don’t seem to have a funny bone in their body.
The last guy I met in a cafe was creating a looks maxing course, and for an hour he lectured me on the importance of manicuring your eyebrows.
I told him I found his entire philosophy interesting, but deeply flawed, and extremely feminine. His face flushed red, and rebutted by saying, “Taking action towards solving a problem is the most masculine activity!”
I didn’t disagree, but said as a dating coach, and being ten twelve years older than him, I have access to more anecdotal, experiential reference material. I’ve lived, seen and experienced more.
I asked him if he’s ever done any public speaking, played in a band, or been the leader of a community. He had not. I said then he wouldn’t understand the role of social proof, or how talent can trump looks when it comes to attracting women.
He then told me he has Aspergers, which falls under the umbrella of Autism. This means:
- Difficulty understanding social cues, body language, or tone of voice.
- Trouble forming or maintaining friendships.
- Strong interest in specific topics, sometimes to the exclusion of others.
- Sensory sensitivities, such as being overwhelmed by loud noises or bright lights.
- Preference for routine and predictability.
This short interaction, and his spot on the spectrum tells me he sucks at talking to girls. He’s all logic, systems, and basic observations. It’s no wonder he’s not successful with girls.
It’s not his looks; he was already handsome. But since he dove so deep in the blackpool of despair, and because he was part asian, he’d become absolutely convinced of his theory.
They Deny the Role of Emotion
And I’ve found this to be the case with nearly every looksmax hero I’ve met. They’re just really logical and nearly emotionless to talk to. And they’re just not very fun. So of course they suck with girls, who react primarily to emotion.
Gazing upon something beautiful will give you emotion. The effect is the same for both men and women. Go for a hike in the forest and stumble upon a magnificent waterfall, you’ll feel a strong sense of awe. You’ll want to pitch your tent, just to be near it, so you can gaze upon its beauty and feel at peace.
So there is a case that beauty, handsomeness, will attract women. However, it’s not the only way to get powerful emotions out of women. Handsomeness can give you a shot, but it’s not the only answer to female attraction. They have many triggers.
The Broke, Ugly Musician
I used to be a musician. I can tell you I know many broke ass musicians who aren’t very good looking, who easily hook up with very attractive women. I mean VERY attractive women, and a lot of them.
I know short, fat, bald, bearded heavy metal dudes with model girlfriends. These guys usually work as cooks, or in construction part time, and make just enough money to eat fast food, and put fuel in their tour van.
How is it these guys are able to get these turbo hotties? Because they have talent, and popularity. They’re the leader of men. They’re on stage, putting their balls on the line, going for their dream, and holding court.
“Yeah but they’re famous!”
Nope, these are small bands in the locals scenes, most with barely a dozen regular fans. Quite often their music isn’t very good, but still women love being with them.
“Yeah but they can play an instrument. I don’t have that talent!”
You don’t need to learn an instrument, or become a stand up comedian. Just acknowledge that looks and money isn’t the only way to attract hot women.
If you understand how female psychology works, and can give a woman the feelings she craves, you can bypass not being a wealthy, bronzed god. You don’t need to obsess like a woman over your hair, your six pack, and your bank account.
A Man’s Looks are Highly Controllable
Your looks are highly controllable. Your finances are highly controllable. You can even get minor cosmetic upgrades to improve your looks. But if you base your success on direct approaches, and your game sucks, of course you’re going to deduce that pickup technique just doesn’t work for you. Then you’re going to stare into the abyss and haunt the echo chambers of frustrated incels.
Marketers know this. That’s why you’ll find social media influencers spouting these simplistic maxims, which frustrated young men eagerly consume, validating their theory of why they can’t attract more desirable partners. It’s not their fault, it’s their genetics, and these damn picky women.
I’ve experienced what happens when you take the Redpill, and it’s not pretty. Sure, it wakes you up to the, “truth.” But the truth can also be highly subjective. The truth can turn you into a dickhead.
I suggest these men listen to the wise words of Friedrich Nietzsche:
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
Tony Depp