Know Thy Enemy: Feminist Fundamentalists and Social Justice Warriors

tsunzu01I’ve always stated that I’m not MRA, or MGTOW, or Redpill, or Manosphere, or even Pua. I’m a heterosexual man who has a deep interest in investigating and discussing, what I believe to be, the natural, consensual, heterosexual mating process.

However, due to numerous personal attacks against my reputation, character, and even my food (another story I hope I don’t have to tell), I’ve been forced to defend myself. So, I suppose I’m an activist now, for better or worse.

So the above are our allies. But who are our enemies?

Understand this: Women are NOT our enemies. We love women. We spend a great deal of our time and energy trying to bring more women into our lives. 

Our enemies are numerous, both male and female, but mostly they are comprised of a highly vocal, social-media savy group of self-proclaimed Feminists, and what many activists have labeled, “Social Justice Warriors,” or, “SJW’S,” for short. 

Feminists are well known to the public. In their definition, all women are Feminists, or should be. But all women are not Feminists. Some men are also self-proclaimed Feminists. They call themselves Male Feminists. A few of them recently humiliated themselves live on radio, and continue to do so all over the Internet. 

I’m no expert. But most of you are probably unfamiliar with SJW’S, so here’s a definition I pulled off a prominent and extremely controversial manosphere blog:

Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.

It sounds right to me. In my experience, these lads and gals…the SJW’s, believe they are helping society by illuminating social ills, but instead they’re spreading hate, racism, sexism, and actual physical violence against innocent men, and dissenting women–just because we have differing opinions.

As a dating coach for men, I’ve experienced all of this first hand, many, many, times. And it just keeps getting more absurd and amusing. 

Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Expression.

It’s in our best interest to understand the culture around us: Who supports, and who wants to silence, slander, and persecute us. Because unless these issues are brought to the public’s attention, there may come a time when:

  • Giving a woman a compliment is illegal
  • Having sex without a written consent form is rape
  • Any woman you sleep with, or any woman who disagrees with your ideas or opinions could publicly label you a misogynistic rapist and destroy your life and career, without any jury even questioning her intentions, or investigating the evidence
  • A slightly drunk girl you slept with could say she was raped, just to cover her embarrassment, even though it was completely consensual
  • Any man or woman who finds your artwork offensive could have you banned from a country, ruining your ability to travel abroad
  • In-field dating coaching for men could become illegal, and punishable by fines, public shaming via social media, and even prison time

And there’s more, but you can find plenty of stuff to get outraged about online. I’m not trying to fuel the hysteria, but educate you on who you are up against; as heterosexual men who wish to improve their life in dating, health, career and society.

I strongly urge you all to grow a pair of balls, share these videos on social media to your male and female friends, and educate people on the bigotry, sexism, persecution and hate and harassment directed towards men, and women, by hypocritical, fundamentalist zealots.

Love Thy Enemy

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  1. As a left-winger and sympathizer of feminism myself, I believe that all this is hatred of “social justice warriors” is just internet hysteria. In my experience with progressive and feminist friends, I have NEVER heard one of them say they want ANY of the things in your bullet points. A lot of the people in your posted videos seem to be pretty extreme for both sides, and a lot of them are not giving rational arrangements.

    I think this sort of fear of feminism is kind of like the fear of gay rights groups “recruiting out children and destroying the family” and black activists “preparing for white genocide”. Seriously, I have never met a single SJW who wants to screw men over in the way you describe.

    Tony, you are a smart guy. You always talk about how guys should read to broaden there minds. Have you ever read books by feminist or so called SJWs? Try to know your enemy that way. They may not be as bad as you think.

    1. Jigsaw,

      I think Tony is speaking mostly from his own experience with the SJWs and [radical] feminists.

      You probably surround yourself with somewhat like-minded people, which may explain why you haven’t personally experienced the types of people that Tony is talking about. But start or run a blog about dating for men and I think you’ll be surprised at how many extremist types flock to your doorstep.

      I agree that Tony is talking more about extremists than feminists in general, but it’s no secret that there are definitely vocal groups of people out there who carry an anti-men, anti-free-speech agenda, and I think those groups are the primary people referred to in this article.

  2. I support truth. This is real. There are people who are labeled Social Justice Warriors. I’m a blogger.

    I am making a public record of what happened for media. This will be the last political post for a long time. I promise.

    I don’t want war. I’m just snuggling behind my barriers.

    I wish everyone would just talk to each other. Communicate.

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