Dating Beyond Borders

I’ve stumbled onto this wonderful YouTube channel called “Dating Beyond Borders.”
Initially I thought it was another liberal pc-utopian propaganda piece telling us all to “be ourselves,” but was stoked the series was actually poking fun at cultural stereotypes.
For example, Russian society promotes traditional gender roles, which is seen as good and normal, but also leads to intolerance of homosexuality. Russian women tend be be fit, well dressed, feminine, and they may actually enjoy cooking and cleaning for their guy. In return she expects him to adopt a strong, masculine, decisive, leadership role.
They don’t dig our version of equality. To Russians it just doesn’t make sense. They loathe femininity, indecision and shyness typically found in Western men. Of course there are hipster Russian girls and subcultures within subcultures. But the mainstream narrative is that men should be men, and women should be women.
The downside of Russian women is that they tend to be materialistic, hypergamous, stubborn, and overly traditional.
For example, I took a Russian girl on a date to a hipster poetry reading and she was horrified that lesbian women were cuddling. What we see as diversity, and common sense, she saw as odd, offensive and deviant. Though, she dressed damn hot, and was on my arm, making me look and feel like a boss all night long. Russian women know how to make you feel like a man, and they’re aware of their feminine charm. But expect to pay…for everything.
In comparison, Canadian women tend to be one of the boys. They are overwhelmingly liberal, often to a fault. They will pay their own way if they can. They are difficult to pick up as they give off wishy washy signals. They’re not into into dressing sexy for a mere coffee date, or going out of their way to make your life as a man easier. They believe in a strict code of equality, and women’s issues are always in their forebrain—which can be emasculating and boorish. The plus side is they are very independent and will give you your space, they don’t expect you to pay for everything, and can be cool with you dating other women—as long as you haven’t had “the talk” yet.
It’s no surprise that vast swaths of Canadian men are skipping locals for foreign women.
The show doesn’t just poke fun at women, but the episodes on men are illuminating.
Canadian men are game players, non-committal, wimpy, and overly reliant on dating apps because they lack the confidence to approach women, or hold interesting conversations offline. They have terrible fashion sense, and a very effeminate vibe—in the cities at least. Rural Canadians are much different than their city cousins. They tend to be more masculine, but less cultured or educated.
The episodes on Japanese and Indian men would probably be outrage material if the stereotypes weren’t so true, and if the actors didn’t wave to camera at the end of every episode. You can’t call the directors racists if you don’t call the actors the same. But, people do anyway.
I’ve helped reform many of these recent immigrants into confident guys with game, and yes, they FOB guys were usually this bad. Needy, timid, asexual, too sexual, odd fashion sense and all.
It’s not racist to state the truth. Pointing out the odd and fantastic mating rituals of different cultures is just more evidence that attraction is something we can study and learn.
There is no “Natural” method of “Just being yourself.” Different cultures have different tastes, routines, expectations and rules. You can learn from experience, or from a YouTube video. But in the end, women prefer men who are attractive to other women. That’s why you should practice interacting and flirting with as many of them, from as many different cultures, as possible.
Yes, I only saw one video of her, about argentineans day gaming, it was awesome.