Inner Game

Imagine Success, Not Failure

Imagine Success, Not Failure

Humans are evidence seeking machines. In pickup guys often look for evidence that they are not enough, that their game sucks, that things aren’t going to work out until they magically reach that mystical plateau of mastery. “She flaked. They always flake.” “I have to learn to deal with last minute resistance.” “That girl probably…

The Goldilocks Zone

The Goldilocks Zone

The Goldilocks Zone is the relatively narrow range of distance from a star within which an orbiting planet can maintain life. In the vastness of space, there isn’t much room for error. Leave The Goldilocks zone and one brings the apocalypse with them, unless that is, the change is so subtle that the resulting climate alteration…

Everything is Awesome

Everything is Awesome

Trigger Warning. This post has nothing to with pickup. There are no tips, or tricks. It’s just a cool story. The other day I was in a cafe and I was singing, “Everything is Awesome!” to my client, when this little boy looks up and me and sings, “Everything is cool when you’re part of…