
“These Aren’t the Droids You’re Looking For”: Mind Control for Dummies.

One awesome side effect of learning game is developing frame control. Really, there are so many great side effects they are too numerous to fathom…but this article is about bending the Matrix with controlled authority. Your frame is essentially your mental, emotional and physical stability. Like when someone yells at you at work, do you…

Weird and Funny Openers

A lot of guys ask me what specific openers and routines I use to, “create,” attraction. I really don’t care for that mindset. I don’t create attraction…I AM ATTRACTIVE. If she doesn’t like me, she can piss off. Anyway, here are some of the weirder things I say and do for kicks. Do they create…

Should I Go Out Alone?

I was in my favourite dive bar last night, relaxing over a pint…alone. I wasn’t even hitting on women—just chilling out after a long and productive day, reminiscing  a not-too-distant time when I was terrified of being in a bar or club alone. By myself! The first time I ever went out by myself was…