
Female Pick Up Coaches

Female Pick Up Coaches

RSD, the world’s largest pickup company now has a female dating coach Not only is she pretty, but her advice doesn’t suck.  I’ve had many women tell me they want to be pickup coaches I usually link them to the small handful of female coaches, like Kezia Noble, and they quickly reject the advice. “This…

Approach More Women Already

Approach More Women Already

You’re not approaching enough women. Really think about it. Understand it. A student recently complained to me that he met a girl on the street, and she rejected him through text. He wanted to know what he could do to salvage the situation.  “Nothing.” I told him. “Go meet more girls.”  Because that’s always the answer….

Meeting Women In Thailand

Meeting Women In Thailand

Have you ever travelled internationally?  One thing that blew my mind was how much easier it was to hook up with beautiful women while travelling.  Part of this is a concept called “Travellers Mind.”  When you travel, you’re in a different mental and emotional state. Everything is new, exciting. You feel a sense of freedom,…