
Maintain a Balanced State to Avoid Emotional Exhaustion

Maintain a Balanced State to Avoid Emotional Exhaustion

I’ve coached about a hundred men now and I’ve noticed recurring and universal patterns in their behaviour  We’re all similar, yet the majority of us feel separate and unique, like the human experience hasn’t been played out a billion times. Nope, you’re special. Nobody has ever gone through what you’re going through. When a student has a certain issue with…

The Lives of Others

The Lives of Others

I’m trying to write but these old hens are sitting here clucking about how Suzy has been, “Strutting around in her new three-hundred dollar shoes,” and, “Those tables were very poorly set and didn’t we drive such a long way to get there?” The wonder and horror of what we may become and what we…

World Traveller

One year ago in a fit of existential terror, I decided I wanted to backpack through Southeast Asia. I chose a budget of $1200 per month, for three months, with a $4000 buffer for returning home so that I would not have to give handjobs under a bridge, ever again. I worked my ass off…