
Calgary Pua Dating Bootcamp

Calgary Pua Dating Bootcamp

Calgary is known as a pickup wonderland, where girls are friendly and plentiful. If you’re a single male looking to improve your success with women, dating and pickup—two day bootcamps are now available in Calgary. I’m Tony D, and I’m a professional dating and seduction coach. I’ve been teaching pickup since 2009, and have personally…

Social Circle Game

Social Circle Game

Approaching random women is not the easiest way to bring more girls into your life. The pickup artist community desperately wants to believe that all cold approaching is the magic pill that will bring you a worthy girlfriend, or the harem of your adolescent dreams. Approaching a load of women and playing the numbers game…

Learn From Women
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Learn From Women

When I was in Asia I met loads of women, mostly tourists from Europe. I rarely went more than a day or two without meeting and hanging out with some. It was so refreshing compared to Vancouver, where I can meet nice girls, invite them to hang out, and then never hear from them again….