
They Just Keep Coming

They Just Keep Coming

They just keep coming: The 23 year old virgins The lonely immigrant software engineers The divorcees The shy The frustrated The awkward They just keep coming They find me on Google They find me on Youtube They find me through my books “I wanted to know what to text a girl, and I found you.”…

Jordan Peterson And Vice On College Rape Culture

Jordan Peterson And Vice On College Rape Culture

I loathe pretty much all of the mainstream media in 2018, but especially Vice media. They’ve become the epitome of sackless-eunuch-hipster journalism, spreaders of fake-news, cultural-marxism, radical feminism and cancerous identity politics. Vice buried most of this two hour interview with hero of logic and truth, Professor Jordan Peterson, choosing to share only twenty minutes,…

My Top 5 Reads of 2017

My Top 5 Reads of 2017

In 2017 I managed to read about 50 books. I started and dropped a bunch of others. The result? Conversational and intellectual alienation from normies. The smarter you become, the greater the divide. You want to discuss the relation between losing fear of death and happiness? The state of quantum physics in relation to biology?…