
I’m Tony Depp.
I’m an author, armchair philosopher and men’s coach.
I’ve been featured many times in mainstream media, and am a featured coach at Datingadvice.com
You can also read the entire story in my novel.
I have ten years of experience, seven of those as a professional confidence coach. That’s more than any other teacher in Vancouver, and probably Canada. I travel internationally and have coached hundreds of men live, and tens of thousands through my blog and YouTube. As of now I’ve taught live workshops in six countries and a dozen cities From Bangkok to Phoenix, Los Angeles to Montreal, London to Toronto and more.
Whether you are lacking confidence with women, or looking to improve your social skills, or just find your purpose, I’m here to help.
I used to be horribly nervous, anxious, and insecure. But I did a deep dive, and over many years, transformed my life.
I hope you have fun reading my articles. I’ve dedicated thousands of hours to my own self-development so that I can share my philosophies with you.
I truly want nothing more than to help men live a happy, healthy life, and make the world a better place for both men, and women.
Considering hiring a coach? I travel. Have any questions? Just ask! I love reader mail.