The 30 Day Positivity Challenge

Man with shirt off flexing muscles

Let’s talk about a famous self development routine: the thirty day positivity challenge.

One thing I’ve learned in my 16 years as a dating coach is that negativity just doesn’t work. 

This isn’t pseudo-science. There are countless clinical studies proving the benefits of a positive mindset.

Being a positivity guy is one of the fundamentals for being good with girls.

Not only are beautiful women repulsed by it, there’s just no benefit to your life. 

Here are the benefits of a negative mindset:

  • It won’t help you make money
  • It won’t help you attract women
  • It won’t fix your self-esteem
  • It won’t bring you gains at the gym
  • It won’t help you make friends
  • It won’t build your side hustle
  • It won’t fix your health issues

I challenge you to find even one benefit of negativity. 

Depression is a Choice

Woman laying on rocks in a swimsuit at the beach

I used to be a very depressed guy. I had very low self-worth and struggled in most areas of my life relating to health, wealth, and relationships. Even when I was a decade into working as a coach I still suffered. I was better off than when I was younger, but I still struggled to remain positive. 

I can proudly say I haven’t been depressed in at least five years. Not even for a minute. 

If you want to know how I defeated my depression, and how you can apply it to your life, watch this video from my travel channel. 

Once I applied the philosophy of positivity completely to my life, everything changed for me.

I’m not saying I got more pussy, or made more money. I love pussy and money, don’t get me wrong. But what’s more important is waking up each day and feeling excited to have more time to experience life and all its wonders. Because if you can get that part right, the rest will follow. 

“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” – Matthew 25:29 (NIV)

I’m not a Christian but The Bible has a point. Abundance mentality only works when you already possess it. And that starts with your mindset. You don’t have to physically have what you desire, just choose to feel as if you already have it.

Now, if you struggle with depression, cynicism, negativity, or just maintaining a positive mindset, I will share with you a foundational self-development technique to help you overcome your limiting beliefs and adopt a more positive mindset. 

It’s called the 30 Day Positivity Challenge

The 30 Day Positivity Challenge

Man doing a cartwheel shirtless at the beach

The idea is simple: for 30 days you’re not allowed to hold any negative thoughts for longer than it takes you to catch yourself. If you find yourself dwelling on negativity and not immediately changing your attitude, you begin again at day one. 

That means not thinking anything negative, and especially not speaking anything negative. 

Most of us walk around in a sort of sleepwalk, a daze, totally unconscious, oblivious to our own thoughts and feelings. What this challenge accomplishes is to bring awareness to your thoughts and emotions, or to become “present,”  “conscious,” or “self-aware.” 

For example: 

Bad Luck

You’re going for a walk and it starts to rain. You think, “It’s always raining. I hate the rain. If it was sunny there would be more hot women out to meet.” 

This is negative. You must catch these thoughts and instantly banish them. Instead, you replace these thoughts with gratitude: “I’m so glad it’s raining because it will mean the plants will be much greener.” 

You bash your head on a low hanging tree branch. “Shit! Fuck! Why does this always happen to me? Stupid trees.” You catch yourself and say, “I’m so grateful I didn’t crack my head open.” 

You get an unexpected bill for a huge amount of money. You think, “I never get a break. I’m never going to save money. This sucks.” Instead you give gratitude for all the times of abundance you’ve experienced up until now, and thank the Universe for having such wealth and living in a free and open society.


You’re into fitness and you see a very obese man stuffing his face with a quadruple patty cheeseburger while simultaneously smoking a cigarette. You think: “What a disgusting lifestyle that guy has.”

But you catch yourself mid thought, and instead think about what an awesome day you’re having, and everything you have to look forward to. You have a little empathy for the man and think, “He must either love food or be suffering from addiction. I hope he finds peace.” 

A girl you approached rejects you saying, “Sorry I have a boyfriend” and walks away. You think, “What a bitch and liar. If she knew what a cool guy I am…” But you catch your thoughts, and think instead, “What a lucky guy!” You whistle and carry on with your day. 


Man getting hugged from behind by a beautiful woman

You walk past a mirror and notice you have a growing bald spot. You think, “I’ll never be as handsome as I used to be. I may as well give up.” But you catch this toxic self-image and delete all negative thoughts from your mind. You simply don’t think about it, and allow yourself to feel gratitude for the gift of being alive. If you must look in the mirror, you accept that things change and admire the handsome qualities you possess. 

The News

If you follow the news or politics you’re going to be inundated with negativity. According to the media, the world is riddled with deadly viruses, economic collapse, rampant race and sexism, and possibly world war 3. 

If you listen to the news you may think, “Oh my god the world is ending. I better stock up on guns and food and get ready for the apocalypse.” But instead you catch your thoughts and banish this toxic shit from your mind. Then you decide to go on a social media diet, and only consume media that makes you feel good or helps you live a better, more fulfilling life. 

Victim Mentality

The world is not out to get you. You are not cursed. Maybe you weren’t given the body, talent, or social status you desire. But instead of playing the victim, accept who you are, and be grateful for the gift of life. Really feel it. You are not a victim. You’re a sovereign man who carves his own path through life. 

The Benefits of The 30 Day Positivity Challenge

Man and woman kissing at the beach at sunset

Like I’ve said there are absolutely zero benefits to a negative mindset. It’s not going to get you laid, make you rich, or allow you to live a more fulfilling life. 

The benefits are: 

  • Increased happiness and joy
  • Attraction from people in general, but especially sexy women
  • More energy to accomplish your goals
  • The manifestation of your dreams and desires
  • Mental and emotional stability
  • More fun and adventure
  • Less fear
  • More health, wealth, and better relationships 

The list goes on. You can add to it yourself. 

Try the thirty day positivity challenge. 

Start today. No negativity for thirty days. 

It only takes a little practice before this mindset becomes a habit, then it just becomes who you are.

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