Build confidence, develop charisma, and meet the woman of your dreams

I’m Tony, a veteran dating coach with over fifteen years of experience helping men achieve their romantic goals.


Nervous around beautiful women? Crush your approach anxiety with this Fearless Approach Blueprint.

It contains one super-powerful technique that eliminates nervousness, so you can effortlessly flirt with beautiful women. 

***You will also join my newsletter which is full of tips on how to improve your dating life***

About Me

Who is Tony Depp?

I used to be incredibly shy, insecure, and needy. I couldn’t keep a girl interested. 

Then I studied the top dating experts, followed their advice, and approached thousands of strangers (mostly beautiful women) in every situation imaginable. 

For over fifteen years I’ve taught men how to improve their dating lives, making me one of the most experienced dating coaches for men in the world. 

I’ve travelled to over thirty countries and taught hundreds of live, attraction bootcamps. 

I’ve published two books on dating and seduction that have sold thousands of copies and generated hundreds of reviews on Amazon. Many of the top dating coaches have hired me as their ghostwriter. 

Few men on the planet know as much about female attraction, and the psychology of success as I do. 

Let me help you achieve your goals in dating, and beyond.

Tony D – Meeting Women With Direct Compliments


What my clients are saying