Why Nice Guys Project Femininity

The Western World’s dating culture is deeply dysfunctional. It’s a relationship where the couple beats the crap out of each other daily but without the makeup sex. 

By the West I mean the first world: America, Canada, Western Europe, and even Asian nations like Japan and to a degree, China. Countries where monogamy is the ideal, but rarely the reality.

Men can’t attract and keep the women they want, and women can’t find or keep the men they desire. This is because in the West, men act like women, and women act like men. To say “act” isn’t accurate, because they’re not aware they’re acting. It’s more an autonomous “being.” 

Being a typical nice guy just doesn’t work in the West.

Men are being women; women are being men. 

Yeah, it’s a sweeping, general statement but you know what I mean. 

Westerners are confused about their sexual roles, so they project what they would prefer in an ideal mate. 

That’s why women burp, fart, swear like truckers, and cover their beautiful bodies with dumb tattoos; and why men are overly polite, accommodating, emotionally unstable, egoically fragile, soy-boy weaklings. 

As men generally want a soft-spoken, attentive, thoughtful, submissive, caring, doting female to stroke their hair and sing to them under the olive tree as they fall asleep, women want a strong, masculine man to take care of business, without taking bullshit from anyone, while being extroverted, dominant, outspoken, creative, and sexually aggressive. 

Because nobody is teaching men and women how to attract the opposite sex, they’re acting how they would prefer their ideal lovers to act. 

Men are soft, and women are hard.

It’s a complete inversion of traditional gender roles… and nobody is happy with it. Well, maybe a few are, but they’re weirdos. 

The result is most men can’t get laid, and the most beautiful women are getting used and tossed by the 1% of guys who have game. 

This is why  for decades now men have been flocking overseas to meet women. They go places like Se Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, to find women who aren’t vulgar, manish, and covered in tacky tattoos. 

Women do this too. But they go more to Latin America and hook up with Costa Rican surf instructors and tattoo artists. 

They’re so starved for traditional romance they seek it from the beautiful denizens of third-world countries. 

The redpillers place the blame on Globalism, Feminism, and Leftism. They’re on the right track, but it’s not so simple. I’ve heard that good times make weak men. And when men are weak, women act out. All of the problems in the Western world are a giant shit test that men are failing, epically

We have too much wealth, too much automation, too much safety. 

Fat man in virtual reality surrounded by robots in his living room

This has made men soft. Like a little girl drawing on a moustache and pretending to be daddy, but never being told “Now honey, you’ll never find a husband that way!” Or a little boy wearing a dress and never being told, “Now son, you’re a boy, not a girl. Go fetch my hammer so we can fix that fence.” 

There’s no education on what the opposite sex finds attractive. That was, until the pickup artist movement happened, starting in the 2000’s until the current black pill incarnation, along withe Hamzas and Tates. 

In my country, from my generation (Gen X), half the nation has been raised by single moms. It’s not the single mom’s fault that she’s a single mom… it’s our fault. We men let this happen. We have a generational amnesia. We can’t even remember what the world was like when we had to work for our gains. 

So what’s the solution? 

First, realize you’ve been lied to. That acting like a girl isn’t going to help you in any way. It won’t get you a wife, it won’t land you a better job, and it won’t motivate you to make the profound changes you need to succeed in life, at anything. 

Masculinity isn’t a silly word to be mocked. Having some sort of masculine philosophy means the bridging the chasm from nihilistic apathy to purpose and meaning. 

I had a very feminine friend. He once complained to me that he’d been lied to. They women said they want a man who was sensitive, caring, submissive, sweet, and attentive. For years he was totally ignored romantlically by women. 

Finally he took my advice. He started acting more dominant, more aloof, less willing to please, more opinionated. Then of course, women took notice, he started getting laid, and finally got married. Was he proud of his transformation? Not at all. He often complained that he had to act like a man and what a drag it was he couldn’t just be himself. 

Being a man isn’t a default state. It’s a philosophy, a choice you make every hour of every day. 

It’s time to make more of the right choices, to flip the inversion back to to its proper polarity. 

If you’re stuck in your love life, it’s probably because you act more like a girl, than a man. If the women around you are more masculine than you are, then what hope do you have? 

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